• 2 months ago


00:41Yeah, I'm non-functional
00:50They give Koi Vidusa dull
00:52Yeah, KC to say don't in a turkey or say I say by anarchy
01:56Now people have understood the truth and that is why there is no objection to such statements.
02:04Rahul Gandhi does not even salute India.
02:08There is no trust in his national flag.
02:12There is no question in the constitution.
02:14There is no vision of his.
02:16Now see, when they dig up the pits of history,
02:20then I feel that Congress does not have the knowledge of democracy, the heritage of this country, the traditions of this country, and the rich history of this country.
02:34If Congress had faith in democratic values, or if Nehru had faith in the Gandhi family,
02:40then Pandit Nehru would not have been the Prime Minister of this country.
02:43The last President of Congress would have been the next Prime Minister of this country.
02:50And everyone agreed with the President's speech.
02:56Everyone wanted Sardar Ballabhai Patel to be the next President.
03:00So when Congress has imposed itself on this country with the freedom of this country,
03:09then such questions have no meaning.
03:13Congress has taken everyone under its control.
03:19And the fight that we are fighting now, we are fighting with BJP, we are fighting with RSS, we are fighting with the United States.
03:27See, Congress has no right to ask such questions.
03:34And Congress has already raised such questions in the remarks.
03:38But the elections of Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha in the states,
03:43if Congress has been defeated, then the reason for this is that whatever accusations Congress is making,
03:51there is no truth in those allegations.
03:54Because the public is seeing the increasing respect of constitutional institutions on the ground.
04:00They are understanding the truth of the accusations made by the institutions.
04:06The way the elections have been held, the way the decisions have been made,
04:10the flow of allegations from Congress is being washed away again and again.
04:25See, this is a serious issue of corruption.
04:28People had accepted this party as a model of alternative politics.
04:34Arvind Kejriwal, who was proud of the movement of Anna Hazare, has come into public life with corruption.
04:41And after that, the way the eight leaders of his party, the leaders of Switzerland,
04:50have been constantly trying to get themselves out of jail.
04:56Nothing has happened to the people of Delhi.