• mese scorso
Abu Dhabi, 15 gen. (askanews) - "Abbiamo traguardi ambiziosi, che sono ancora lontani dall'essere raggiunti" ma "non dobbiamo fare passi indietro": dobbiamo "ragionare in modi nuovi" e "rigettare l'approccio ideologico: non avremo successo se continueremo a perseguire la decarbonizzazione a prezzo della desertificazione economica, dobbiamo essere pragmatici". Lo ha detto la presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni, intervenendo all'Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week.


00:00But this must not frighten us or lead us to step back.
00:08However, it must certainly impose us to reason in new ways.
00:15On the one hand, overcoming the anachronistic division between developed nations and emerging
00:25ones, so as to share responsibilities and the undertaken path as much as possible.
00:33And on the other hand, rejecting the ideological approach to a subject that has nothing to
00:43share with ideology.
00:46We will not succeed in tripling the renewable energy generation capacity by 2030, nor in
00:56doubling the energy efficiency rate, if we continue to chase decarbonization at the price
01:04of economic desertification, or to set aside for ideological reasons solutions that could
01:12instead help build a viable alternative to fossil fuels.
01:18We need to be pragmatic, simply because reality demands so.
