• 2 months ago
Davos is transformed beyond recognition for the week of the annual World Economic Forum which gathers together world leaders, businesses, moguls and opinion formers.

Some businesses rent out their buildings for up to $70,000! CGTN’s Jianhua Li reports.

#wef25 #worldeconomicforum #unhcr


00:00Hello and welcome to Davos 2025 and behind me in the background, I believe you can see
00:05that snow-capped mountain. That is the most iconic scene of Davos. As the world's leaders
00:11and business executives gather in this very small town, Davos has transformed beyond recognition.
00:17Some of the previous bakeries, bookshops, bike shops, you name it, dentists even, they
00:21have rented out their businesses to other companies just for this week. And here we
00:26have loads of shops. You can see India Bar over there and if you turn around you can
00:31see AR House. There are so many companies just want to showcase their products in this
00:42very week and it is said that a stall as big as 80 to 90 square metres in space can fetch
00:49at least 70,000 US dollars in rent just for one week.
