• 2 months ago
हिण्डौनसिटी. साइबर अपराधों के विरुद्ध पत्रिका के अभियान के तहत शुक्रवार को राजकीय स्नातकोत्तर महाविद्यालय में टॉक-शो आयोजित हुआ। जिसमें वक्ताओं ने सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफार्म पर सतर्कता बरतने की बात कही। उन्होंने कहा कि सोशल मीडिया पर लोगों का मेलजोल जितना सहज हुआ है। वहीं थोड़ी अनदेखी बड़ी परेशानी का सबब बन सकती है। संचार क्रांति से वर्तमान में सुविधाएं बढऩे के साथ साइबर क्राइम दुविधा बन गया है। ऐसे में लोगों को सोशल मीडिया अकाउंट पर निजी जानकारियां साझा नहीं करनी चाहिए। इसका साइबर अपराधी दुरुपयोग कर सकते हैं।


00:00You must have seen that the situation of cybercrime is increasing in the society.
00:05We get calls and then they try to ask us for their OTP,
00:10ask for information about the bank's recording or bank account
00:14and try to frame you.
00:16This is one type of fraud.
00:18The second type is that your child is in our custody,
00:21you have asked for something wrong, you have done a theft.
00:24They arrest him, they call it digital arrest.
00:27So all these criteria are increasing at the moment.
00:30The crime rate is increasing.
00:32It should happen that we use the digitalization of mobile phones.
00:37Do it for your studies, to prove your contacts,
00:41do it for your knowledge.
00:43But people are confused by this and use it for wrong things.
00:47Each and every girl has 8-10 mobile phones.
00:50They call each other, mislead others
00:53and try to take money from them in return.
00:56The people who have given money,
01:00all of them are educated people.
01:03They don't call poor people.
01:06All the bank managers, professors, doctors, engineers,
01:11even the IRS officers,
01:14call their homes and arrest them digitally
01:19or give them wrong advice and try to ask for their OTP.
01:23And they get caught.
01:25And the result is that our bank balance gets empty.
01:28They make a photo of us and put it on other groups.
01:32And they scare us with it.
01:35And the result is that they keep blackmailing us.
01:38The aim is to take their money.
01:40But we should try to avoid these things.
01:43If a person tells us that no bank does this,
01:45tell us the OTP.
01:46No bank does this.
01:48And nowadays you must have seen that
01:50if a person asks you for your OTP,
01:53you don't tell them.
01:55This means that people are being blackmailed.
01:58So we also need to be aware of these things.
