Mumbai: On the attack on actor Saif Ali Khan, actress Urvashi Rautela says, "This is extremely unfortunate. Actors are not safe at all. We never thought something like this would happen. But it's good to know that he is now doing fine..."
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00:00Yes, it's very unfortunate.
00:02As you can see, the actors are not safe at all.
00:06And we didn't even think that this would happen.
00:09But I just read that they are back on track.
00:12So I'm very very happy about that.
00:14But at the same time, you can see,
00:16we have crossed our success of 105 crores.
00:19So my mother gifted me a diamond Rolex.
00:22And my father gifted me this cute watch,
00:25which I'm wearing in the ring.
00:27So, it's not safe. How can we go out wearing this?
00:30Anybody can attack at any time. So it's not good.