• 2 months ago
WA Labor has committed to boosting the number of paid paramedics in the Peel and South West regions in its latest pitch to voters, as the government concedes the redevelopment of the Peel Health Campus still does not have a completion date. The WA Liberals turned their attention to grand-carers, promising to triple support and create a new carer’s card.


00:00A case of look over here.
00:07If re-elected, a WA Labor government will invest an additional $16 million to boost
00:13paramedic services in the Peel and South West.
00:18Instead of over there.
00:19Are you concerned, Minister, that this will be a bad case of deja vu for voters who remember
00:23you promising to redevelop this hospital in the 2021 campaign?
00:27WA Labor on the hustings, committing to doubling regional paramedic services in Australind
00:32and tripling them in Dawesville.
00:34But the government also providing an update on the $150 million Peel Health Campus redevelopment,
00:41which returned to the public system last year, revealing a contract is now signed with forward
00:46works expected to commence in coming months.
00:49Redeveloping existing hospitals is challenging, so we've done the careful planning that is
00:54required to ensure that we can redevelop this responsibly and ensure that all of the
00:59services are running.
01:00The state government may have appointed a contractor for the hospital's redevelopment,
01:05but said increases in costings were likely as it develops, and again, provided no clear
01:11timeline for its completion.
01:12Well, we do expect the ultimately the final figure will be more.
01:17There's no question we've seen a significant increase in labour and supply.
01:21For Mandurah locals, the redevelopment can't come soon enough.
01:25People are going without, staff are overworked, underpaid.
01:29Nothing has changed in 10 years, so it's long over 10 years since there's been lots of talk,
01:35very, very little action.
01:36Meanwhile, the WA Liberals pitch to voters tripling the grandparent support scheme to
01:41$3,000 a year and introducing a carer's card with potential concession fares and discounts.
01:48Today's announcement is not only a recognition of the role of grand carers in WA, but it
01:55is a recognition of the significant cost of living pressures.
01:59The race to the March poll well and truly underway.
