• 2 months ago
La muerte de Jorge Lanata desató tensiones ocultas entre las mujeres cercanas al periodista. Elba Marcovecchio lanzó acusaciones que Romina Manguel no tardó en responder desde las redes sociales, revelando una disputa interna que parece haber estado latente por mucho tiempo. Elba acusa a la periodista de haber sido amante de Jorge mientras que ella niega todo.



00:00Can we say the final battle? No, we can't say it.
00:03Yes, we can say that it is the first chapter of a battle that begins.
00:07First, to talk about the daughters who kicked her on the floor, that's how it was referred to.
00:12And to Romina Mangel, according to Elba Marcovecchio, who would have tried,
00:16according to messages that Lanatta himself sent to Elba,
00:19to exchange sexual favors for imported wallets.
00:23This determined that the journalist, Romina Mangel,
00:26would quickly respond on social media,
00:29realizing that nothing in the world, not even an imported wallet,
00:32could give her everything her friend gave her.
00:35And he compared her to Elba Marcovecchio for exchanging a bond for a floor in a palace.
00:42Luis, wait a minute. Do you think you talk about all these issues 17 days after death?
00:48I don't know if I think that's what happens.
00:50Okay, but what do you think? Because I swear I'm really outraged today.
00:54What happened to you when you saw the note?
00:55I felt really bad. I lost my father two years ago, approximately.
01:00And if it were the ex-wife, I would celebrate.
01:03If it were, I would have reunited the couple.
01:05And I celebrate everything. I think it's barbaric.
01:07But I think it's a level of lack of...
01:10I think you can't judge...
01:12No, you can't judge.
01:13The need to talk about a person is very particular.
01:17And it's very...
01:19And it's her property.
01:21They went against Debrito for making this note so recently.
01:26Ángel Debrito made an excellent note.
01:28He didn't deny any issue at all.
01:31He was thorough with everything.
01:34When he had to say the word, Mechera said it.
01:36He didn't blush.
01:37And I would tell you that it took a long time for Elvita to respond.
01:40Because, in reality, she has been attacked for months...
01:44No, Damián.
01:45...with the baby in the womb, debating between life and death.
01:47Damián, I call you to silence.
01:49She called you to silence all these months.
01:52No, because she called you to silence.
01:53It's what she did all these months.
01:55Everyone is against her. Everyone.
01:57No, I don't know who everyone is.
01:58Everyone who is on one side.
01:59Her relatives.
02:00Who are her relatives?
02:01Let's see. Her two daughters.
02:03The daughters of...
02:04Jorge are against her.
02:05Oh, of Jorge. Yes, yes.
02:06Well, they were always against her.
02:08Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
02:10Likewise, what draws a little attention
02:12has to do with all the information that we are going to display today.
02:16Which are the reasons why the first political family of Elva Marcovecchio would detest her.
02:22Let's say, we are repeating the story a little.
02:24This is what draws attention.
02:26The first political family of Elva Marcovecchio detests her.
02:29Now we are going to tell you what are the possible reasons.
02:34But the second political family of Elva Marcovecchio also detests her.
02:38Her two daughters.
02:40They talked about that in depth yesterday in the note with Ángel de Brito.
02:45A title that Elva also threw out talking about her profession.
02:48She says, I, to fight, they pay me.
02:51In my house I have tranquility.
02:53Words more. No, in my house I have no conflicts.
02:56Well, it seems to me that there one can also take the journalistic permission to disagree.
03:00How much truth is there in what she said?
03:02Or how much strategy?
03:04Elva Marcovecchio for some reason gave the note and clearly has to do with an economic fight.
03:09It's a lie.
03:10And not with the clear, white goods.
03:13But with a whole gray space that they will surely have to push.
03:17On the one hand the daughters of Nata, and on the other hand.
03:20All the clear goods are in justice.
03:22She can not expose it to the air in a program, in a note.
03:26Because it is within what is the demand.
03:28And it will be discussed in justice.
03:30Let's see what justice says.
03:31Well, I also have information from Último Momento.
03:34Because I have some kind of communication with Ramina Mangel.
03:41So this morning I wrote to her.
03:43I said, Ramina, well, let's see what there is about it.
03:46We were chatting for a very long time.
03:49There is a lot of conversation that I can not share.
03:53Are you very angry?
03:54There are some issues that yes, Ramina talked to me and told me.
03:59Yes, you can perfectly say this.
