• 2 months ago


00:00Where are you from?
00:02Where are you from?
00:03Dammu, Fatehabad, No. 4
00:05What is your problem?
00:07Sir, my wife is taking Bilbao Pension
00:12Since 2019
00:14We just got to know, so we have come to you
00:17To request you
00:22Sir has said, let's see if we can do something
00:25Why is she taking Bilbao Pension?
00:27Sir, according to Article 125, we have to pay Rs.1000
00:30Every month, we pay Rs.1000
00:32After that, you have been declared dead
00:37Yes, I have been declared dead
00:40She is taking my pension
00:42You have come to the Collector?
00:44Yes, I have come to the Collector
00:46He has given me the assurance that my work will be done
00:48Let's see
00:49Where is your wife now?
00:50She is in Rayleigh
00:52With whom?
00:53She lives with her father
00:55When did you come to know?
00:57Sir, we came to know a month ago
00:59She is in the list of people who have been declared dead
01:01She has been declared dead
01:03She has taken Bilbao Pension
