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Vidéos : @UCI_CX

Après une pause la semaine dernière avec les différents Championnats nationaux, la Coupe du Monde UCI de cyclo-cross fait son retour ce dimanche à Benidorm en Espagne, théâtre de la 10e manche du circuit mondial. Pour conclure cette tiède et belle journée ensoleillée, les Elite hommes ont proposé un scénario assez similaire à celui offert par les femmes un peu plus tôt, avec une course très fermée sur ce circuit atypique et rapide sur lequel il est difficile de faire de grosses différences. Tout s'est donc joué dans le dernier des huit tours au programme, et c'est Thibau Nys qui s'est montré le plus explosif et costaud dans le final pour enchaîner une deuxième victoire de suite après son titre de champion de Belgique le week-end dernier ! Derrière le champion d'Europe, on retrouve Eli Iserbyt (Pauwels Sauzen - Cibel Clementines) et Lars van der Haar (Baloise Glowi Lions) sur le podium, Wout Van Aert échouant lui à une décevante 4e place à six secondes du vainqueur.


00:00and we're ready for the start round nine of eleven it would have been ten of twelve but
00:07nine of eleven in the uci cyclocross world cup from benidorm locked and loaded
00:14hammer off in the middle up alongside tonight's he's gone in the small gear he's trying to get
00:18the good start looks like at the moment neils van der pooter in the double denim right in the middle
00:23he's going to get the best start by the looks of it great start by him he's got elizabeth locking
00:27up the back wheel and sliding there let's get through here cleanly boys we don't want a problem
00:30at this point andrew strohmeyer the american champion on the inside just getting caught up
00:34against the barriers but it's van der pooter who's got the best start felipe or it's looking very
00:38comfortable there in second and ellie is a bit in third a little bit on these corners not kicking
00:44as hard as he maybe could do here you'll soon know because you'll see the riders coming alongside
00:50and you see that happening you can see that that is the case there last van der haas moving up
00:55alongside van turn out the power salesman squad looking like they're playing that tactical game
01:01once again felipe also on the right side of that little bit of gamesmanship he had a little crash
01:07with t-bone ace and managed to come up the inside of him crashed into a bit of a barrier i think he
01:11ran over a spectator's foot or something like that but he then started to bounce back in the coming
01:16races after that eventually took the win in holland um just after new year at the beginning
01:22of the season when he beat ellie is a bit of michael van turn out on that occasion then again
01:26took the win in dendamond here he goes up the inside there as well this fantastic drone shot
01:30he's tracking alongside pym ronha and kevin coon by the looks of it
01:36and he's trying to get back in touch with the group being led by ellie is a bit there he is
01:40he's quite on his hands well by this stage of the last round of the uci world cup in
01:45dendamond it was looking far more certain as we were going into the closing stages and he
01:49was riding away from everyone effectively now we're back on the climb again the penultimate
01:54time we'll see the drone shot alongside wout van aert he is being tracked by the danger man as
01:58jeremy has pointed out rightly to t-bone ace with a bike length to wout van aert that's starting to
02:04crack open they'll be certainly making t-bone ace work hard to stay with him and there's the catch
02:08as well just like that on the climb wout van aert has gone to the front of the race for the first
02:12time the bismolita bike rider he's caught everyone and he now leads into the woods
02:17uh my my explanation is that he's going to open this one up here he's going to do what
02:21he needs to do here to be able to put this one away nace is the i think in my opinion
02:26the strongest on the day van aert now knows he's got to close this up but he's coming from so far
02:30back like i said it's going to be a lot wow look at the front east a bit all out here now t-bone
02:35ace goes right over the top of him jess understandably our camera is staying without
02:39van aert but you're right the action over the top it is t-bone ace who goes over the top we saw him
02:43do this on the finish of this tour of romandie this year on the road we know how much power he
02:47punched punches on a climb like that t-bone ace going clear can van toerenhout and elizabeth get
02:53back in touch wout van aert still there and this race is really open at the front end this is the
02:58final lap now lap eight and t-bone ace had been keeping his powder dry but he's just puffed it up
03:03in the air because he's off through the moment he laid down the big attack comes over the top
03:08he's going to walk into the finish with a handful of seconds ahead of him absolute perfection here
03:12from t-bone ace here in benidorm he kicks out the back wheel though it's not an enormous leader
03:17really it's a bit but there are very few places to make up time now as we go into these swoopy
03:21corners he takes the left hander too he's done it european champion belgian champion and rounding
03:27in on those world championships big warning shot fired because t-bone ace is the winner
03:32in benidorm in round nine of the uci cyclocross world cup what a final lap from him elizabeth
03:39second last van der harpe a brilliant ride in third wout van aert in fourth michael van toerenhout
03:44fifth and felipe or is the local hero in six neils van der pooter stops his watch in i think seventh
03:51and uh joris newenhouse in eighth back from illness
