• 2 months ago
Fabiola Sabedra y Kevin Alfonso Gil repasan todo lo que tienes que saber sobre la jornada de este lunes 06 de enero en la etapa del Round Robin de la LVBP. 🧐⚾

Presentado por Sella Tu Parley y Banesco

#LVBP #Beisbol #Venezuela #LaPrevia #SellaTuParley #Banesco #BanesConecta #RoundRobin


00:00La Previa es presentada por Vanesco.
00:04Envía remesas a Venezuela con las opciones de Vanesco.
00:11En sellatuparley.com compartimos tu pasión por el deporte,
00:14apuestas deportivas, hipicas, loterías y mucho más.
00:53Hello, friends of Baseball Play.
00:55Welcome to La Previa, this Monday, January 6, 2025.
00:59By the way, today is King's Day and we wish each one of you a happy day.
01:04May the Magi bring you a lot of health and abundance for this 2025.
01:09That said, gentlemen, today is also Monday.
01:12There is action in the Venezuelan ball and to give you everything that has happened,
01:17the latest news here in the local circuit,
01:20Fabiola Saavedra greets you in the company of Kevin Alfonso Gil.
01:23How are you Kevin?
01:24Hello Fabi, very well. Happy beginning of the week.
01:27Happy King's Day also to you and to all those people who connect through Baseball Play.
01:33As you say, we are going to get into what has happened in the last few hours in our ball.
01:39We must talk, Fabi, about the Bravos de Margarita.
01:42They passed the broom in Luis Aparicio, the great of Maracaibo,
01:46beating him in a couple of opportunities in this tough square.
01:50That's right, yesterday the Insulars again defeated the Aguilas del Zulia
01:55precisely by a three-race scoreboard.
01:59Some Bravos de Margarita that honestly displaced the Aguilas del Zulia to third place
02:05and have taken second place.
02:07Yes, the Aguilas del Zulia reached Luis Aparicio, his home,
02:11with a record of three victories and one defeat.
02:13After a successful tour, that beginning of round robin on the road,
02:17they got three victories and now they have lost their last two matches.
02:22Something atypical, right?
02:23For how good the performance of the Aguilas del Zulia had been in their feud.
02:28But also apparently that offensive, Fabi, from the Bravos de Margarita,
02:32is showing that awakening that was the presentation card, basically, of the Insulars.
02:37Correct. Yesterday's victory translates into the second consecutive win of the Insulars.
02:43And I just want to stop there, that factor that you have talked about,
02:46about the offensive of the Bravos de Margarita,
02:49because it has been seen better, at least in these last two commitments,
02:53where they gave 15 races and 18 hits to the pitch of the Aguilas.
02:57The pitch of the Aguilas that has been showing itself as the best in this all-against-all.
03:02Yes, that's why this topic of the Bravos de Margarita is also interesting,
03:07because they did this against who has been the best body of launchers of this all-against-all.
03:14They even still have the effectiveness below the two points.
03:18What we must also mention here, Fabi,
03:21is that the Aguilas del Zulia have played a fairly deficient defense,
03:25at least in these last two commitments.
03:28Notice that in these games the Rapazes made four mistakes.
03:33So there too, let's say, these last results of those led by Lixonava are being eradicated.
03:40And above all, I also want to go to the defense,
03:43precisely that you were talking about the Aguilas del Zulia,
03:46but if we go to the front row, the defense of the Insulars has been the best in this all-against-all.
03:52Notice that they have only made one mistake in the round robin.
03:56Yes, yesterday, by the way, we saw an excellent play by Anthony Jiménez,
04:01speaking precisely of defense.
04:04A player was sent, Fabi, in the lead field, already in the final part of the commitment,
04:09which, well, paralyzed a possible rally of the Aguilas del Zulia with this play.
04:16There you have it on your screen.
04:18In addition to that, Anthony Jiménez was also important in terms of offense,
04:23because he promoted two of the three races that the Bravos of Margarita did.
