• 2 days ago
00:00some some what is it the how you those poor flowers i guess it's you know that's how they get them
00:08okay i guess it was just a design i don't know i guess that is the thinnest sliced
00:13cucumber you will find this side of the eastern seaboard oh my god well it's a
00:23yeah it's not a person
00:24oh excuse why what for why why for what is
00:33he's a part of his mustache yeah he wrapped it all around why though i'm wondering uh
00:39excuse me i guess it cleans your foot before it's a weird way yeah but this awesome this is cool
00:46and it's like that real life uh beat saber you saw it yeah that was awesome
00:51he just kicked it with his will snap snap snap what are we doing uh the wrong yeah nice
01:04was really well wow that was incredibly skilled work i appreciate it oh oh it's how they what
01:14yeah that's cool wait a second that doesn't look like a real toe is that a real toe
01:19yeah it's fake i don't like the look of it anyway that's painful i guess
01:26um okay whoa nice who would have thunk look at this guys that's awesome oh this
01:37i guess that looks terrifying though i would not trust myself to work with that machine
01:42they looks i mean they should do job guys yeah it's very complicated but i guess necessary job
01:49we're just gonna stay here and react while you while you do that yeah we'll leave that to you
01:54thank you all right oh wow and it pulls it up cool these are crazy these guys
02:07wow they really know what they do yeah hard workers yeah
02:16any machinery that twists like that is enough for me
02:20i've seen way too tattoo remover
02:26wow we got what is this shrimp oh my gosh uh i've seen you guys do that before but never with a
02:33shrimp yeah my gosh but okay we don't wanna do it oh that looks awesome but i think it gets it
02:42gets rid of the pits yeah but what's the fruit i have no idea actually what that fruit is it
02:47looks like a weird wow man you're awesome that looks dangerous uh that's yeah step away this
02:55is actual colorized footage of benjamin franklin discovering lightning i don't know or electricity
03:01yeah but would you touch amazing yeah nice oh some some what is it how you those poor flowers
03:12i guess it's you know that's how they get them but look at all of them and they're running over
03:19oh roll the dough baby i want to put that all in my mouth okay so me too actually yeah right
03:26uh so oh oh i like that one okay interesting now we have oh nice spiderweb decoration
03:36for your glass if you really want that it's to celebrate the new spider-man movie so that's it
03:42let's then we have rainbow
03:48it's a ram it's a rainbow it's a rainbow yeah
03:52uh-huh uh-huh it's it's funny do you say rainbow rainbow or do you say it rainbow
04:00like with an m rainbow no i said uh first of all rainbow rainbow that's weird because i everyone i
04:07know and i i think everyone says rainbow like with a m rainbow yeah i know that's what it's
04:12supposed to be guys let us know below do you say rainbow or do you say rainbow
04:15it sounds almost the same yeah almost but there is oh what is this uh what you wanna
04:29i i thought it's like be careful ladies all right so i thought it's not that's amazing writing
04:36uh but what is the paint i don't know it's like um chrome maybe i think it's a cg and heat
04:44okay so some diy apple snack okay we're cutting off our apple we cut up our apple more more more
04:52they're just showing us how to cut apples and then what is that looks like honey yeah
04:59uh no shaky shaky shake ah so it's like a little makes it a little sweeter maybe
05:05i don't know about that one i don't know this is kind of cool what is this it's a paint
05:10i think it's just for soap yeah just for soap probably doesn't stay there hopefully
05:16that looks tasty that would yeah i would try this i would just
05:22whoa that looks tasty as well yeah
05:28this is why certain you know companies like can't make things look too tasty because even adults
05:33will eat them it was like that whole tide pod pod thing they look like candies and i've always
05:38thought that even before the whole type of thing and i wanted to join in the trend but i didn't
05:48okay oh that i want to try that actually that looks fun yeah i i did it then i mean i always
05:54when i was a kid really always did these things yeah my mom showed me this technique nice
05:59did this thing i'm gonna have to try it next time i'm at the beach
06:03so let's go on the beach let's go to the beach let's test it or let's do it without this yeah
06:08we don't have to test it let's just have fun yeah life isn't about testing just kidding
06:13rg5 tests everything let us know what you want us to test next please please we need more ideas
06:23okay very nice
06:28that looks really tasty actually it's like a nice fudge
06:31impression oh what the sound oh stop it yeah jeez buy me dinner first
06:43where you want to go all right so we have holes for our aluminum and then we have cutting for it
06:51what are we doing i don't know it's uh looks cool but no idea what it is using a green
06:59oh yeah maybe they just changed the picture right here what is the coolest watermelon i've ever seen
07:06yeah that's also pretty i don't want to taste it i want to i want to do this oh wow that
07:12that's nice he's also very accurate he's very very very yeah we got food this is good for me okay
07:21what is actual things that you can't eat without being judged uh looks like uh wrapped cabbage i
07:28think yeah nice i was surprised if you say i'm not gonna see this actually looks tastier for me
07:33like take one of those dip it in salsa crunch nice nice okay so okay oh those are onions yeah
07:44what's a big onion he just wants to cry a little bit he just feels like crying a whole field of
07:50and chicken chicken it was actually interesting yeah
07:59all right so we're what is this it's just lubrication for your mechanism for your
08:07mechanism always lubricate your mechanisms always so they can work there yep and longer longer
08:16in there okay so cut it off oh look at he he's yeah he's doing it pretty pretty fast oh he cuts
08:26and take them at the same time yeah amazing he asks multiple ladies out on valentine's day so
08:31he has to be efficient yeah because he's just like a stud oh nice welding i love it okay okay
08:41nice sharpening yeah i do this in video games all the time
08:46you ever play kingdom come deliverance yeah
08:50okay but there is no liquid they use it with the water that's true yeah you know what i'm talking
08:57about wow it's uh i don't know barman things yeah trick for an entire wedding party i guess
09:09yeah but it's cool though how many times it took to put in graffiti probably too much probably too
09:15much too much time for just the video too much well it depends how many views i got yeah might
09:21have been worth it okay this doesn't make any sense why are you doing this to get a template for
09:30oh what no no uh you'll see you'll see it will be for uh washing your dishes without or
09:42or you could just wash them lower and put the thing softer it's that's true too complicated
09:48for just washing your dishes i think we should test it what exactly i don't know we don't have
09:53to test anything there we just need we need to compare how many splash will be with yeah exactly
09:59but yeah i don't think it's worth it yeah anyway let us know
10:07okay so we have it looks like a double bowl
10:12oh it's actually would be nice you know the the middle part for
10:15oh no he covers no he's doing something weird okay it still looks nice
10:22it will be a donut it looks like a donut oh what flavor do you think it would be
10:30pistachio or something yes ocean pistachio sea water sea salt pistachio
10:37yeah i think that might taste good maybe
