• 2 months ago
Fabiola Sabedra y Kevin Alfonso Gil repasan todo lo que tienes que saber sobre la jornada de este domingo 19 de enero en el primer juego de la Gran Final de la LVBP. 🔥⚾

Presentado por Sella Tu Parley y Banesco

#LVBP #Beisbol #Venezuela #LaPrevia #SellaTuParley #Banesco #BanesConecta #RoundRobin
00:00SimpleTV, as simple as that.
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00:28R.A. Autoparts, quality and certified warranty.
00:33Buy your tickets through our Whatsapp page.
00:37And enjoy the passion of the Cardenales.
00:57Welcome to the Grand Finale 2024-2025.
01:09Fans of the Cardenales in Parquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela and the world.
01:14Welcome to the Grand Finale 2024-2025.
01:18Today, Sunday, January 19, 2025.
01:21We are here with Antonio Herrera Gutiérrez from Parquisimeto.
01:26Emilio Carraquel, Richard Gómez, José Rafael Colmenares.
01:30And a very special guest, because he is the new reinforcement of the Cardenales de Lara for this final.
01:36Perhaps the youngest player with the most power in Venezuelan baseball, Andrés Chaparro.
01:41Andrés, welcome to the Cardenales Network, welcome to the Cardenales de Lara.
01:44The first question we ask you.
01:47Did you imagine playing a final a week ago with a different uniform than Zulia's Eagles?
01:55To be honest, I never imagined playing a final with another uniform.
02:02Because it's not what you want when you have a team.
02:04But well, circumstances came and thank God we are here.
02:07And I am very happy to be with the Cardenales in this final.
02:09We were talking, Emilio, with Andrés.
02:12It's rare to see a young boy who is already in the big leagues,
02:16who dares to be a reinforcement in a final.
02:19And well, I would like him to tell us what his motivation was.
02:22What does it mean for him to be a reinforcement?
02:25Because he has an extra pressure.
02:29They choose you to be better than the team.
02:32Yes, look, I don't think it's pressure.
02:35I think it's more than a dream for me to play a final.
02:37To experience this, to live this.
02:40I think it's a dream for me.
02:42And to live it now with the Cardenales team.
02:44Obviously, I come here to contribute my little bit of sand,
02:47to give my best and try to get the title.
02:49Well, Andrés.
02:51Really, in a final, the adrenaline rises.
02:54You have already said it.
02:56You are a player in the big leagues.
02:58You were the rookie of the year here in Venezuela.
03:00And really, people always said, once the Eagles had no chance,
03:04the first reinforcement was going to be, or should be, Andrés Chaparro.
03:09You already had that in mind, even when you saw that the Eagles had no chance.
03:15You said, I'm going to be chosen by the Cardenales or the Bravos.
03:19Look, the truth is that I was a little indecisive.
03:21If I was really going to be on the list of reinforcements or not.
03:23But after the circumstances came, I made the decision.
03:25I talked to my family.
03:27I made the decision that I was going to be on the list.
03:29And well, then the news came that the Cardenales were going to take me.
03:31And I think for me it was...
03:33And one more question.
03:35Do you have any, with your team in the big leagues, you were a player in the big leagues.
03:38Do you have any restriction on the number of games you can participate in or something?
03:41No, look, not for now.
03:43I think that influenced a lot in the decision to sign up for the list of reinforcements.
03:46Since the team has given me the confidence to play freely.
03:48And that has not put any restrictions on me.
03:50And well, thank God, that's why I'm here too.
03:52And how have you felt in the clubhouse, in the dogao of the Cardenales de Lara,
03:56taking into account that the manager of the Cardenales is part of your team in the big leagues,
03:59the nationals of Washington.
04:01In addition, Ilemaro Vargas, who is the captain, also belonged to that team and played together.
04:06How have you felt?
04:08Have you felt comfortable?
04:10No, look, yes, I have felt quite comfortable.
04:12The truth is that yesterday when I arrived, the boys welcomed me quite well.
