• 2 months ago
Fabiola Sabedra y Kevin Alfonso Gil repasan todo lo que tienes que saber sobre la jornada de este sĂĄbado 11 de enero en la etapa del Round Robin de la LVBP. đŸ”„âšŸ

Presentado por Sella Tu Parley y Banesco

#LVBP #Beisbol #Venezuela #LaPrevia #SellaTuParley #Banesco #BanesConecta #RoundRobin
00:00La Previa es presentada por Vanesco.
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00:30La Previa es presentada por Vanesco.
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00:50EnvĂ­a remesas a Vanesco.
00:55EnvĂ­a remesas a Vanesco.
00:59EnvĂ­a remesas a Vanesco.
01:29Very well Kevin, greetings to you and also to all the people who are watching us at this time through Baseball Play where we have, by the way, generated a very beautiful community not only in the national territory but also in the international because in the end everyone is united by the passion for Venezuelan baseball.
01:47That said, then we are going to review the results of this Friday.
01:52Yes, well Fabi, we are going to start this preview with a team that has been really inspired in the last few days. I make reference to Bravos de Margarita. The Insulares beat Tigres de Aragua in Guatemala yesterday with a 3x2 run.
02:08Some Bravos de Margarita who have won 6 of their last 10 commitments. They are there just half a game away from the Cardinales de Lara who are located on the first stage of this qualifying table.
02:22The Fabi Insulares have a record of 7 victories and 4 setbacks. It should be remembered that those led by José Moreno started this postseason with a fairly offensive that has been awakening but still does not show its best version.
02:38They even have a collective setback of 229, located among the lowest, among the most deficient averages of this semifinal, but it is a team that is taking advantage of the gaps of rivals, mistakes, even mental bifias. They have also really taken advantage of them to achieve victories in this postseason phase.
03:02But also Fabi is playing very good defense. It is the best defense of the all-against-all. It is the team that has committed the fewest sins and its pitching, which for me is the best letter that the Bravos de Margarita team has had in this semifinal, has been very effective.
03:18Even now they show better effectiveness than the Eagles of Zulia, which we already know what the Rapaz team did in the first half of this all-against-all as far as their pitching is concerned, but now Bravos has the best effectiveness of this phase with 3.40.
03:36In fact, yesterday in the victory of Bravos against the Tigres de Aragua, the figure of commitment was the opener, precisely from the insulars. I refer to Ángel Rondón, who launched a space of 6 entrances in white. Fabi only granted a passport, punched 7 rivals.
03:54A Fabi performance that has really been the constant on the part of the insular openers in this all-against-all, giving at least 5 innings to José Moreno and his technical staff. That of course is what he wants, is what a manager aspires to.
04:10And more in this Venezuelan league where we know that it is so difficult to get openers that give you at least those 5 innings. Bravos in this all-against-all has had that type of performance in almost all of their commitments. That has obviously been one of the keys in the victories, in the success that Bravos de Margarita has had in this semifinal.
04:34But also Fabi, we must mention the offensive. Yes, it has been off, it has been turning on engines, but one that has been there responding in each of the commitments in this all-against-all has been Wilson Ramos, the Venezuelan face that is in his last season in the Venezuelan professional baseball league.
04:53In fact, yesterday he was one of the fundamental pieces in that offensive, he connected a corner, he promoted a career, he is the most caliber player in that line-up of the Bravos de Margarita and he has taken out the caste. In fact, of the 10 games that Wilson Ramos has played in this semifinal, he has connected unstoppably in 7. That is, they have not been based only on 3 commitments.
05:17And that also has him there located among the best in terms of leverage, he refers to the Bravos de Margarita with a 294 behind Alexia Marista, who we also know what she can do in terms of batting on our circuit and also outside our borders.
05:34So how beautiful that Wilson Ramos is living this last season with the Bravos de Margarita and also that he is very close to living that first final with the insular team and with a lot of possibility of getting into the final, the first final of the insulars and who knows if suddenly also reaching the championship would be, let's say, culminating the career in the most successful way for Wilson Ramos.