04:01I took some notes because I do not want to say anything that is not strictly what is convenient.
04:07First I asked her about this place where somehow they put her.
04:10As an expensive cat.
04:12And she was deeply sad.
04:14She told me, I think it's scary in the place.
04:17Not where they put me.
04:19But in the place where they put Jorge Lanata.
04:22For being a man who supposedly had to pay with expensive objects.
04:26The sexual favors of women.
04:28It is a horrible place.
04:29It is to denigrate it.
04:31And the cat thing is very funny to her.
04:33Because she told me some anecdotes.
04:35And she says to me, I really do not get it.
04:37The times I tried to do it, I got scared.
04:40But you saw that there are women who do not like that.
04:43And also, Jorge had Karina with his friends.
04:46And also with his ex-partner, Andrea Rodriguez.
04:49A very brutal dialectical bond.
04:51And with a very high level of cynicism.
04:54Because she is a middle person.
04:56Ramina also, those who know her, knows that she had two endearing friends.
05:00On the one hand, Lanata.
05:01And on the other hand, Gerardo Rocín.
05:03They were friendly relationships.
05:06I talked to both of them.
05:08Ramina is on vacation.
05:09She is in France.
05:11She is with her daughters.
05:12And of course, I told her, Ramina, let's go out for a couple of minutes.
05:15Let's talk on the show.
05:16And she told me, no way.
05:18Because she is really sad.
05:20What it does mean is that Jorge Lanata was not a guy who had to pay any kind of favor.
05:27That he played music for you.
05:28Or that he told you a story.
05:30And that he had all the resources at hand.
05:33Within his talent.
05:35To be able to seduce different women.
05:38And she also told me an anecdote of a lot of intimacy.
05:43Not couple intimacy.
05:44Friendship intimacy.
05:45Those things that happen when you love yourself and you know someone a lot.
05:48She told me that on one occasion they met in the city of Washington.
05:52That Jorge was very bad and very depressed.
05:55Because of the very delicate situation that his mother was living.
05:59And that they met.
06:00And on the way from Washington to the airport.
06:04They went, despite the cold that it was.
06:06With the low windows.
06:07Because Jorge did not stop smoking.
06:09And that in all the anguish that he had.
06:11They went hand in hand.
06:13As if sharing that moment.
06:14Although a tremendous whistle was coming through the window.
06:17And that moment.
06:18She rescues it as one of the most intimate moments.
06:21That she lived with her friend.
06:23It seemed to me a very tender story.
06:26Very sweet.
06:27And true.
06:28Of great depth.
06:29And on the other hand.
06:30Also to close.
06:32He says that surely he was very in love with Elba.
06:36They were friends.
06:37They knew each other.
06:38And they told each other everything.
06:39That surely he was very in love with Elba.
06:41And that Elba loved him very much.
06:42But that Elba Marcovecchio.
06:44This definition seemed very strong to me.
06:46It is a very small chapter.
06:48At the end of the life of Jorge Lanata.
06:51And yes.
06:52It cannot be compared to the great stories of love.
06:55Reflected in the different books written by Jorge.
06:57You don't have to compare them.
06:58Yes, you have to compare them.
06:59Let's see, this is the case of Maradona.
07:00They want to put Claudia Villafañe.
07:02Comparing with Rocio Oliva.
07:04The last love of Maradona was Rocio Oliva.
07:06The previous one was Veronica Ojeda.
07:07And Claudia Villafañe was Ventura.
07:09And the truth is that Jorge.
07:10And I finish a trial.
07:11Now, if you allow me.
07:12I have a last moment.
07:13With respect to Elvita and Romina Mangel.
07:14Let's see.
07:15As you know that I only tell truths.
07:17I'm going to tell you.
07:18It's a last moment of October.
07:20Because I went back.
07:22It's a last moment with a little bit of truth.
07:24Because I have what Elvita wrote to me.
07:25With respect to Romina Mangel.
07:26In October.
07:27That at the time we did not know.
07:28But it's good now.
07:29Because when this conflict was already installed.
07:30She told me.
07:31I have many long messages.
07:32From Romina to Jorge.
07:33There are a lot.
07:34She is a cynic.
07:35Oh, how tremendous.
07:36Let's see.
07:37So that people understand.
07:38This was not born now.
07:39This story does not have five minutes.
07:40There is some tension.
07:41Let's see.
07:42Let's see.
07:43Let's see.