04:14I have felt at home.
04:16The truth is that the treatment has been very, very special.
04:18So that makes you feel more comfortable and allows you to do things with more fluidity and more confidence.
04:23Well, Andre, Lara is going to face a team.
04:26Lara is a big favorite.
04:27But she is going to face a team that has perhaps the best pitching rotation in the round robin.
04:32A team with good openers, with experience also in that group of openers.
04:37Have you thought a little about the rival?
04:41Have you more or less organized a plan in terms of each riser you are going to face?
04:47Look, I think we should not lower our guard against Bravo.
04:51I think they have been doing a great job throughout the season.
04:54And it has been noticed, they are here in the final against us.
04:57I think it's going to be a final of a lot of passion, a lot of adrenaline.
05:00Where a good baseball is going to be played.
05:02And nothing, we have to be careful.
05:04I think they have tremendous pitchers.
05:06But hey, we will make the necessary adjustments to try to decipher it and hurt it.
05:10Well, we want to thank Andres Chaparro for the time.
05:13The Cardinals are going to start their training.
05:15And therefore, the third base and fifth bat of the team must be there.
05:19Andres Chaparro.
05:21Andres, see you in Mexicali.
05:23God willing.
05:25And the third base, you had not played much this year.
05:28How do you feel there now?
05:30No, look, I feel good.
05:32I've been working the last few days.
05:34Obviously, you have to keep working to obviously do it well.
05:37So let's go with everything.
05:39That's right.
05:41Well, all the luck in the world for Andres.
05:43The great reinforcement of the Cardinals.
05:45Fourth natural bat.
05:47You will see that the line-up looks quite compact.
05:49And what Andres can do is very important.
05:51You say that the fourth natural bat.
05:52Rangel Rovello's back.
05:54He has a great back.
05:56He has 37 strokes in two rounds.
05:58Thank you, Andres.
06:00The luck and success of Andres Chaparro will be the luck and success of the Cardinals in this final.
06:05Gentlemen, the big day has arrived.
06:08Today, January 19, 2025.
06:11The first game of this grand final between the Bravos of Margarita and the Cardinals of Lara.
06:18And that is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated moments.
06:22After all this time over the months.
06:26Reaching a final.
06:28The objective is fulfilled.
06:30The third objective.
06:32And well, obviously we have great expectations.
06:34Because the Cardinals of Lara.
06:36And we could see it today.
06:38Seeing that line-up.
06:40It is armored.
06:42Yes, undoubtedly.
06:44As José Rafael says.
06:46The Cardinals are armored.
06:48I've been here all day.
06:50In different places.
06:52They told me.
06:54The Cardinals are going to sweep.
06:56I said no, gentlemen.
06:58The signing of the Bravos is very good.
07:00It is to take into account a team that.
07:02At that moment I remembered what Richard.
07:04He has always spoken of the good effectiveness they have.
07:08All the openers of the Bravos.
07:10Especially against the Cardinals.
07:12And if we coincide.
07:14It's going to be a very even series.
07:16Because a team.
07:18You said it yesterday, José Rafael.
07:20A team has the best signing.
07:22Another has the best offensive.
07:24What happens is that the balance.
07:28Every time you get closer to the end.
07:30You are discovering little things.
07:32Definitely the balance of Lara.
07:34It is much higher than that of Bravo.
07:36In all senses.
07:38The offensive difference.
07:40It is palpable.
07:42But not definitive.
07:44Because the team of Bravo knows.
07:46Take good turns and make races.
07:48But the pitching.
07:50Lara is not so far from Bravo in that sense.
07:52The openers have not been as convincing.
07:54As those of Bravo.
07:56The body of relevo of the Cardinals.
07:58It was the best of the round robin.
08:00We say it has many pieces.
08:02Bravo added another important piece.
08:05Of a Mexican.
08:07For this final series.
08:09Rafael Córdoba.
08:11They know they have three good relevistas.
08:14But not with that is enough.
08:16To face such a complete line-up as Lara.
