Rigeo habló de la enfermedad de su hija Renata, usuaria de Teletón.
00:00Yes, they are very good parents, and I want to show this piece of history of this note, Rígido, where you talk about your relationship with Reny, look.
00:08Ah, perfect.
00:13My daughter is already much more independent, the subject of the Angelman syndrome is already worked on, we have controlled her epileptic crisis, and I can overcome it.
00:22Her motivation, just like mine, is music. I show all the models I record to her, it's the first time I listen to them, and if she dances, it's because she's going to hit.
00:34I'm happy that my daughter is going to sing well again, because she has always accompanied me, and I thank her, incredibly, because all the sorrows that I will someday hear in the corridors of the telethon, and everything that I will do in the corridors of the telethon, will never be erased.
00:58But thanks to that, I learned that the word Esperanza on the telethon becomes giant. I don't know if my daughter is going to change on her own, I don't know if my daughter is going to call me dad one day.
01:08But above all, my daughter is super happy. She is only love. If you give her love, she gives you love back. So, on that side, I feel privileged.
01:19Well, I am a witness to the relationship that Ríos has with her son. You are also with shared tuition, 15 days, 15 days. How is your son working with respect to his mother? How do you do it?
01:34We decided, she decided, a shared tuition, deep down. I accepted it with a lot of love. A very big challenge, especially for Reni, especially for Rodri, because shared tuition is perhaps easier with 15-year-old children.
01:48But with a 3-year-old boy and a 14-year-old girl, it's a wheelchair, where you have to move her, where you have to bathe her. It's pretty hard, I'm not saying because I'm a sexist, but suddenly you don't know things about children. The fever, this.
02:04Of course, that's why I tell you that today I value a woman's fever and I will understand it a thousand percent, because I'm there, I'm a father, a mother. Those 16 days, because I deliver him at 2 p.m. and the other day I'm always aware of him.
02:18Damn, I'm so happy, with the 3-year-old I sleep, his name is Rodri. It's very nice, Martín.
02:25For those who don't know, what's the name of Angelman's syndrome?
02:33What is Angelman's syndrome?
02:34Angelman's syndrome, look, it's super crazy, because when they gave me the diagnosis, in my ignorance, at 25, 26, I said, thank goodness it wasn't Down, because I had much worse Down syndrome. Damn, today I would ask God that it was Down. I don't want to talk about it, but...
02:57It's very difficult, but your daughter is happy, and that's the most important thing.
03:00It's a topic that hurts me a lot.
03:02But your daughter is very happy, you are a very good father, you are also happy with her.
03:08Yes and no. I'm going to be super honest with you. I am very happy with the Queen, but not with her illness.
03:15You suffer with that, obviously.
03:17Every day. Every day, until I die. I swear to God. I mean, they gave me a gift, but her illness, Martín, is terrible.
03:30I don't know, when they tell you, damn, it's a blessing from God, and you say, do you want the blessing for your son? And they tell you, no, then no. I don't like being so simplistic. I swear to you, I cry, not because I'm a crybaby, it's because my daughter hits me a lot.
03:48Because it's painful.
03:50And apart from that, they are the hope of your first daughter, you know? Like, I don't know, yesterday I saw Agustina, my niece, my daughter, who chose me as a godfather later.
04:01And I said, man, look how beautiful Agustina is. I wish the Queen was with her, getting ready to go, to talk to me, to tell me, dad, I want to be with my cousin.
04:11I mean, I don't have that possibility. Sometimes people say that I think in an egoistic way. No, I don't think in an egoistic way.
04:17Suddenly they tell me, but right now you're the best person. I swear to you, I'd rather be the coldest guy I was before, but see Renata well.
04:26Because today I consider myself a good human being, closer, you know? Many things that I didn't see. And today I do see them, but I would make that change.
04:36I would ask God for that kiss. I'd make that change, man. I'd rather be the worst human being, but see my girlfriend well.
04:43Because life is fast, and Renata is not autonomous. And I feel that when a human being loses its autonomy, it stops being, I mean...
04:51You're afraid, you're afraid that when...
04:53I'm very afraid of dying, and that Renata is left alone, man. Because today I am the engine of the Kingdom.
04:59I take her to therapy, I take her to get vaccinated, I'm present there. So I know that the day I leave, I don't know who my daughter is going to stay with.
05:07Because I can't tell her brother, it's your turn. Because it's hard, because people...
05:12Don't stay with me.
05:14Are we recording this?
05:16That's why it's the value of the family.
05:18No, but I tell you that it's very hard, it's very hard, it's very hard, because I can't give it to my sister. Take Dani, raise her for me.
05:23Ah, but I would do it.
05:24Because I know that...
05:25God forbid, something happens to my sister tomorrow.
05:28But the people who are at home can understand me.
05:30I can say it publicly.
05:31No, they can understand me that such serious diseases are a family prison, man.
05:36Because I couldn't move forward.
05:38No, no, Renata has a problem with sleep. She is an exquisiteness.
05:41An exquisite girl, she laughs and everything.
05:43Pure love.
05:44Music, pure love.
05:45But her disease, I don't find it to be a blessing.
05:47I'm never going to stay, I'm never going to be so simple as to say, thank God for this blessing. No.
05:53No, I'm never going to do it.
05:55Well, you make that difference and I think it's super legitimate, because what you are finally saying is that I can't live without my daughter.
06:03My daughter is happy, I am happy, but I would love for her not to suffer.
06:07I would love for you not to be going through what you are going through.
06:09I would love that.
06:10That was the time she walked in Dani's house.
06:12Tell me what happened there.
06:13We were with Dani, do you remember?
06:15Taking Renata's trot out and we let her go.
06:17Renata gets along very well with me.
06:19She hugs me, she pulls my hair.
06:21Look there, that was the first time that Reni walked alone.
06:26Because she was following me.
06:27But also because she wanted to get into the pool, because she was crazy.
06:30And it was crazy to see her walk.
06:32I mean, an emotion, Martin, because something so simple.
06:36Suddenly one gets up from bed and with the fact of getting up, Martin, and going to the bathroom, you already achieved it.
06:41There are people who cannot achieve it.
06:43There are people who are in hospitals with their children who cannot achieve it.
06:47And something as simple as that, this gesture, taking this, there are people who cannot do it.
06:51So sometimes I feel that the human being today is so destructive when he does not want something.
06:57I don't like this, I'm going to break it.
06:59Little tolerance.
07:00Little tolerance.
07:01And they knew how a family would like to go out to that park, which is already destroyed, with their child to look at it.
07:07Something so simple, Martin, to breathe.
07:09That's why today, of course, I thank Reni's illness in that part that changed me as a human being.
07:14But I would change it to God again to see her walk, obviously.
07:18I would love to. It's my dream.
07:22I think that your testimony reaches many people today.
07:27And it is also a way to define the pain that one can have as a father, or a mother too.
07:33Because only you and your mother know what that means.
07:38Of course.
07:40And I can assure you that if there is something that must be very, very, very powerful for her,
07:45it is that she receives that unconditional love from you and feels it every day.
07:49I ask you to take a short break and continue talking here with Dani.