• 2 months ago
सार्वजनिक बांधकाम मंत्री शिवेंद्रराजे भोसले यांनी प्रोटोकॉल म्हणून एक पोलीस गाडी आपल्या ताफ्यात घेतली आहे. यावेळी बोलताना त्यांनी पोलीस संरक्षणावरुन विरोधकांना टोला लगावला.


00:00The minister is here today, he will not be here tomorrow.
00:03So don't think about it.
00:06I have only half a question.
00:08Who needs the protection of the police?
00:11They are doing something wrong.
00:13We haven't done anything wrong.
00:19We haven't taken anything from anyone.
00:21We haven't robbed anyone.
00:24We haven't done anything like that.
00:26We need protection.
00:28Earlier, the administration had given me two bags.
00:31I gave them both.
00:32Then I got a call from the collector.
00:35He said, Mr. Ambedkar, leave one car behind.
00:38We had a problem.
00:41You go around now, people will come.
00:43I said, okay, I'll take the car.
00:46He said, keep the car behind.
00:48I said, I won't go ahead.
00:50When I went ahead, his siren went off.
00:53He said, everyone in the village will give me permission.
00:55He said, you have to stay here till tomorrow.
00:57Now you can go.
00:59Earlier, he said, no car in front.
01:02He said, keep the car behind me.
01:04I said, you are the minister, so keep the car.
01:06He said, there is no siren in the village.
01:09I informed the police.
01:13Earlier, there was no siren in my car.
01:20I don't know.
01:25I was in the traffic.
01:28I heard the siren.
01:30I don't know.
01:31I don't know.
01:34How do others feel?
01:36We have to ask this question.
01:38We have to ask this question.
01:40How do people feel?
01:43I am the minister of Angara.
01:45I can't do anything.
01:47He could have sent help in some other way.
01:51He could have sent help in some other way.
01:53He could have been the minister.
01:55The minister has worked hard.
01:57He worked hard.
01:59He worked hard.