08:18And José Moreno.
08:19José Moreno is the manager.
08:21If he has to use the locker in the fifth inning.
08:23He will use the locker in the fifth inning.
08:25Then he will see who will throw the ninth.
08:29In that depth in the relevo.
08:31There could also be a factor.
08:33That can be decisive for both teams.
08:35Both for Lara and for Bravo.
08:37Well, being Cardinals.
08:39One of the most consistent teams.
08:41Of the last decade.
08:43In fact.
08:45It is already the seventh time in the last nine years.
08:47That the Cardinals reach a final.
08:49That has been adverse for the team.
08:51Taking into account.
08:53That this is the final number 20.
08:55That reaches Cardinals.
08:57And we have only won six championships.
08:59Well, only in quotes.
09:01We have won six championships.
09:03But the fact.
09:05Is that Cardinals has a global record.
09:07In negative finals.
09:09Of 45 victories.
09:11And 65 defeats.
09:13That is simply a statistic.
09:15It is part of the story.
09:17That from this moment.
09:19On January 19.
09:21It has no validity.
09:23Well, yes.
09:25Also this final series.
09:29The thirteenth time.
09:31In which the team.
09:33Begins as a local.
09:35And of all those finals.
09:37That we have commented.
09:39Cardinals has consecrated champion.
09:41In four opportunities.
09:43In 91.
09:45In 99.
09:49And we are going to start at home.
09:51It is always interesting.
09:53That was the goal.
09:55When Cardinals went to Maracaibo.
09:57To look for one of the two games.
09:59And he did it.
10:01Today everyone starts at zero.
10:03The numbers.
10:05Have already.
10:07They were part of the season.
10:13To seven more games.
10:15A maximum of seven.
10:17The one who wins four.
10:19Begins from zero.
10:23Speaking of numbers.
10:25What happens.
10:27Also in this.
10:29To play as a local.
10:31You have to remember.
10:33That the previous times.
10:35That he played as a local.
10:37It was against traditional teams.
10:39That is, against teams that.
10:41Also had a great fan.
10:43And that was very strong as a local.
10:45Here he is going to face a team.
10:47That for the first time arrives.
10:49With a lot of weight.
10:51The influence of people.
10:53Or fans of Bravo.
10:55Coordination to what Cardinals can put.
10:57You have days.
11:01Betting that there will be no people in Guatemala.
11:03But it will not be weight.
11:05As Cardinals fans weigh.
11:07They are seven finals.
11:09Here people know when to scream.
11:11Where to scream and why.
11:13You Richard.
11:15You said something.
11:17When you were talking to Jose Moreno.
11:19Jose Moreno says.
11:21The mentality of your team.
11:23We are not seeing a rival.
11:25We are going to get ahead.
11:27It may be the most armored team.
11:29But my players are not seeing a rival.
11:31We are going and Richard says it.
11:33A team that.
11:35Has nothing to lose.
11:37A team that has made an excellent season.
11:39Deserved this final.
11:41And good.
11:43They are not seeing who they have in front.
11:45But let's see the confrontation.
11:47Precisely against our rivals.
11:49Here we see the face to face.
11:51In statistics.
11:53Cardinals 11 victories.
11:55Like Bravo.
11:57That's why I say that many people.
11:59It seems that Bravo did not arrive.
12:01Because someone had to arrive.
12:05He arrived for his own merits.
12:07He won 11 games like Cardinals.
12:09In score 111 for Lara.
12:1175 for Bravo.
12:13We repeat.
12:15Lara's offensive was better.
12:17And Bravo's was the worst.
12:19A great advantage for Bravo.
12:21And Lara also adds the champion.
12:23Ron Robin.
12:25As is Andre Chaparro.
12:27And it's what I told you about the effectiveness.
12:29The pitch is very good.
12:31But the advantage of 371 to 321 is not so much.
12:33It's half a race.
12:35If you want to put it that way.
12:37100 punches for 97.
12:39It is the face to face offensive.