06:01So let's see how this 24-25 season ends for both Wilson Ramos and the Bravos de Margarita.
06:31Andres Chaparro, who matched the actions in the last entry. However, well, Navigantes del Magallanes remained very calm, thought each of his movements and managed to make that line that was of the difference.
06:55Now for this Saturday, Navigantes del Magallanes has a record of 5 victories and 6 defeats and they are honestly very close to the fight in those qualifying positions that accredits them to the grand final of the Venezuelan professional baseball league.
07:13Let's remember that Navigantes is behind the Eagles of Zulia, which honestly has cost them a lot to get those victories and well also of some Bravos that the Bravos there are also very strong in the fight, but the difference honestly is not much.
07:30If the team arrived with a good streak, I speak of 3 victories approximately, they would be at the top of the table and you also have to take into account that they are only 2 and a half games away from the leader of the table who has been Cardinals of the Ara.
07:49Navigantes del Magallanes, you have to write this down there because they have 5 games left to conclude in the round robin, that is, if they maintain this good performance, it would not be out of the question that Navigantes was one of the protagonists for this grand final.
08:07There is a positive point, there are several honestly positive points that I want to rescue in terms of the Turks, but I want to start at least with Toleteria, which has been doing a very cool performance in terms of batting and emphasizing especially in the 21-year-old Luis Huizbel, who responded again last night by the electricians with a square and three bounces.
08:33In this round robin, Luis Huizbel beats for 481 with an OPS of 1452, but the important thing about Luis Huizbel is that these numbers are what he has been having in the round robin, which is still an important piece for him and that he is not only having it here in this semifinal, but he is a boy who has been winning his place in that light knock of Eddie PĂ©rez since the regular round.
09:01And continuing with the performance that the Navigantes del Magallanes Toleteria has been showing, because for this Saturday the ship is the currency with the best collective average, they just beat for 318, that is, they have surpassed the cardinals of the era that had been showing a strong beating in what is the all-against-all.
09:24Now another part that I want to highlight is the pitching that had been one of the deficiencies of the Valencia team, but it has been straightened little by little and with the return of Wilkin RodrĂ­guez, let us remember that he was facing an injury, he was not very well and that is why he had been absent in some commitments, well, with his return, the team has seen noticeably better.
09:49Yesterday, just Wilker was the winning pitcher, the closer worked for an entrance where he allowed a couple of hits, a career product of the quadrangular of Andrés Chaparro and finally managed to fan three opponents.
10:05The important thing is that today Navigantes del Magallanes rests, but tomorrow they go to a key game against the cardinals of the era, and also depending on how this commitment is going to develop against the Larenses, then there too, not only the fans, but also the team as such will be able to be calculating if it will be enough for Navigantes del Magallanes to reach a final of the Venezuelan league again, yes or no.
10:35Well friends and with this information we are going to a break but we will be back with more of the previous one through baseball play.
11:05We accompany you in your passion for baseball while you perform your 24-7 sports plays and much more, seal your parley.com
11:36Friends, we are back with more of this previous one through baseball play and before continuing with the topics that correspond to us here at this table, we must extend an invitation and that is that if you want to enjoy what is left of round robin and of course the grand final, you have to subscribe to our website www.baseballplay.com
12:04with a monthly fee of 12.99, you will be able to experience the emotion of the Venezuelan ball and from anywhere in the world, you already know www.baseballplay.com with a monthly fee of 12.99
12:18Having said this, Fabi, we must advance with the topics here in the preview and we must obviously review the day we have for this Saturday.
12:27Well, let's start this second segment, Fabi, with a commitment between the Tigres de Aragua and the Bravos de Margarita who repeat in the island of Margarita, in the Pearl of the Caribbean.
