• 2 months ago
ಕೋಟೆಕಾರು ವ್ಯವಸಾಯ ಸೇವಾ ಸಹಕಾರಿ ಬ್ಯಾಂಕ್‌ ದರೋಡೆ ಪ್ರಕರಣದ ಮೂವರು ಆರೋಪಿಗಳನ್ನು ತಮಿಳುನಾಡಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಬಂಧನ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ.


00:00As you all know, three days ago, on the 11th, a robbery took place in the property of a potter.
00:09On that day, four people were taken to the bank and robbed.
00:16They escaped in a car.
00:19Later, we took this case to the Ullal Police Station and started the investigation.
00:25In the last three days, our people have put in a lot of hard work to detect this case.
00:34This is a completely blind case.
00:39When we entered the bank branch, there was no CCTV camera or any evidence.
00:45But this is a very large amount.
00:50We had a lot of adverse coverage.
00:55There was a question mark on us also.
00:57But we accepted the challenge.
01:00All our police officers took the case to the police station in the morning and night.
01:06In the case, there was a Bombay-based gang.
01:11Three Tamilians came here to help.
01:20On that day, they escaped to Tamil Nadu via Kerala.
01:24Our teams went to Mumbai.
01:27We collected information from there.
01:29Again, one more team went to Tamil Nadu.
01:33Again, another team went to Tamil Nadu.
01:38We tracked their technological and human intelligence.
01:46We were able to zero down on two offenders who were the main kingpins.
01:52Murugandi, a native of Tirunelveli, was one of them.
02:00As of now, we have interrogated him a lot.
02:04He was a mastermind in this case.
02:06Mani Vanan, a close associate of his, helped us.
02:12Prakash, alias Joshua, is another associate of his.
02:17We were able to arrest these three people from three different places in Tirunelveli.
02:23They are still there. The process is still going on.
02:26With limited interrogation, we were able to get the car which was involved in the offence.
02:35We got the T8 car from there.
02:39It is a Maharashtra-based registration car.
02:43Murugandi brought the car from Bombay.
02:47He drove to this point and committed the offence in the same car.
02:50He was taken to Tirunelveli.
02:52We have also recovered the weapon used in the case in Tirunelveli.
03:01We have been able to recover two guni chilas.
03:06We have also recovered the guni chilas.
03:10We have not yet evaluated the guni chilas.
03:15But as of now, we have the information.