12:41Between Bravo and Cardinals.
12:43One of the aspects that I always like.
12:47When it comes to this instance.
12:49Which is a great final.
12:51It is to make an analysis.
12:53Man to man.
12:55Of the protagonists.
12:57Of this series.
12:59And that's what we're going to do next.
13:01Here at Cardinals Network.
13:03Analyze what will be.
13:05The men who are going to shine.
13:07In each of the positions.
13:09And we started.
13:11We started with this analysis.
13:13From the receiver.
13:15The catchers.
13:17Of Cardinals and Bravo.
13:19The catchers.
13:21That ended.
13:23With a mark.
13:25Or with an advantage of 324.
13:27With a home run.
13:29Five remarks.
13:31And five notes.
13:33While the Bravos have the super veteran.
13:35Wilson Ramos.
13:37That ended the round robin with 275.
13:39Two home runs.
13:41Nine remarks.
13:43And six notes.
13:45Here we are going to make a dynamic.
13:47Between us.
13:49And in this case.
13:51The receiver and Richard.
13:53Between Cardinals and Bravos.
13:55Between Ali Sanchez and Wilson Ramos.
13:57Obviously the numbers.
13:59Here to do this.
14:01The numbers are not the strong part.
14:03It is the experience.
14:05And the defensive quality.
14:07And what can lead.
14:09The importance of each player.
14:11In his own team.
14:13Obviously Wilson Ramos.
14:15It is a fundamental part.
14:17Of Bravo and Margarita.
14:19Wilson Ramos must be a leader.
14:21In that mentality.
14:23The psychology.
14:25Whatever he can.
14:27To reach his teammates.
14:29And of course Ali Sanchez.
14:31Had a great round robin.
14:33With 324.
14:35But Wilson Ramos.
14:37You have to respect his hierarchy.
14:39I would say it goes very even.
14:43From experience.
14:45I would also agree with Wilson Ramos.
14:47Although Ali Sanchez.
14:49Has a great base.
14:51Hernan Perez and Juan Santana.
14:55Juan Santana was the best hitter of Bravo.
14:57In almost all the season.
14:59And Hernan Perez played half the season.
15:01You notice with Santana.
15:03I think Santana has an important weight here.
15:07I also go.
15:09Everything Richard says is true.
15:11It is like that.
15:13Juan Santana had from the first day.
15:15With the Bravos.
15:17Of course the experience of Hernan Perez.
15:19They are giving these numbers.
15:21Well really Santana.
15:23I'm going to lean towards the Bravos.
15:25Well here.
15:27The statistics are very similar.
15:29I notice with Hernan Perez.
15:31Second base.
15:33Harold Castro.
15:35And Alexi Amarista.
15:39Harold Castro is my pillar of the semifinal.
15:41They are very similar.
15:45Harold Castro.
15:47It seems to have an advantage.
15:49He is a little more reliable.
15:51In terms of strength.
15:53Alexi Amarista.
15:5528 unstoppable in round robin.
15:5724 unstoppable.
15:59Well imagine here.
16:01The two have something in common.
16:03Left-handed hitters.
16:05Tremendous hitters.
16:07Then you have to level it.
16:09I do not lean for any.
16:11Of course.
16:13Castro the MVP of round robin.
16:15But Amarista.
16:17A hitter that I saw a while ago.
16:19He is the MVP of round robin.
16:21Harold Castro.
16:23Third base.
16:25Andres Chaparro.
16:27No Andres Chaparro.
16:29We are not going to argue much.
16:31Valera is a versatile player who can run.
16:33He has also played in other positions.
16:35But Andres Chaparro.
16:37Six home runs.
16:39He hit more than 300.
16:45Here we go with Chaparro Andres.
16:47Well also noted with Chaparro.
16:49The offensive aspect.
16:51Of course I lean.
16:53In this case for Vargas.
16:55Although it is not a short field.
16:57Excellent starter.
16:59What can you say.
17:01He does not have the same defense as Martinez.