12:37This is going to be from 5 in the afternoon. Some felines who do not give up, they really think of a miracle, they will jump with the mission of not getting swept away in the stadium of Guatemala, a very difficult square for the visitors.
12:53Some Tigres de Aragua who have a record of 2 victories and 8 defeats. The felines really need to win victories and also expect other results.
13:04In fact, José Cafecito Martínez said it yesterday in an interview on the field that as long as they have the possibility, they will go out to the field to play hard, to give 100% and to go game by game.
13:18This is what the players of the Tigres de Aragua have to do. Today, this offensive to Bengali has a tough challenge because they are going to face one of the best pitchers in the last two seasons.
13:31I am referring to Osmer Morales, who is going to go up to Morrito through the islands. An Osmer who has received only two clean races in 10 and a third of the work in this round robin 24-25.
13:45So, a tough challenge, a hard ride for the Tigres offense in this commitment. On the other hand, Bravos will seek to follow that victorious path in this round robin.
13:58A team that is there at the top of the table fighting for that first place is going to be worth it or aspire to be worth it again of their pitching with Osmer Morales and also try to finish awakening that island offense.
14:15Those led by José Moreno cannot afford to lose commitments at this point in the postseason, because they are very close to the first place. But they are also being chased by a group of Aguilas del Zulia and below Navigantes del Magallanes.
14:32So, they have to try to keep getting victories and also be worth the games like home club, which we all know have been very solid, very solvent in the stadium of Guatemala. In the round robin, for example, they have a record of four victories and three defeats, but in the regular it was much better.
14:52They got a record of 19 victories and only 9 defeats. So, we will see how the Bravos of Margarita are doing, who seek to continue in that upper part of the ranking table. And some Tigres of Aragua, Fabi, who want to keep those aspirations alive until the last days.
15:14Well Kevin, and continuing with the day of this Saturday, January 11, in the Venezuelan ball, I will refresh the commitment, the visit of the Aguilas del Zulia against Cardenales del Ara.
15:26Some twilight that return to their home, where they have a positive mark, three victories and barely one defeat. Let's remember the first challenge where both teams faced each other in what was this postseason.
15:40Where La Pizarra favored the Slarens four races for two, and this also gives them a mood, taking into account that those led by Henry Blanco are going to face four commitments in a consecutive way at home from today.
15:58That is, you have to take the most advantage of it so that they continue in the leadership of the classification. As for the Aguilas del Zulia, well nothing, the Rapaces must raise the flight in western lands to return to the fight for the final.
16:14There are several aspects here that I would like to refresh, at least in terms of the Aguilas del Zulia, because the defense of the Rapaces has been the worst in this all-against-all. They have committed a total of 12 sins and obviously this is something that is happening to the team so as not to get those necessary victories.
16:36In addition, the Aguilas del Zulia have been decreasing in terms of their pitching. Let's remember that they had the lowest effectiveness of the tournament and in fact this aspect of the game had been their presentation card.
16:52Now the Aguilas are in third place in this statistic, precisely with an effectiveness of 3.90, while this department is led by the Bravos de Margarita with 3.40. So it is a very bad combination that the Aguilas del Zulia have been presenting.
17:14Previously, we had also spoken that the opportune hits were not coming for the leaders of Litsonawa. So nothing, the team is forced to correct immediately because the last week of round robin is about to begin. So the clock is honestly against the Aguilas del Zulia.
17:39Friends, in this way then we say goodbye to the preview but without first thanking you for your faithful tuning. Remember to subscribe through www.baseballplay.com where you will not only be enjoying the actions of round robin but also of the grand final for a set of 12.99 and of course to interact on the different digital platforms. It is located as aroba baseball play. It will be until next time. Bye Bye.
18:09This week was presented by Vanesco. Send remittances to Venezuela with the options of Vanesco.
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18:39We accompany you in your passion for baseball while you perform your 24-7 sports plays and much more. Sellatuparley.com.
19:09The family has arrived.
19:11Hello Isa.
19:13Hello my friend.