• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Ci sono dati che ci fanno essere ottimisti: l’anno scorso l’Italia è stata il quarto paese esportatore al mondo superando il Giappone”. Lo ha detto Francesco De Santis, vicepresidente per la ricerca e lo sviluppo di Confindustria, a margine della presentazione della seconda edizione dello studio “Ricerca e Innovazione ICT in Italia”, realizzata da Anitec-Assinform in collaborazione con Apre, l’Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea.


00:00We had many documents that explain to us, from the letter to the document Draghi, how important it is to invest in research and development to be able to guarantee a better or more competitive future for Europe.
00:22The technological content of our products is the only thing that can give us better commercial success than today.
00:33There are some data that should make us optimistic. Last year, Italy was the fourth exporting country in the world and managed to surpass Japan, which was a myth of exports 20 years ago, and we have become the best in Japan, despite being a country with 60 million inhabitants compared to 120.
00:54But the competition does not end there. The competition continues and if we want to continue on this competitive path, we have to enrich our technology factories, enrich our products of science and technology and then earn it on the field, because competition is now played at a global level, it is no longer played at a national or continental level.
