• 2 months ago
Youth Spending and Taking Loans For Wedding : పెళ్లంటే పందిళ్లు, సందళ్లు తప్పెట్లు, తాళాలు, తలంబ్రాలు అన్నది ఒకప్పటి పద్ధతి. ప్రీ వెడ్డింగ్‌ షూట్‌లు, హల్దీ కార్యక్రమాలు, ఖరీదైన ఫంక్షన్‌ హాళ్లు, లెక్కకు మిక్కిలి వంటకాలు ఇదీ ఇప్పటి పద్ధతి. వెరసి ఇప్పుడు పెళ్లంటే ఖర్చులు తడిసి మోపెడు అవుతున్నాయి. దీనికి తోడు పెళ్లి విషయంలో పిల్లలదే పెత్తనం కావడం వారి అభీష్టాలను తల్లిదండ్రులు, కుటుంబీకులు గౌరవించక తప్పని పరిస్థితి నెలకొనడంతో వివాహ సగటు ఖర్చు ఓ భారీ సినిమా బడ్జెట్‌ను తలపిస్తోంది. ఒకరిని చూసి మరొకరు తాహతుకు మించి ఖర్చు చేస్తూ కష్టాల్లో కూరుకుపోతున్నారు. పేద, మధ్యతరగతి ప్రజలకు పెళ్లి చేయాలంటేనే భయపడే పరిస్థితి ఏర్పడింది.


00:00They say, build a house, get married and see, the cost of these two houses is like that.
00:09Since the time of our ancestors, marriage has been considered as a cheap activity,
00:14but with the changes in traditions and customs, it has now become a very cheap activity.
00:19Clothes, gold, ornaments, food, dowry, fasts and vows are not allowed for marriage.
00:26The cost of all this is in lakhs.
00:29That's why, to get a girl married, poor middle class parents start paying money from the time she is born.
00:37No matter how much you pay, the cost will go beyond the limit.
00:41But, this is all a few years ago.
00:43Now, the cost of marriage is not beyond the limit, it is going beyond the sky.
00:47With the changes in traditions, poor middle class people,
00:51now to get their children married, a situation has arisen.
01:10Once upon a time, marriages were held in the grounds in front of the house or in the nearby empty spaces.
01:15If not, the nearby temples would hold the Kalyana Vedic rituals.
01:21With the passage of time, the rituals of marriage have reached the non-AC, AC function halls.
01:27In spite of the good Kalyana Vedic rituals,
01:30there are a lot of restrictions on the marriage.
01:33If there is no Vedic ritual, marriages are being held in hotels.
01:38Lighting lamps,
01:41private security guards,
01:45bouncers, brass bands,
01:47bar hats,
01:50horse-drawn carts,
01:51in addition to the things that are there in their traditions and the things that are not there,
01:54there is no delay in the expenses.
01:56Due to the increase in the rates, the expenses of marriages are going beyond the sky.
02:00Especially, the golden rate that is suitable for marriage,
02:03in 2021, if it was Rs. 52,000, now it has exceeded Rs. 80,000.
02:08For stage decorations, there are people who charge Rs. 25 lakhs for live flowers.
02:12They come from Coimbatore and do it.
02:14Here, for local oil, it will be Rs. 5 lakhs, Rs. 7 lakhs, Rs. 12 lakhs.
02:18They are spending more on this expenditure than the rent.
02:22I think it is better to do it in the way it is available.
02:25But, people want to do it as they like, right?
02:29That is why they are spending a lot and doing it well.
02:32The golden rate for marriage is also a part of it.
02:36Even if the rate increases so much, people are still buying it.
02:39That is why, no matter what the rate is, no matter what the design is,
02:42people come to buy the latest one every day.
02:46In the past, people used to say that it is enough to have one Anvai, one Sutram Gulsu, one Nallapoosal Gulsu.
02:53But, nowadays, there is a variety for each day.
02:56Today, we have seen that one has become old.
02:58Tomorrow, we will need a new variety.
03:00Even if the rate increases, people are still buying it.
03:02This is not decreasing.
03:04That is why, the designs are also coming out as latest.
03:07The requests of the people are also coming out as latest.