17:03But being cardinals.
17:05An offensive team.
17:07Vargas does the job in the short field.
17:09I lean for Ildemar Vargas.
17:11Ildemar Vargas.
17:13Well we continue.
17:15Rangel Ravelo against Lorenzo Cedrola.
17:16It happens that here.
17:18Neither of them is in the field.
17:20But hey.
17:22I'm going to tie.
17:24They are two players that I like a lot.
17:28If it hadn't been for Renato Nunez.
17:30It would have been the most valuable.
17:32The most valuable of the qualifying round.
17:34Ravelo's incredible round robin.
17:40Well I score with Rangel Ravelo.
17:42Leader in remarks with 19 in the round robin.
17:46I tie.
17:52Both are extraordinary in defense.
17:54They have had a tremendous year.
17:56Both do the same.
17:58Because if it's a surprise, both do it well.
18:00Both run well.
18:02They are very similar.
18:08Well I score with Gorky Hernandez.
18:10I think Gorky's offense is superior to that of Erle Rodriguez.
18:12Right field.
18:14José Rondón.
18:16He's been a great player for many years.
18:18Yes, definitely José Rondón.
18:20Apart from being learning.
18:22And in this instance I think he's the player that he likes.
18:24That wants to live this moment.
18:26That's right.
18:28I also with Rondón.
18:30Defender designated.
18:32Dan Rivasquez against Carlos Perez.
18:34Carlos Perez has been a great defender in the last two years.
18:36He doesn't have the experience of Dan Rivasquez.
18:38And that's why I think Dan Rivasquez is discouraged.
18:40Because Dan Rivasquez has proven that in the end he is a very complicated player.
18:44Definitely I also lean for Dan Rivasquez.
18:46I have seen him in this instance on several occasions.
18:48And well, left fielder.
18:50That's mine.
18:52Dan Rivasquez.
18:54I also score with Dan Rivasquez.
18:56Well we continue with this preview of Cardinals-Networth.
18:58Today the first big game of the final between Bravos de Margarita and Cardinals de Lara.
19:05We go with the duel of launchers.
19:07The protagonists from the mound.
19:09Here in Antonio Herrera Gutiérrez.
19:12Well Enderby.
19:13The most regular launcher of Cardinals throughout the season.
19:16He ended undefeated.
19:18He only lost one game.
19:20That was his last game in Maracaibo.
19:22Five wins and no losses.
19:2456 and 1 third.
19:26And an effectiveness of 2.72.
19:28Great control.
19:30Only 14 tickets.
19:32And 35 punches.
19:34It was after Junior Guerra.
19:36And perhaps one of the best openings in the championship.
19:38Well and on his part the left fielder.
19:40Felix Dubron.
19:41Who in the regular season had five games launched.
19:47He had zero wins, one loss.
19:5118 innings and 2 thirds.
19:53Allowed 24 unstoppable.
19:5511 clean races.
19:57Punched to 19.
19:59Only one ticket.
20:01From Felix Dubron.
20:05And that yes.
20:07A high effectiveness of 5.30.
20:10We have already discussed it in other occasions.
20:12Dubron is a pitcher who does not let the public affect him much.
20:18The situation is a veteran of these instances.
20:20And well.
20:22Excellent pitcher.
20:24The one who has assigned José Moreno today.
20:26To open the first of the grand final for the Bravos.
20:29Well we continue with the numbers of Jimmy Enderby.
20:31In the round robin.
20:33He opened four games.
20:35Won a couple of them.
20:36One game lost.
20:3823 episodes.
20:40Allowed 23 hits.
20:428 clean races.
20:4410 fans.
20:468 tickets.
20:48Effectiveness of 3.13.
20:50Are you surprised.
20:52Let's answer here as quickly as possible.
20:54That Henry Blanco has selected Enderby.
20:56Above Almeida.
21:00No, no.
21:02I think Enderby has won that nomination.
21:04It has been the most regular.
21:06I also think this decision is fine.
21:08To have Enderby.