07:44Let's see.
07:45Let's see.
07:46Let's see.
07:47Let's see.
07:48Let's see.
07:49Let's see.
07:50Let's see.
07:51Let's see.
07:53Let's see.
07:54Let's see.
07:55Let's see.
07:56Let's see.
07:57Let's see.
07:58Let's see.
07:59Let's see.
08:00Let's see.
08:01Let's see.
08:02Let's see.
08:03Let's see.
08:04Let's see.
08:05Let's see.
08:06Let's see.
08:07Let's see.
08:08Let's see.
08:09Let's see.
08:10Yes, some tension between Elva Marcovecchio and Romina Mangel.
08:11That's why we have this report to soak you up on the issue.
08:12Elva Marcovecchio vs Romina Mangel.
08:13Jorge Lanata's death opened an unexpected scene.
08:14At least doors to the outside.
08:15Because doors to the inside.
08:16It seems that the thing is already badly scrambled for a long time.
08:17There is a very strong internal.
08:18of the women who surrounded the journalist.
08:21The one who threw the first stone was Elba Marcovecchio.
08:24And as if she were a boomerang,
08:26Romina Mangel went out to counterattack from the networks.
08:29Without a doubt, Jorge got away from Romina Mangel.
08:36I have no doubts.
08:37In fact, I can't believe it's her who has to talk about me.
08:41Hostage of Romina Mangel.
08:43Lanata, today you miss her more.
08:46Because I don't know what you would have done
08:47if you listened to your wife talk
08:49as she talked about your daughters,
08:51their mothers, them, your true loves.
08:54What I'm sure of is that when we were married,
09:00she would send me private messages to Jorge.
09:04For example?
09:06And what I would do to you for a Hermes wallet.
09:09I don't know if it's funny that she insists that we were lovers
09:12or that we exchanged sexual favors.
09:15No one who has met you can believe it.
09:17Your charisma, intelligence, sweetness.
09:20They did the magic that not even a thousand Hermes
09:23could face.
09:24Jorge, I don't know if you are...
09:28We were married.
09:28Didn't you ever hit on her?
09:29No, no, no.
09:30I'm going to hit on her.
09:30Like you want to grab her hair.
09:33No, I would never have said it
09:35if she didn't have the courage to talk badly about me.
09:39Believing that you needed transactions,
09:40such as delivering a debt in Estrugamú for love,
09:43I find it disgusting and alienating.
09:46You can't talk badly about me.
09:48And like that?
09:49Forty times.
09:50What a joke.
09:51I mean, no, a joke.
09:53What I would do to you for a Hermes wallet
09:54seems like a joke to you?
09:56It's the first time that I wonder
09:58if you would have laughed at this too.
10:05How spicy.
10:06What do you think?
10:06Romina Mangel hits very hard
10:08and there is a part of these extensive tweets
10:11where she refers to what you were saying, Karina.
10:14She says,
10:14we were more intimate being friends
10:16and holding hands
10:17There it is.
10:17on sad and cold nights
10:19than those you may have had
10:22in a relationship with ring and everything.
10:25I'm sorry for the blooper.
10:26Talk about the car with the open window
10:28that moved me.
10:29Talk about that moment.
10:30That's the anecdote of that sentence.
10:32That you told, Karina.
10:33It's crazy that two women
10:35treat each other as they are treating each other.
10:37I swear I hear it
10:38and I really can't digest it,
10:40I can't believe it.
10:42I can't believe either
10:43that they don't respect
10:45Jorge Lanata's decision
10:46to have chosen as his last woman
10:49Elba Marcovecchio.
10:50Because the one who decided to marry,
10:52to say yes,
10:53was Jorge Lanata
10:55knowing what he was doing
10:56and the step he was taking.
10:57It also seems terrible to me
11:00that I was involved in the Hermes issue,
11:01that I was involved in the department issue
11:03because Jorge was an adult person
11:06who knew what he was doing
11:07and no one forced him to do anything.
11:09And if Jorge had a problem
11:11giving an apartment to someone
11:13who was his wife,
11:14it was Jorge Lanata's problem, man.
11:16Who is Romina Mangel
11:18to go out and demolish that?
11:19There is a certain thing
11:21that Jorge was sending those messages
11:24that Romina Mangel was sending
11:26directly to Elba
11:27and where he was saying
11:29what I would do for a wallet,
11:32we are not going to say the brand
11:32so as not to be cheap, it doesn't matter.
