• 2 months ago
মঙ্গলবার মকর সংক্রান্তির পুণ্যলগ্নে গঙ্গাসাগরে স্নান করলেন কেন্দ্রীয় মন্ত্রী তথা বঙ্গ বিজেপির সভাপতি সুকান্ত মজুমদার ৷


00:30As I told you, it is not like selling Malam in a fair.
00:36If you sell Malam for Rs. 10, it will be done.
00:39If you want to make a national fair, then in a national fair,
00:42whichever party has a government,
00:44the state government and the central government should work together.
00:48So here too, you will have to involve the central government.
00:52You have to involve the central government.
00:54And you have to show your will.
00:56You don't put a banner of BJP.
00:58You can't put a photo of the Prime Minister.
01:01If we see, we will take it down.
01:03How will you get the government?
01:07You have 40 crores in your pocket.
01:11You can get 20 crores here too.
01:15You have to make it.
01:17You have to make it.
01:19You have to make it.
01:21You have to make it.
01:23There is no serious issue.
01:29And the rain is only going up.
01:33It is the work of cutting the soil.
01:36One rupee per rupee.
01:39One rupee per rupee.
01:41One rupee per rupee.
01:42The government is selling soil according to the soil meter.
01:44When the soil is being sold in the market,
01:46people are paying Rs. 7,000.
01:48Who is doing it? The DMC is doing it.
01:51If you don't have the33 million,
01:54it is not your business.
01:56It is your business.
01:58There will be a problem.
02:00The central government has to think.
02:02The central government has to think about this.
02:04The central government doesn't have the power.
02:06If we don't get a good government,
02:08what can we do?
02:10The central government will have to ask the other side.
02:13The central government will have to ask the minister of the state.
02:16Where do you expect me to stay?
02:18We have seen the approach of these people.
02:22They are not stuck in the air.
02:24If they are stuck in the air, then they are politicians.
02:26They are not from Ganga.
02:28If they are from Ganga, then it is their sentiment.
02:31If they are from here, then they are from Bangladesh.
02:34If they are from Bangladesh, then it is their sentiment.