21:10A pitcher who.
21:12Look at that defeat.
21:14A great game he launched.
21:16The team lost 1 to 0.
21:20That decision is good.
21:22Hopefully Enderby is consistent.
21:24That has been in his last performances.
21:26Well in the round robin.
21:28We have the performance of Félix Dubron.
21:30Our rival today.
21:32Probably a fifth game.
21:34He won one.
21:36He was the leader.
21:38In the round robin in Ponchados.
21:40Félix Dubron.
21:42And he had a very good exit against Cardenales in Forlamar.
21:44And that is important.
21:46As a visitor.
21:48Two horrible numbers.
21:50But this is another new instance.
21:56In two exits.
21:58The defeat.
22:02We remember him.
22:04A world series with the Boston Medalists.
22:06And the line up.
22:08That we are going to clear here.
22:10The Cardenales fans.
22:12They have been tired of doing the line up.
22:14To hang them on their social networks.
22:16And this is going to be the line up.
22:18Of the number 24.
22:20Henry Blanco.
22:22This is how Cardenales aligns.
22:24In the first game of the final.
22:26Well yes sir.
22:28This line up today.
22:30As José Rafael says.
22:32A lot of people.
22:34Where to put this.
22:36The elegant Gorkis Hernández.
22:38In the central garden.
22:40Harold Castro.
22:42Comes to the intermediate.
22:44As third bat.
22:46The wonder.
22:48Rangel Ravelo.
22:50Fourth bat in the left field.
22:52Andres Chaparro.
22:54The reinforcement brought from the Eagles of Zulia.
22:56Will be in third base as fifth bat.
22:58Dan Rivasquez.
23:02José Rondón.
23:04In the right garden.
23:06All of them.
23:10Our opener.
23:12Jimmy Endersby.
23:14The question I would ask here is.
23:16If Hernán Pérez has played third base.
23:18The last two or three games.
23:20There is so much defensive difference.
23:22Between Andres Chaparro.
23:24And Hernán Pérez.
23:26To not switch the position.
23:28Yes that question is very good.
23:30With what Richard says is very true.
23:32Hernán Pérez was playing third.
23:34But when they went to Maracaibo.
23:38Chaparro also put him to play third.
23:40And well.
23:42I personally believe.
23:44You can have.
23:46More knowledge than me in this.
23:48I've seen Hernán Pérez play more third.
23:50Than Andres Chaparro.
23:52I think the reason is that.
23:54He still does not have the arm.
24:00He does not have 100% of the arm.
24:02Hernán Pérez.
24:06There is the team.
24:08Cardinals on the field.
24:10Getting ready.
24:12For this first meeting.
24:14Of the grand final.
24:16And as you can see.
24:18That there is a final atmosphere.
24:20I had time.
24:22That I did not see the field.
24:24Antonio Herrera Gutiérrez.
24:26With so many journalists.
24:28From different parts.
24:30Covering this grand final.
24:34Another issue that strikes me.
24:36It seems that.
24:38Andres Chaparro is more fourth bat.
24:40Than Raquel Ravelo.
24:42But obviously.
24:44There is a strategic intention.
24:46By Henry Blanco.
24:48To protect Raquel Ravelo.
24:50And go in this way.
24:52Placing Andres Chaparro as fifth.
24:56There is also.
24:58That concept.
25:00Of the honrons.
25:02That the fourth bat is the one with the most honrons.
25:04It does not exist.
25:06Raquel Ravelo takes better turns.
25:08Which is also.
25:10A great remarkable career.
25:12As a fourth bat.
25:14That makes it out of that position.
25:16It can not change.
25:18The responsibility that Ravelo has on the team.
25:20And the other thing.
25:22That I observe in this line-up.
25:24That a line-up that has.
25:26José Rondón as seventh.
25:28And Hernán Pérez as eighth.
25:30It is definitely an armored line-up.
25:32What do you think Emilio?
25:34Yes, totally agree.
25:36You ask yourself.
