Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan continues to recover from his stab wounds, new developments seem to take place in parallel. The Mumbai police have recovered another melee weapon from the actor’s residence in the Bandra area of Mumbai. The cops recovered an old sword from the actor’s house, it is unclear if it is a part of the actor’s ancestral property. Safi, who belongs to the lineage of Nawabs, is the owner of many antique and priced possessions including the Pataudi Palace in Haryana.
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00:00Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan continues to recover from his stab wounds, new developments
00:06seem to take place in parallel.
00:08The Mumbai police have recovered another melee weapon from the actor's residence in the Bandra
00:13area of Mumbai.
00:14The cops recovered an old sword from the actor's house.
00:18It is unclear if it is a part of the actor's ancestral property.
00:21Safi, who belongs to the lineage of Nawabs, is the owner of many antique and prized possessions,
00:28including the Pataudi Palace in Haryana.
00:30Saif was reportedly attacked with a 2.5-inch knife by an assailant who barged into his
00:36Bandra house through his youngest son, Jai's room.
00:40As per media reports, doctors removed the 2.5 inches of knife from his wound.
00:45The actor, who underwent a surgery, has now been shifted to the ICU and is said to be
00:50out of danger.
00:51The actor was stabbed multiple times in an attempt to fight off a burglar during the
00:56wee hours of Thursday.
00:57The actor sustained six stab wounds, two of which are said to be serious as they are
01:02closer to his spine.
01:04The incident took place at 2.15 am when the burglar allegedly barged into their Bandra
01:10home and attacked their house help and then Saif when he intervened.
01:14At the time of the incident, his wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, was present at home along with
01:20other members of the family as they all were sleeping.
01:23Saif was woken up by the commotion in his son Jai's room.
01:27He went inside the room to see the culprit arguing with their house help.
01:31Looking at this, Saif intervened to save the house help with bare hands to fight off the
01:37The actor is currently said to be stable and recovering well.