04:29What such an important change by Anthony Jiménez this season,
04:33and how well it has geared in the structure of the Bravos of Margarita.
04:36Yes, totally.
04:37Notice that yesterday we commented on it in the preview.
04:40We said that the changes were good, and above all, this season it has been evidenced
04:45that the players who have changed their clothing have done much better in terms of the individual.
04:51In fact, the name of Anthony Jiménez and above all of Alexis Amarista came out there.
04:57who is on fire in the all-against-all.
05:00He has been the best player on the islands and who also has dominance
05:06in terms of the average within the currency, precisely with an average of 370,
05:12and also leads the department of Hits with 10 unbeatable.
05:16Well, the ninja performing a lot in our circuit.
05:19A player quite important in our league,
05:22with great numbers, who will undoubtedly be there in the history of our ball.
05:27Let's move on now, Fabi, to another team.
05:30We also have to talk about the Magallanes navigators,
05:32who yesterday, on Sunday, beat the Eagles,
05:36or sorry, the Tigers of Aragua, in the Pérez Colmenares de Maracay,
05:40with a score of 10 races to 0.
05:43A Magallanese pitcher who has been showing improvement in recent matches.
05:48That's right, a pitcher who has really been rising little by little,
05:51because let's remember that he had been the trigger factor,
05:55who had given all those defeats to the Turkish team.
06:00And well, this Sunday, notice that they limited three unstoppable to the Toletería de los Tigres,
06:06some Tigers who also come without winning in several consecutive days.
06:13Well, yes, the bullpen, precisely of the electricians,
06:16Fabi has been hermetic in recent matches.
06:19He had been the Achilles heel in this all-against-all because of the absences,
06:25which we have already mentioned in repeated opportunities here in the preview.
06:28But in the last two commitments, these two gentlemen who are here,
06:32Anthony Vizcaya and Felipe Vázquez, have been really hermetic.
06:37Look at these numbers from Vizcaya.
06:39He has thrown in the last four games, he has worked for five and a third,
06:44they have connected only two unstoppable and he has beaten five rivals.
06:48But if we also go to Felipe Vázquez's numbers,
06:51he has launched a couple of episodes in the last two matches
06:55and has allowed only one unstoppable with three punches.
06:58So there we also see the remarkable improvement that the set is having,
07:04or the bullpen, rather, of the Turks in this all-against-all.
07:08Be careful, and there is also talk that the pitching could improve
07:12because the ship is waiting for the incorporation of Wilker Hernández,
07:16who this week, precisely, that Magallanes is only two games from second place.
07:22So if this incorporation would be really opportune,
07:26and above all, Hernández returns in a very good moment.
07:30Well, we'll see this week if this incorporation ends up materializing,
07:35of who was one of the best strikers of the regular round in this 24-25 season.
07:41With this, we are going to make our first pause here in the preview.
07:45When we return, we come with more.
08:49Well, friends of Baseball Play, we are back with more of the preview.
08:53And before we move forward with the day of this Monday, January 6,
08:57we have to extend to each of you the invitation to subscribe
09:01through www.baseballplay.com
09:05because with a single payment of 12.99,
09:08you will not only be enjoying the actions in the round robin,
09:12but also in the great final of the LBBP.
09:15Look, we are already very close to knowing who will be the protagonists
09:19of this final in the 2024-2025 campaign of the Venezuelan League of Professional Baseball.
09:25That said, gentlemen, now we go to the menu of the day,
09:29because the Bravos of Margarita will be visiting in Barquisimeto
09:33to Cardenales de Lara.
09:34A Cardenales de Lara who has honestly not yet known the defeat in this round robin.
09:40Yes, Fabio, some Bravos of Margarita who go with the mission to Barquisimeto
09:45to take away the undefeated Cardenales de Lara,
09:48the team that has been the most solid in this all-against-all.