03:09Even if the rate increases, people are not reducing it.
03:13They are still buying it, as if it has reduced.
03:15Sir, there is no budget.
03:16In the past, people used to buy 5, 3 or 10 thulas.
03:19Today, some people are buying 10 or 20 thulas, as if it has reduced.
03:23But, the value has increased because of that.
03:25But, the thulas are also increasing and people are buying heavy designs.
03:29Even if the rate increases, people are still buying it.
03:32Even if the rate is 10 lakhs or 5 lakhs, people are still buying it.
03:35They want the design to be full and the design to be a variety.
03:38The changes that have come in the marriage market are now increasing the marriage expenses.
03:42In the past, there used to be only reception along with the marriage.
03:45But now, it is called as Haldi.
03:47Other Uttaradhyayam marriages are starting from 2 or 3 days after the marriage.
03:51Along with this, pre-wedding shoots are another trend.
03:54The expenses for the pre-wedding shoots of the bride and groom are not being accounted for.
03:58With different settings, they are arranging to make the movie look like a painting.
04:03For this, thousands of event managers are coming forward.
04:07For this, some are going to remote areas.
04:10In the marriages, they are shooting videos with drones.
04:13Makeup expenses are crossing the limits.
04:15Along with the bride, the makeup of the grooms are costing lakhs of rupees.
04:19Modern styles have come into the marriage scene.
04:22Everything is a celebration for today.
04:24The bachelor parties are increasing the youth.
04:28Till now, makeup was not done by anyone.
04:32Now, the tradition is that everyone is showing interest in makeup.
04:37Not only the bride, the groom is also asking for it.
04:40All the relatives are showing a lot of interest in makeup.
04:44They like to get ready beautifully.
04:48Since marriage happens only once, they are purchasing for it at any cost.
04:53They will show us the makeup and hairstyles that they want.
04:57There will be a difference in the hairstyles.
05:00They will show us the pics.
05:03We will follow them according to those pics.
05:06According to the wedding invitation, the bride can be in any condition.
05:10Also, the wedding invitation can determine how grand the wedding will be.
05:16This is the specialty of the wedding invitation.
05:19With the changing times, the news in the wedding invitation is also changing.
05:23Till now, in the wedding invitation, the bride's name, where to go, time,
05:28and the bride's family members' personal details were only there.
05:31But now, some people are wearing the wedding invitation
05:35based on the positive influence of the society.
05:39Not only that, the bride's are showing interest in wearing the wedding invitation
05:45based on the results of the war, patriotism, and so on.
05:49Because of this, the wedding expenses are increasing.
06:01The bride's family members are showing interest in wearing the wedding invitation.
06:06The bride's family members are showing interest in wearing the wedding invitation.
06:09The bride's family members are showing interest in wearing the wedding invitation.
06:12The bride's family members are showing interest in wearing the wedding invitation.
06:15The bride's family members are showing interest in wearing the wedding invitation.
06:20The bride's family members are showing interest in wearing the wedding invitation.
06:23The bride's family members are showing interest in wearing the wedding invitation.
06:28The bride's family members are showing interest in wearing the wedding invitation.
06:32The bride's family members are showing interest in wearing the wedding invitation.
06:36The bride's family members are showing interest in wearing the wedding invitation.
06:38If there is a wedding or a birthday in your house,
06:43we will show the relevant data to them and convince them to do the work.
06:50But according to the current trend,
06:52the bride's family members are showing interest in wearing the wedding invitation.
06:57The bride's family members are showing interest in wearing the wedding invitation.
06:59The bride's family members are showing interest in wearing the wedding invitation.
07:01The bride's family members are showing interest in wearing the wedding invitation.
07:03The bride's family members are showing interest in wearing the wedding invitation.
07:05The bride's family members are showing interest in wearing the wedding invitation.
07:07The bride's family members are showing interest in wearing the wedding invitation.
07:09The bride's family members are showing interest in wearing the wedding invitation.
07:11The bride's family members are showing interest in wearing the wedding invitation.
07:13The bride's family members are showing interest in wearing the wedding invitation.
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07:19The bride's family members are showing interest in wearing the wedding invitation.
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