• 2 days ago
Vita TV - vitasapien.org/tv

Florida Teen Makes Lionfish Discovery

A Florida teen has made an exciting discovery that has marine science experts scratching their heads.

Lauren Arrington spotted a lionfish in the Loxahatchee River, somewhere they are not supposed to be.

A marine species that has invaded Florida coastlines, Lionfish are wreaking havoc on marine life by eating everything in their path.

Lionfish are highly prized for home aquariums, and many are deliberately released into the sea where they have become a dominant species at the expense of the native fish.

Lionfish had not been observed in fresh water before, so Lauren decided to do some science to confirm her discovery.

As part of a school science fair, the sixth-grader set up multiple tanks containing Lionfish.

Starting with sea water, she progressively decreased the salinity until the water was fresh.

All the while, she monitored the fish, taking meticulous notes.

The experiment confirmed her theory that Lionfish could survive comfortably in freshwater.

Subsequent experiments by professional marine scientists reaffirmed the results.

This discovery is important for environmental managers who know that the range of this destructive animal is much greater than first thought.

Vita Sapien believes that this is an excellent news story that demonstrates a Vitan in action.

In Vita-speak, a Vitan is someone who loves nature, trusts science and is in action to make things better.

The story highlights the important role that the scientific method plays in helping us to understand the world around us.

By making the commitment to a thorough science experiment Lauren helped draw attention to the dangers of invasive species.

And finally, the success of the experiment and the subsequent media attention has likely helped to cement marine science as a part of Lauren’s spiritual core, something that gives her meaning and inner peace.

For Vita Sapien, science and spirituality sit comfortably together as they help us understand the world around and within us.



