• 2 months ago
Fomentó su opinión argumentando sobre el supuesto daño hepático, renal y la cantidad de efectos adversos que tiene el tomar hormonas el resto de tu vida.


00:00I've also been present with the Indomables.
00:02With Patti, yes.
00:03With Patti.
00:04Have you had the opportunity to defend Daniela Vega or do you back out when Patricia talks about her?
00:09Look, I respect a lot that she can self-perceive as a woman, etc.
00:13I'm not going to deny that.
00:15But I agree with Claudia.
00:17For me, there are two genders, two sexes.
00:19Man, biologically it is like that.
00:21Don't come to me with no.
00:23We are in the same discussion where Dr. Segers said the other day
00:28that life started from the moment the baby came out of its mother's womb.
00:33What are we talking about?
00:35A person who is in charge of artificial insemination,
00:39of making the dream of two people who want to be parents happy,
00:44and can't be in a natural way,
00:47to really say that life begins after giving birth.
00:51Life begins when it is conceived.
00:54Which of all of you, who was aborted in this room?
00:58No, no, no, but you are going to the topic of abortion, which I think is a good discussion too.
01:02No, but I'm talking to you about how things are biologically distorted.
01:06How everything is deconstructed.
01:08So that we don't cheat on the biological issue.
01:10Because we are talking about that, about Daniela.
01:12But you are talking about birth, okay.
01:14But then there are psychological developments too.
01:16And that's why there are different ways of accepting and facing life today.
01:23That's why it's called LGTBIQ+.
01:26Perfect, but also the harm with hormones.
01:31The liver damage, the kidney damage.
01:33I mean, the amount of adverse effects that taking hormones has
01:40to hormone you for the rest of your life.
01:43I mean, those are things that doctors don't tell you either.
01:50And it is known, there is a study, that there are many who have had the transit
01:56and have regretted it later.
01:58I know, I know cases directly.
02:02So it's a delicate issue.
02:04You say there is a lot of biological issue there.
02:07But what about the emotional damage of a man, a woman, who feels that she is
02:11psychologically in the body of instinct?
02:14I can't get into that.
02:16You have to start the discussion, Foscata.
02:19No, because I think each person is unique.
02:21That's why I asked for your opinion.
02:23Each case is unique.
02:25I can't generalize because each case is unique.
02:28That's why I'm burdened with these generalizations.
02:31I don't like them.
02:33Each person is unique and unrepeatable.
02:36I don't know what happens to Juan Lope, to Pedro Pérez.
02:40Each one, me, my trans friends, that I have several,
02:44to this day, they have to harmonize.
02:48And it costs them a lot.
02:50It costs them a lot because if they don't do it, they have to have a psychiatrist for life.
02:54And there are some who don't have enough maturity to do the transition.
02:59And they do it a little guided.
03:02There are many people who say that the abandoned patty has attacked Daniela Vega.
03:07Do you feel that the patty has attacked her?
03:10In what sense?
03:11Because she says it's a man?
03:13Yes, because there are some words and obviously abuse, according to me.
03:17But tell me which one.
03:18When she says it's a man.
03:21If she feels offended, I think, of course ...
03:24I think it's an offense, she doesn't feel offended.
03:29I think being a man is not an offense to me.
03:33You are a man, you are a woman.
03:35No, but you are changing the subject.
03:36If you self-perceive ...
03:37You don't think it's an offense.
03:38No, but you both know what we're talking about.
03:40I don't think it's an offense.
03:42I've been told it's much worse.
03:44But we're not talking about that, we're talking about ...
03:46Yes, but I think it's a little ...
03:51A little.
03:52I think.
03:53My humble opinion.
03:54Everything can happen in purgatory.
