• 2 months ago
Jeremy makes a bet with Joe that the NCAA will change their playoff seeding system before the NHL.
00:00Good morning, Jeremy and Joe, and I've got a funny, want to put a bet on the bet board?
00:05I have a bet board thought we can put up that will be fun.
00:10So the National College Football Playoff is over, and one of the pretty much unanimous
00:17reviews is, yeah, you probably should change the seeding structure, it's not good, right?
00:22Arizona State, Boise State, they shouldn't have gotten buys.
00:26Alright, you guys should probably change the seeding.
00:29That's the overall takeaway, I mean there were a lot of blowouts, and I guess that's
00:34the most natural fix you could make, I mean that doesn't help you last night, which ends
00:40up being an 11 point game, it was a 24 point game at one point, but yeah, there were a
00:46lot of blowouts, and the only fix that I've even heard suggested is this one, where you
00:52just don't have the winner of the Mountain West having a first round buy, no matter what
00:57the record is.
00:58Oh Mountain West, yeah, Boise State.
00:59They'll be in the Pac-12 next year.
01:01Even that might not protect from the blowouts, because that team's not as good, anyway.
01:06The bet board is, will the college football change in one year what the NHL has refused
01:13to change in like 15 years, which is a bad seeding process.
01:18The NHL playoffs is terrible for seeding, I was looking at the standings, it's not that
01:22bad this year, but in the NHL playoffs, you know, the third best team plays the fourth
01:26best team in the first round, sometimes.
01:30And they're like, yeah, it's fine.
01:32Because they're creating rivalries.
01:34Yeah, and here's college football, ooh yeah, let's change that.
01:38I bet they do.
