• 2 months ago
01:07The whole country knows
01:09the Union government
01:11Prime Minister Modi
01:13Home Minister Amit Shah, they are all using ED to target opposition parties
01:20Terrorize the leaders of opposition parties
01:27ED to go
01:30Behind them after them it is known to everybody now the election schedule has been announced
01:37nominations are being done and
01:40Campaign has begun in Delhi now ED is going behind miss Kajriwal
01:47Miss Switzerland, then how election campaign will be
01:53Peaceful and how the
01:58Political parties will have
02:01level playing field if
02:03person like
02:05Kajriwal is under attack and is being threatened by ED then how
02:11Level playing field there will be there
02:14in the at the time of election campaign, so these are all
02:19issues and
02:22Related to the manipulative politics of BJP
02:26BJP resorts to such manipulative politics to
02:32Target opposition parties. That's what one should make out. Otherwise
02:37Why ED was skipping quite well before till elections have been announced
02:43Or the ED can wait
02:45Even for a month the results will be out. Why in the midst of campaign ED is asked to go after
02:54Kajriwal and Sisodia that raises several questions which need to be answered by the Union government
03:21Far as our party Communist Party of India is concerned we have made it clear
03:28ample the number of times
03:30RSS had no role in the freedom movement
03:35RSS had not raised his
03:38single finger
03:40Against colonial rule either British rule or Portuguese rule or French rule. What was the role of
03:48RSS RSS was collaborating with colonial rulers RSS never
03:54Stood for independence of the country. It is communists
03:58who were in the forefront of the freedom movement made supreme sacrifices for the independence of the country I have the
04:07Right to question RSS but RSS now suddenly
04:13Thinks it can reinterpret to the old
04:17history and
04:19the concept of
04:21India idea of India idea of Constitution
04:24The RSS opposed to Indian Constitution when Ambedkar being the prime architect of the Constitution
04:32Was working on the Constitution what RSS did RSS was opposing the
04:38Constitution which we have today RSS wanted
04:42Pressurized. Yeah, the framers of the Constitution to declare India as a theocratic nation
04:49Hindu Raj and
04:53Dr. Ambedkar made it clear if at all Hindu Raj becomes reality. It is a calamity for the