• 2 months ago
00:003rd, Anand Vihar with RRTS and Metro
00:05how to have multimodal integration
00:08for that multimodal integration
00:10skywalk is being arranged
00:13so that if any passenger gets down and has to sit in the metro
00:18so without any disruption, without anyone going here and there
00:22can directly reach the metro via skywalk
00:24or if someone comes from RRTS
00:27they can directly connect to the metro via RRTS
00:31this type of arrangement is being done there
00:35similarly, Delhi Sarai Rohila
00:38which goes to many parts of Rajasthan
00:42Delhi Sarai Rohila and Delhi Cantt
00:44these two stations are for vehicles going to Jaipur
00:49for vehicles going to Rajasthan, Gujarat
00:52these are very important stations
00:54these two are also being made in a new way
00:57Delhi Cantt has been arranged in a new way
01:02in which all the traffic circulation
01:06traffic circulation
01:08will be practically on the flyover
01:11i.e. once a person gets on the flyover from outside
01:17there is departure and there is arrival
01:20all this is on the flyover
01:21completely level
01:22like the plus one level, the first floor
01:25everything is on the first floor
01:27i.e. there was a lot of lack of land
01:30land availability was seriously constrained
01:33that is why the design was done in such a way
01:36that the platform was brought to the first floor
01:40so that complete circulation will be on the first floor
01:45i.e. the vehicle will drop the passengers there
01:49and then the vehicle will come from Malakar
01:52i.e. the vehicle will come from two wheeler or three wheeler
01:55it will circulate at the level of the first floor
01:59so these two stations together
02:01Delhi Sarai Rohila and Delhi Cantt
02:03for vehicles going to Rajasthan, Gujarat
02:06Bijbhasan's Bikaner and Jaisalmer
02:09and Ropar, Abohar
02:11for vehicles going this way
02:13and for vehicles going north
02:16it will be a great pleasure to inform you
02:19that a new bridge is being built on Yamuna Ji
02:23this project was very complex
02:26because in the permissions
02:28Supreme Court, Honorable High Court, Honorable Supreme Court
02:31they also had their issues
02:33so all together
02:35Delhi Government, LG Sahib, Supreme Court, High Court
02:39all the permissions, Environment Authority
02:41all the permissions together
02:43the work started
02:44and this is a 1.2 km long bridge
02:49this is ready
02:51in a few months
02:53within a month and a half
02:55this will also be completed
02:57so the capacity will increase a lot
02:59overall, I wanted to tell you
03:02that because Delhi is the capital of India
03:08the number of passengers coming here
03:12and the number of passengers going from here
03:15plus the number of passengers in transit
03:19is a very large number
03:22so how to increase the capacity for such a big city
03:27right now, there are around 700 vehicles
03:33that come and go to Delhi daily
03:36Delhi handles around 700 vehicles
03:39how to make it reach 1000
03:42how to make it reach 1200
03:45how to make it reach 1400
03:48this complete master planning is being done
03:52so that for the next 20-30 years
03:54there is no congestion in Delhi
03:56and new vehicles can start easily
03:58especially to go to the Eastern sector
04:01in UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal
04:06for Odisha, Chhattisgarh
04:08the demand for people
04:10and the demand for vehicles for the South
04:13so overall, a complete master plan is being made
04:16in a systematic and scientific way
04:19to increase the capacity
04:22and good results are coming
04:24and this step by step