• 2 months ago
কাঁটাতার ডিঙিয়ে হোক বা কেটে, অনুপ্রবেশ হলেই এবার দ্রুত জানতে পারবে সীমান্তরক্ষীবাহিনী ৷ বাংলাদেশিদের আটকাতে অভিনব উপায় বিএসএফের ৷


00:30The people in Bangladesh say that there is poison in the bottle, but there is nothing in our bottle.
00:39Our bottles are empty.
00:41We have given it to them so that the BSF Professionals can stay here, so that they can hear the words.
00:48That is why they have put it on.
00:51And our main aim is that the wire cutters do not take them to Bangladesh.
00:58Now they can take the wire cutters in the dark.
01:02That is why we have put it on so that they can hear the words.
01:05There is nothing poisonous in it and there is no inconvenience.
01:10We have put it on so that they can hear the words.
01:15If they do not give us the wire cutters, then they will come to our house and take it.
01:23We have put it on so that they can tie the wire cutters.
01:27They tie the wire cutters on our empty land.
01:29Now we are living in a good land.
01:31They do not eat.
01:32As much as you can in Bangladesh, stay in Bangladesh.
01:35This is the role of Bangladesh.
01:37And we are so different.
01:39I respect it, but my administration says that we get less freedom.
