• last month
00:00But it is, it's a little bit like, you know, and it's true that definitely that pathway
00:05is more open to women working in sport, but it is still a different pathway from the one
00:11that men go through. It's a bit like the Ginger Rogers quote when she says,
00:16yes, I do everything Fred Astaire does, just backwards and in high heels.
00:19Everybody looks as though everything's the same and that people are equal, but
00:24their paths and their journeys have been very different.
00:26It's interesting, the people behind the scenes, like you say there, which was my route into,
00:30well, I do and I'm working behind the scenes. And just the other day we were doing the Lorraine
00:34programme and Loose Women and it was for the first time a complete female camera crew.
00:40Just all girls and actually one of the girls, Catherine, who started 10 years ago,
00:45she reminded me the other day because I was there on the first day she started and I was like, wow,
00:49gosh, and here she is leading up a team. Yeah.
00:52And that's really impressive because I don't think there are maybe as many women in that sort
00:58of technical side. That always fascinated me. That's all I ever wanted to do. But it's sort
01:02of allowing people to know what there is to do. Like it can be really exciting, you know,
01:07to do the bits that aren't on screen. That can be just as.
01:11Have you ever found it difficult? Have you ever had negative? Because the reason I'm asking you
01:18that is because I think that the nature of the hostility has changed in that it isn't overt.
01:26There's no room for kind of overt hostility to women in that environment. But there are certain
01:31things that you pick up on. If you started to explain them to somebody who didn't get it,
01:35they'd be like, that seems normal. That just could be because of this or it could be because
01:39of whatever. But there are some people you definitely get a vibe from that you think
01:44they're not really very comfortable with a woman being in this room or being in this space.
01:48Sometimes, yeah. And you can't really call it out because you don't know if it's like an obvious.
01:54You're like, oh, is it just me? Is it me being paranoid? Or are they awkward with everyone?
01:58Is this what they're just like? Or is it just me personally?
02:02Not that I'm a woman. It's just me.
02:04But there are definitely circumstances where it's like that.
