• 2 months ago
ಮೃಣಾಲ್ ಹೆಬ್ಬಾಳ್ಕರ್ ಅವರು ಸಿಎಂ ಕರೆ ಮಾಡಿ ತಾಯಿ ಆರೋಗ್ಯ ವಿಚಾರಿಸಿದ್ದಾರೆ ಎಂದಿದ್ದಾರೆ.


00:00I was a little panicked.
00:02But today, with the blessings of all of you, he recovered very quickly.
00:09In the back bone, he had a minute fracture, a hairline crack.
00:15And it was very close to the hand.
00:17So the doctor said that he will be bed-rested for at least 15 days.
00:22He was not able to move.
00:24So he was resting.
00:26He said that he will be back to serve people very soon.
00:29What did he say to the staff?
00:31He said that no one should be afraid of the staff and people.
00:36If you look at the accident, everyone is in a state of fear.
00:40But nothing happened to them.
00:42He said that they will be back to serve people very soon.
00:45The back bone was a little more late.
00:48It was a little near the ear, a little near the throat, and then near the hand.
00:53He was coming to walk.
00:55The doctor discharged him and sent him home.
00:59He was also resting at home.
01:01So the doctor did not come to see him.
01:04So the doctor kept him here for observation for 2-3 days.
01:08Many patients come to the hospital.
01:11What happens to them?
01:12I would like to request everyone who is in the hospital.
01:15There will be other patients.
01:17Other people will also come.
01:19No one should be disturbed.
01:21Stay at home and give your blessings to those people.
01:25When you come home, we will come to meet everyone.
01:30We will meet everyone.
01:32We will come to meet the district officials.
01:35So don't come to the hospital.
01:37I request you both.
01:39Did the Chief Minister call anyone?
01:41Yes, the Chief Minister also called.
01:43If you bless this, the Home Minister also called.
01:46Many scientists and MLCs have been calling since morning.
01:51I have also spoken to many people.
01:53I have also briefed everyone.
01:55They should also give their blessings.
01:58How is the condition of Chalaka?
02:00Chalaka is fine.
02:02I called him first in the morning.
02:04He stood up and did everything.
02:06His condition is good.
02:08The doctor also gave him some medicine.
02:11He was also discharged and sent home.
02:14I also had to come with them yesterday.
02:17We had a meeting at KPCC yesterday afternoon.
02:20All of us had called the Chief Minister of Belgaum.
02:23Tomorrow is the 21st.
02:25The Gandhi Bharat program will be held here.
02:28All of us were in the meeting.
02:30I also had to come with them yesterday.
02:32They said it was a CLP meeting.
02:34I didn't have any other work.
02:37I came by train with the Chief Minister and the Chief Minister.
02:41I came to know about this as soon as I arrived.
02:44When I first came to the hospital,
02:46I saw everything here.
