Two years ago, actress Alankrita Sahai told her story of being robbed at Knief Point by four criminals, which was similar to Saif Ali Khan's experience. She said, ‘You know, I think to be at knife point held for 2 hours in my own house was a traumatic incident. I feel like, my body still has that trauma of the man attacking me or hitting me trying to kill me. Sometimes when I’m in an elevator alone, I get very conscious when there are many men around I'm ready in defense mode, because that trauma is still inside my body.”
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00:00You know, I think to be at knife point, held for two hours in my own house, was a very traumatic incident.
00:11I feel like, you know my body still has that trauma of the men attacking me, hitting me, trying to kill me,
00:18in my body somewhere. Sometimes when I'm in an elevator alone, I get very conscious that there are too many men around me
00:24and I'm ready in a defence position because, you know, that trauma is still there in my body of being surrounded by a couple of men.
00:31So I'm always thinking that I've got to be ready to defend myself and protect my honour.
00:36The incident that took place in my life was of course, life altering in terms of my mental psyche and
00:43you know, I'm always like this nowadays if I hear some noise because it was in my house and I felt very unsafe.
00:50But right now that I've been able to deal with it, the government and the officials got me justice.
00:56The courts did their due diligent work and the criminals are behind bars.
01:00I can only thank them and my officials and my judges and my lawyers and the team members who were there,
01:05that they got me justice and they apprehended these criminals.
01:09So when it comes to Saif Ali Khan's case, he is a man of such great stature, right,
01:15with such security in place, such protocols in place.
01:19And when a man of that stature and security is attacked, you know,
01:25and he is, I would say stabbed so many times and his spinal cord fluid was leaked
01:32and all the information that is being given online, it is a heinous crime.
01:37Like for me, I'm like how dare you and how do you have the audacity and the courage
01:45to think of killing somebody or hurting somebody for that matter of fact?
01:50How do you think it's justifiable in any way?
01:55And people are using hashtag like hashtag unsafe.
02:00Please don't take this as a joke.
02:07The nannies were also very brave, you know, as far as the information given on the internet
02:12and the news officials.
02:14So it's a collective responsibility of us as people to, you know,
02:19protect the sanctity and sanity of this family.
02:22They kind of make fun and make speculations on who, when, what, why.
02:26Let the officials do their job and like they apprehended one of the particular people involved.
02:32They picked him up from, there were 20 teams in place.
02:35Officials were, you know, doing their work day and night and apprehended him.
02:39Now justice has to prevail and an example has to be set
02:44that no other criminal or a criminal being born, a criminal being acted upon
02:50or a crime being perpetrated or a thought also of trying to kill, rob, hurt,
02:58just cause harm to anybody's family, be it an actor, businessman, politician.
03:04A young girl on the street, a young boy on the street should never happen again.
03:09People should have fear in their minds.
03:12No matter how much has happened in Mumbai, as we all know, people are living in bulletproof homes.
03:18Someone was assassinated.
03:20This is a, you know, a particular situation that needs to be addressed.
03:26I don't want people fighting over the idea that who is good, who is wrong, who did right, who did wrong.
03:32It is time that we come together and bring a solution to this problem,
03:38that no one should have the courage to enter someone's house, rob him and kill him.
03:44And I think, coming from my personal point of view, I also had to save myself from these attackers.
03:50But I am fortunate I was not injured that way.
03:53Of course, I have a neck injury still because of that, you know.
03:56But there is no comparison here because there were two kids in the house.
04:02There were a lot of members of the family.
04:04And I'm only requesting people who are trying to plot and plan and do horrible things in this world, please don't.
04:09There's already a lot of bad things happening.
04:11I think we can be better and kinder to each other and not have so much hate for each other.