11:34I say, the truth is that for a woman
11:37who is married to that person,
11:38I say, it must be totally uncomfortable.
11:41But do you remember the biographer
11:42who came out here on a cell phone?
11:44What did the biographer say?
11:45I was fucking Jorge,
11:48how are you going to leave me alone?
11:49You were going to marry me,
11:50you were going to give me I don't know what.
11:52It seems that it was the dialogue
11:53that Jorge had with some friends.
11:55I say, because the biographer said it here.
11:57Elba, it's a small chapter
11:59in the life of Jorge Lanata.
12:01It's scary, it's scary.
12:03And beyond everything.
12:04What do you think of this,
12:05that Lanata was sending him the messages
12:08to whiten him?
12:10It seemed strange to me.
12:11Like, why open it?
12:12To say only to me,
12:13the one that seemed strange to him?
12:14I don't think so.
12:15You don't think so?
12:16No, of course not.
12:17It seems like anything.
12:18And another thing, Katri,
12:19that I want to add about it.
12:21It also seemed very ugly to me.
12:23I, Lanata, I don't know,
12:24I always saw him as a powerful journalist.
12:26It's okay if they go down a bit,
12:28but suddenly that role of a child
12:30that he put on him,
12:31as if she was giving him the half moons.
12:33Everything is weird,
12:34everything is very complicated.
12:35It's a duel, we also understand that.
12:37Then don't expose yourself.
12:38Sorry, Tweety,
12:39mix the beginning of the relationship,
12:41the relationship with Barbara,
12:42that could never flow,
12:43she herself says it,
12:44and that is understandable,
12:45and it is mixed with the anger
12:46and the pending invoices they have.
12:48Now, I say, Romina,
12:50many said, why don't you clarify
12:51if he had any romantic relationship with Lanata?
12:54I would have to clarify it.
12:55It would be of a,
12:58instead of a gentleman, a lady,
12:59to talk about previous relationships
13:02or previous marriages
13:03that he later consumed with Elba?
13:04Would it be good or unpleasant
13:07at this time?
13:08As it is, it coincides.
13:09Sorry, I would like to see
13:11Elba Marcovecchio
13:13in the nightly note,
13:14talking about Jorge Lanata's daughters.
13:17The debate continues, but with this part.
13:21Why don't they accept you?
13:22Why don't they love you?
13:24It had happened before
13:25and it had not been made public.
13:28So it always existed with Jorge in life?
13:32For me, and when...
13:35One day I tell Jorge
13:37that I didn't understand what he had done.
13:40I mean, because if he had done something,
13:42he could fix it.
13:43And there Jorge shows me an email
13:47where he showed me
13:49that this same problem,
13:50the twin of this problem,
13:52twin, to put it in some way,
13:55happened in his previous relationship.
13:58Between Kiwita and Andrea.
14:00And Bárbara, I mean.
14:03Between Kiwita and Bárbara.
14:04Bárbara didn't accept?
14:05Of course.
14:05I never sat at a table with Andrea,
14:08but it hurt me a lot that...
14:10that she didn't even...
14:14I mean, that Bárbara didn't even know my children.
14:17And with Lola, I loved her.
14:23For me it was a great disappointment
14:24that they brought her up to this issue.
14:26Did you feel at some point
14:27that you made a mistake with them?
14:29With the daughters?
14:29No, look, I do a lot of therapy.
14:32No, no, no, I don't think so.
14:33So you didn't find a reason?
14:35No, not with Bárbara,
14:36because we didn't have anything.
14:38I mean, Bárbara didn't have any relationship.
14:40Of course, there was no kind of opportunity.
14:42And this was talked about a lot of times
14:44with Jorge and Lola.
14:47The truth is that I don't understand it.
14:49I was attacked because...
14:52they knew
14:54and suspected
14:56or bragged
14:58that Jorge
14:59wasn't going to see what was happening.
15:02They tell you, no, and to fight, you need two.
15:05Yes, excuse me, but I was on the floor lying down
15:06and they were kicking me.
15:09Which one hurt you the most?
15:11Oh, I can tell you a lot.
15:12Take the videos out of context
15:15to hurt.
15:17Nothing more than to hurt.
15:18That Jorge didn't take care of him.
15:21That Jorge didn't take care of him.
15:22That he didn't go to the hospital.
15:24It was...
15:25This little poop, really.
