• 2 months ago
⚠️ 10 000 pesos de multa por hablar en un reportaje de ADN Cuba🇨🇺
Edgardo Raúl Manso denuncia ser víctima de abuso de poder, amenazas y represión tras participar en un video para ADN Cuba. 📢 Manso afirma que los inspectores le impusieron una multa de 10 000 pesos y lo amenazaron con decomisar su bicitaxi, su único medio de trabajo.
🚨 Un nuevo caso de represión contra quienes se atreven a alzar su voz en Cuba.
#SOSCuba 🇨🇺 #RepresiónEnCuba #DenunciaCiudadana #CubaEnCrisis #NoMásDictadura #ADNCuba


00:00Look, family, one more sample of the torture and abuse.
00:07A fine of 10,000 pesos right now.
00:11The inspectors threatened me because I made a video of the bad things they are doing.
00:19Of all the bad things they are doing.
00:21They threatened me because there is a group of them who are arrested, which is the same group.
00:26The group that is arrested is a group that is on the street.
00:29And they threatened me that the inspector would come because I made a video of the bad things they are doing.
00:34A fine of 10,000 pesos.
00:39Because they say that a video came out.
00:42So what are they doing? What did you mean to make a fine of 10,000 pesos?
00:45Why don't they fine the organism that doesn't pick up the garbage?
00:49They keep putting it in the palaces, in the pizzerias, eating.
00:52They put that money in a pocket and don't fine those people.
00:57How far are we going to go? The threat of power.
01:00Because they threatened me because they are inspectors.
01:02Ten inspectors. Ten.
01:05They are all women and two men.
01:07Who are going to take me to the unit.
01:09To decommission my car.
01:11Because there is a group of them that I put forward because of the bad things they are doing.
01:15This morning I ate a bite of pork without paying.
01:18Because they were hungry.
01:20And they don't pay.
01:23Who does Petol earn to be a saint in the family?
01:27Who does Petol earn to buy a motorcycle?
01:29Who does Petol earn to fill his hands with gold rings?
01:32Who does Petol earn to go to the beach?
01:35None earn that salary.
01:40Their salary is poor.
01:42And they all make the luxury.
01:44But how? Living off the people's ribs.
01:47And fining the unhappy ones.
01:49The visitor who works has to pay a fine of 10,000 and 18,000.
01:54Because they are going to win the abuse of cargo.
01:57And the abuse of meat.
02:00Why don't they fine all those people who throw garbage?
02:02The organisms that don't pick up the garbage.
02:04No, not there.
02:06They don't fine the warehouses that are stealing the orders.
02:09Not there because they go out with food for the house and with money.
02:12So the unhappy ones do fine them and threaten them with power.
02:15Because they are from the government.
02:19How far are we going to get from the abuse?
02:21And the atrocities against the visitors.
02:23Because we don't do anything.
02:25And when we need help from the visitors,
02:27when there is a disease and there is no transport,
02:29they ask us for help.
02:31There it is necessary.
02:34But to pay a fine, they don't give it to me.
02:37There is the proof.
02:3910,000 pesos.
02:40What does the visitor earn 10,000 pesos to pay a fine?
02:42What do I have to do?
02:43Take me to jail or kill someone.
02:46How far is the abuse going to go?
02:48There is the proof.
02:50For the whole world to see what they are doing there.
02:52Abuse of cargo.
02:54And go without their suits.
02:56Because they have to wear a vest that says inspector.
02:59And they don't put it on.
03:01There is the proof of the murder.
03:03What is your name?
03:05Edgardo Raul Manso Diaz.
03:08I tell them to keep watching me.
03:10Because if I were going to do it, I would do it right away.
03:13And they are the same people who fell in the same group as the first one.
03:18That is the group that they have not caught yet.
03:21All because you made the report of the abuse
03:24that they have committed with you and with several car drivers.
03:26And with several car drivers.
03:27And denouncing that they go to all places
03:29to take off their suits
03:31and go out with bags full of food
03:33that you have witnessed with your own eyes.
03:35That's right.
03:37This morning they ate breakfast without paying.
03:40A little bit of pork.
03:41And they took a cookie from the machine without paying
03:43because they are inspectors.
03:45How far are we going to get?
03:47The same group that happened this morning, the same group that happened.
03:49What is your name?
03:51Edgardo Raul Manso Diaz.
03:53Reporting for ADN Cuba, family, look at the truth
03:55of how the gentleman has received once again
03:57the lie, the deception
03:59of the liars they put to direct.
04:02What they are benefiting from
04:04is the rib of sweat and sacrifice.
04:06Are you a father of a family?
04:08A father of a family and with a 99-year-old mother
04:10that I have to support.
04:12Look, family, 10,000 pesos fine.
04:15One day like today.
04:17Look, 50 without lies
04:19and without bribery.
04:21Below lies, deception and bribery.
04:23Look, in the meantime, look.
04:25Look at the garbage.
04:27To that, if I don't get a fine there.
04:35This is the truth.