25:38Hernán Pérez as eighth batter.
25:40José Rondón as seventh.
25:42José Rondón was.
25:44The third batter of Caracas all season.
25:46And he has produced.
25:48He has responded.
25:50But hey.
25:52That is the depth.
25:54That Cardinals have.
25:56To play this final.
25:58And welcome Andres Chaparro.
26:00At that point.
26:02As Richard says.
26:04It is not so much to protect Ravelo.
26:08Both are going to get runners in circulation.
26:10And well.
26:12Either of the two is going to bring me the races.
26:14The other thing I want to tell you.
26:16Why seventh batter X.
26:18Or eighth Y.
26:20It's fine for a style of play.
26:22Because if you give the numbers.
26:24Gorky would not be up to 12 seconds.
26:26It happens to him that the style.
26:28Or how you visualize.
26:30The game.
26:32Henry Blanco.
26:34It's with fast people up.
26:36To group people.
26:38Not all fit in the third, fourth and fifth place.
26:40Well we have to say goodbye.
26:42Our program.
26:44But before saying goodbye.
26:46I think here.
26:48It is necessary to listen.
26:50The forecast of each of the analysts.
26:52Of Cardinals Network.
26:54And we started with Richard Gomez.
26:56What is your forecast for this series?
27:00It's going to be very good.
27:02It's going to be very good.
27:03It's going to be very good.
27:05You are the man of dogmas.
27:07You say that the pitch is 75% of the games.
27:09Of the said.
27:11So if that's why Margarita wins.
27:13Yes, but with this line.
27:15It's not easy to pitch.
27:17And you do not dare to give a forecast then?
27:21You Emilio?
27:23No, I do not give forecasts.
27:25I want to see an interesting series.
27:27I think it's going to be a very good series.
27:29Of the best.
27:31Of the last few years.
27:33He has good pitching.
27:35And good players.
27:37Moreno said it at the time.
27:39What we ask of our batters.
27:41Take quality turns.
27:43And they have done that.
27:45In the last few games.
27:47They hit a lot.
27:49And say that in 4, 5, 6.
27:53That's for pitonists.
27:55I think Cardinals should crown.
27:57His extraordinary season.
27:59All around.
28:00Round robin.
28:02Round robin.
28:04And round qualifying.
28:06It seems logical.
28:08That there are four games.
28:10That what you have to win.
28:12I do dare to make a forecast.
28:14Risking to be ridiculous.
28:16But I think Cardinals.
28:18Can take this final series.
28:20In six games.
28:22It means that next Sunday.
28:24Within seven days.
28:26We will be here.
28:28With the possibility that Cardinals.
28:30Can win their seventh title.
28:32In history.
28:34But with that number.
28:36That you just said.
28:38I would not like to get down here.
28:40Because we would have to win both.
28:42The Braves here.
28:46Let's win first.
28:48And make sure that the team is good.
28:50That the team achieves that seventh title.
28:52That's right.
28:54Together with Emilio Carrasquel.
28:56Richard Gomez.
28:58José Rafael Colmenares.
29:00And with the introduction of Cardinals Network.
29:02We say good afternoon.
29:04And in a matter of minutes.
29:06We will hear the voice of Playbol.
29:08Of the first match of the grand final.
29:10Between the Braves of Margarita.
29:12And Cardinals of the ARA.
29:14And after the match.
29:16We have the post game.
29:18That we are going to come out.
29:20Through the platform of Cardinals of the ARA.
29:22On YouTube.
29:24Of course Cardinals Network.
29:26The preview comes out on the platform.
29:28Of Baseball Play.
29:31And now.
29:44Simple TV.
29:46So simple.
29:48Maltin Polar.
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30:40La Paz.
30:42La Paz.
30:44La Paz.
30:46La Paz.
30:48La Paz.
30:50La Paz.
30:52La Paz.
30:54La Paz.
30:56La Paz.
30:58La Paz.
31:00La Paz.
31:02La Paz.
31:04La Paz.
31:06La Paz.