15:27I said, this is serious.
15:29Jorge gave me his life and I gave him my life.
15:32Not being Jorge.
15:34Being Jorge, no.
15:35Not being Jorge,
15:36they treated me as if I were a little girl.
15:39Do you understand me?
15:40As if I were...
15:43his wife.
15:46There's something about the protagonists.
15:48She didn't feel recognized by the daughters.
15:50That they didn't recognize her.
15:51They didn't recognize her.
15:53They ignored her.
15:53Not the daughters, not the group.
15:55When we talk about the daughters, we talk about sex.
15:57We talk about the friends from before.
16:00She called them the block at one point.
16:01It's a block, really.
16:03They defined themselves as the block.
16:05But why was the block of all...
16:07Look, the daughters, the friends,
16:09the co-workers, the employees.
16:12And here, alone in the middle of the sea,
16:14there was Marcovecchio.
16:15Because she's the victim.
16:16Didn't you see her?
16:17The victim.
16:18Don't you think it's a little unbalanced?
16:20Yes, horrible.
16:21Doesn't it catch your attention?
16:22It's very unbalanced.
16:23What do you think, doctor?
16:26Divide and reign.
16:29First of all, I want to say that
16:33if we do the analysis of the formation of marriages
16:36at a certain age of the gentleman,
16:39we know that there is a past in the life of the gentleman
16:41which is all the loneliness or the pre-marriage.
16:46What does it mean?
16:47You are used to a lot of people,
16:49to a habit of collaborating, of participating,
16:52of assisting, of inviting.
16:55And from good to bad, when the mother queen appears
16:59and settles, she begins to take power
17:02within the life of that man,
17:04she begins to make determinations.
17:07And in those determinations many enemies are won,
17:10who came to dirty her all the time.
17:12She got dirty from here, from there, from there, from there.
17:15That had to do, above all,
17:16with issues of past work interests
17:19that have become present.
17:21So what happens?
17:22When Marcovecchio feels attacked,
17:25he begins to take over.
17:27Then the videos appear, the evidence appears,
17:29the umbrella opens.
17:31But it is still striking that everyone,
17:33everyone is against Elba Marcovecchio,
17:36even the Clarín group,
17:38which Elba Marcovecchio points out,
17:40which was the employer,
17:41the employer of Jorge Lanata,
17:44who said that the scenes of the potential robbery
17:46were happening permanently.
17:50We went to look for Kiwita
17:53and we went to look for Andrea.
17:55The two ex-wives of Jorge,
17:57close to him, in this micro world.
17:59With interests too.
18:00They work perfectly, they love each other,
18:02they get along wonderfully.
18:04We went to look for them.
18:05Do you want to see what they told us?
18:11Did you see Elba's interview?
18:13How did you take this when she talked about an operation
18:17and they mentioned you, Andrea?
18:19I'm going to stop for a minute.
18:20Hi, I'm not going to talk.
18:21So thank you.
18:22How are you?
18:23How are you doing these days?
18:25Does it affect you that Barbara is being talked about?
18:27Well, your daughter.
18:28Did that affect you personally?
18:30Tell us how you are taking the whole situation,
18:32that Elba appears in the media.
18:34Just that, for you.
18:36Does it affect you?
18:38He said media operation against him,
18:40that you had orchestrated it.
18:41I don't know what they're talking about.
18:43And when he says that Jorge mentions him
18:45in the interview he gave yesterday, he says...
18:47Well, you were in the publication,
18:49so I imagine they talked about it,
18:50or that you are aware of the note Elba gave you,
18:52that's why we came to look for your word.
18:53Can you leave me alone?
18:54Guys, seriously, I'm telling you,
18:55this is not good.
18:57I'm fine, I'm sad, I miss Jorge.
19:00This is not good.
19:02Did you get a low blow from Elba?
19:05That she comes out to talk at this moment,
19:07that you mention that they are paying her badly?
19:09Guys, the truth is, I'm a producer,
19:11I understand your work,
19:13but it's not good anymore, right?
19:15I was kind, wasn't I?
19:17Seriously, I thank you,
19:19I thank you,
19:20but I'm not going to talk,
19:21so don't follow me.
19:23There it is.
19:24Thank you very much, Andrea.
19:25Thank you, Andrea.
19:29Well, there goes Andrea Rodríguez.
19:32Kiwi, one minute, Kiwi.
19:34Kiwi, please.