09:52The Bravos of Margarita, well, will try to take advantage of this offensive moment.
09:56Apparently, that Toleteria has already started the engines again.
10:00And wow, they have the pieces to be able to get races in this all-against-all.
10:07We already know that he has been doing his job.
10:10That's right, and with also having those two victories in a consecutive way
10:15against the Eagles of Zulia, well, he has given an emotional send-off
10:18and they go with everything against Cardenales de Lara.
10:21How good, as has been said on several occasions,
10:24Cardenales has been the leader of the table of classification,
10:28but over there he also comes to enjoy a day of rest.
10:32So it's really going to be a hard race.
10:35Yes, we must remember that Cardenales de Lara and Fabi are the best offensive average
10:40in this all-against-all, in this round-robin.
10:43They are beating for 341 in terms of the collective.
10:48I am struck by the theme of the incorporations of Harold Castro and José Rondón,
10:54because they have really transformed this Toleteria of the twilight.
10:59We are talking about an offensive of Cardenales de Lara
11:02that was not one of the best in the regular round.
11:05And look at the turn it has taken with these incorporations in this phase of the campaign.
11:11That's right, and that the team is also second.
11:14Precisely in terms of defense, they have only committed three sins.
11:18And in terms of pitching, the relief has honestly been the one that has taken the face
11:23in these six commitments played.
11:26They have allowed three races, 20 fans and five tickets.
11:31So what do I mean by this?
11:33Hey, look at what you've been saying.
11:36The issue of the Toleteria, also these new incorporations,
11:40have given good results to Cardenales de Lara,
11:42but also these three aspects of the game have been combining.
11:47And it is no coincidence that Cardenales de Lara is in first place in the classification.
11:53Without a doubt, Fabi, without a doubt, it has been the most solid team
11:56in the three aspects of the game in this round-robin.
11:59But if we are also going to review who would be a possible, let's say, opener
12:04to face this dangerous Toleteria, we have to talk about Osmer Morales,
12:09who will possibly be in the Morrito by the Bravos de Margarito.
12:13Osmer Morales, who we also know what he has been doing in this campaign
12:18and in the last one, which by the way, won the pitcher of the year.
12:22There we precisely have the numbers of the last opening in the postseason.
12:27This was on December 30, he threw for space of five innings and a third,
12:32allowed three unstoppable, a single career, a pair of tickets, six punches
12:37and left an efficiency of 1.69.
12:40But here Osmer's challenge is going to be big because he is going to face
12:44the best offensive he has right now, the all-against-all.
12:47Correct, and it would also be said that José Rondón may make his presence today
12:52in the commitment.
12:53Let's remember that he had been absent in the last day of Cardinals de Lara
12:57because, well, he had been recovering from some points that caught him there,
13:02a suture in the part of his forehead.
13:04So, well, let's hope that he really is totally recovered.
13:08Another commitment that we are going to be enjoying tonight
13:11is going to be the visit of the tigers of Aragua to the eagles of Zulia.
13:15We'll see if the Bengalis really like to get out of their park,
13:19to see if they can get at least a new victory.
13:23Yes, and the eagles of Zulia, speaking of first victory,
13:26are also looking for that first laurel in their house.
13:29Fabi, they have not achieved the victory there in the Luis Aparicio El Grande
13:33of Maracaibo, they have disputed a couple of commitments.
13:36Right now, recently, they lost to Margarita in front of Bravos.
13:40And notice that I also find the topic I mentioned a few minutes ago interesting.
13:45These challenges in front of Bravos were seriously affected
13:49by the mistakes that the eagles made.
13:53In total, there were four mistakes, but in addition to that,
13:56they are also showing an offensive that does not finish waking up.
14:01As for names, they are there, the pieces are there,
14:04but they have not finished waking up those bats.
14:07Notice that in this series, in front of Bravos,
14:09they left 15 runners in circulation.
14:13Well, then, you can't just leave everything to the Zulian pitch.