19:36Kiwi, one minute, with a lot of respect.
19:38Kiwi, Kiwi.
19:39Well, don't you want to talk?
19:41Yes, there came Kiwi and Lola.
19:44We wanted to ask them about Elba Marcovecchio's interview,
19:46but well, we weren't lucky.
19:50They came in.
19:51Kiwi, Sara and Lola Lanata.
19:58Look, there she goes.
20:00Sara, Kiwi, we tried again,
20:02to see if we could have your word,
20:04but well, finally, there are no statements left.
20:08Well, Andrea Rodríguez, fantastic.
20:10She knows how to chat with the media.
20:12She knows how to handle it.
20:14She was very loving.
20:15She was very patient.
20:16I would change.
20:17She was very patient.
20:18It's not that she knows.
20:19She learned.
20:20She was very patient.
20:21She was very loving.
20:22She learned and responded.
20:24Kiwi, our colleague Oliver Quiroz is there,
20:27waiting to see if he can talk to her,
20:30if he can get some kind of word.
20:31Oliver, we're with you.
20:35How are you, Karina?
20:36Yes, here we are, waiting for Kiwi,
20:38who is in her apartment next to Lola.
20:40We know she's here at her home.
20:42Well, today, as you could see in the images,
20:44we've been waiting since noon
20:46to be able to have her word,
20:47following this interview that Elba Marcovecchio gave.
20:50She saw us first when we were here.
20:52She did a whole operation.
20:54She went around the block,
20:55around Manzana, sorry.
20:57And well, she came in quickly
20:58and she didn't want to give us statements.
21:00We still know she's very kind to the press.
21:03That time we could also have her word
21:04when she came out of the car.
21:06So we're waiting to see if we can be lucky this time.
21:10Let us know if you find Kiwi.
21:13Let's see what she says.
21:14Yes, let's go.
21:15Look, for spicy debates,
21:16someone is writing to me
21:17who knows all the parts,
21:18who is watching us
21:19and is angry with the situation.
21:21This person.
21:22Last moment.
21:23Can we say last moment?
21:24Very good.
21:25Because here we are all against Elvita.
21:27And he says, no, not all.
21:29Only Jorge's economic dependents
21:32are against Elvita.
21:34Ask Gabriel Cavallo,
21:35Luis Rigaud,
21:37Gabriel Devinas
21:38and Daniel Yaco.
21:39Friends of Jorge for life
21:41or the last stage.
21:42Chano is the last stage.
21:43And they're going to tell you the opposite.
21:45They're going to tell you
21:46that everything is fine with Elvita
21:47and that they respect her
21:48and they can also respect the daughters
21:50because here it is not one side or the other.
21:52But then this person is saying
21:53that the group of daughters of Jorge Lagarta,
21:56the block.
21:57And the employees.
21:59Coincidentally, they depended economically.
22:00They function only for the economic interest.
22:03Coincidentally, without anyone.
22:04It's insulting.
22:05It's insulting to say
22:06that the daughters only banked Jorge
22:08for the interest.
22:09No, it's not like that.
22:10I'm sorry, I think you're making a lot of noise.
22:12It sounds like that.
22:13Did you understand that?
22:15Did you understand that?
22:16As we speak of the block.
22:17The daughters are the daughters.
22:18She died 17 days ago.
22:19Yes, yes.
22:20Six months ago she was almost dead.
22:21Then we don't handle the issue.
22:22No, no.
22:23Because she died.
22:24No, yes, Luis.
22:25Without life and without life.
22:27But 17 days.
22:28The truth is that the government
22:29does not dignify or condemn.
22:30Well, 17 days.
22:32Sorry, Titi.
22:33I'll tell you something worse.
22:34You know why he speaks now?
22:35He speaks now because he was chanted.
22:37And what is the problem?
22:38The issue is not that he speaks now.
22:39The issue is that he tells the truth or that he lies.
22:41And when he was dying,
22:42he was hiding worse things.
22:43He is not lying.
22:44Because you know what?
22:45Elba had to bank
22:46that a woman
22:47arms him in the bedroom.
22:48The truth is that he was married to another woman.
22:49A woman.
22:50What does he have to get into the bedroom?
22:51Don't play.
22:52Don't play.
22:53Don't play.
22:54Don't play.
22:55Don't play.
22:56Don't play.
22:57Don't play.
22:58Don't play.
22:59Don't play.
23:00Don't play.