14:17That is more than evident.
14:19Toletería also has to back up that good moment
14:22that each of its pitchers is enjoying.
14:25Let's see, Zulia is also the set that has been able to boost
14:29fewer races, precisely with 17.
14:32And well, over there we also have interesting names
14:35like Simón Muciotti and Ali Castillo,
14:38who are the only ones who have been responding to the rapaces,
14:41even with an average close to 400 points.
14:46Yes, there is Ali Castillo with 385,
14:49the always successful Ali Castillo,
14:51and the young Simón Muciotti with 391.
14:54They are the only players who are there playing with the wood.
14:58But what happens?
14:59The two of them cannot, let's say,
15:01face the eagles of Zulia.
15:03They also need the names of José Pirela,
15:06Rugniodor, Ángel Reyes, Freddy Gálvez,
15:09who are also important pieces
15:12in that line-up of Ixonaba.
15:14Notice that there are names,
15:16of which I have just made reference,
15:18that are in the order of 200 points of average.
15:21So, very low in this part of the all-against-all.
15:25They are pieces that, well, obviously,
15:27need to contribute so that the set of eagles of Zulia
15:30can straighten the course
15:32and can return to that second place
15:34that inscribes them in that grand final.
15:36And the truth is also, Kevin,
15:38that we are in an extremely decisive stage.
15:41In addition, the Venezuelan league moves quite fast.
15:45We saw it part in the regular round,
15:48that if you fell behind with three games,
15:50then you were up,
15:51but if you also, hey, you were careless,
15:54then at once you could fall to the bottom of the classification,
15:58which is precisely what is happening to the Tigres de Aragua
16:01with a panorama that honestly looks quite complicated.
16:05They have a record of one victory and five defeats.
16:09They have lost their last four commitments
16:12and it is a team that really needs to look for the formula
16:15and not leave everything to the offensive of the Bengalis,
16:18which was their best aspect of the game.
16:20But notice, Fabi, that that offensive,
16:22which was the presentation card of the Tigres in the regular round,
16:26has been totally turned off in this phase.
16:29They show an average right now of 224, even the last one.
16:33They are the worst collective advantage at the moment in the round robin
16:38and there they are also evidently eradicating the defeats of the Tigres de Aragua
16:43because they are combining a deficient batting
16:46and a pitching that is also being connected very easily.
16:49You are absolutely right, Kevin.
16:51The Bengalis have scored only three races in their last three commitments,
16:56so the tiger pitching has been deficient as you show it,
17:01but it has not been supported by the Toledo, which has also been failing.
17:06Well, in short, we will have to see what decisions Russell Vázquez makes
17:10together with his technical staff and the management
17:13to try to reverse and straighten in the short term.
17:17This has to be done immediately.
17:19The situation of the Tigres de Aragua, Fabi.
17:22With this, then we are going to review the position table.
17:25In first place is Cardenales de Lara
17:29with a balance of six victories and zero defeats.
17:32They are also in second place.
17:34The Bravos of Margarita woke up this Monday
17:37with a record of four victories and three defeats.
17:40Below is Zulia with three and three.
17:42And Navegantes del Magallanes, who took off from the basement, has been straightening.
17:46Let's see how far the Turkish ship goes,
17:49which has a record of two victories and five defeats.
17:53And in the basement are the Tigres de Aragua
17:56with just one victory and five defeats.
17:59Well, Fabi, with this we have to say goodbye,
18:02not without first thanking you for your faithful tuning
18:04and of course inviting you to continue interacting
18:07on our different platforms, arroba, baseballplay,
18:10and also remind you that if you want to enjoy
18:13each of the commitments of the Venezuelan League of Professional Baseball,
18:16you have to subscribe to our web portal www.baseballplay.com
18:21with a monthly fee of 12.99.
18:24It will be. Until next time. Bye.
18:27The preview was presented by Vanesco.
18:30Send remittances to Venezuela with the options of Vanesco.
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