• 2 months ago
El ex preso político y activista Jorge Luis García Pérez "Antúnez" denunció que la policía política cubana está intentando chantajear al preso político Loreto Hernández, condicionando su libertad a que su esposa, Donaida Pérez Paseiro, quien fue liberada el pasado 15 de enero, deje de expresar libremente sus opiniones y denuncias contra el régimen.
#SOSCuba 🇨🇺 #DerechosHumanos #NoMásDictadura #CubaEnCrisis #DenunciaCiudadana #LibertadParaLoreto #todos


00:00Attention, attention, attention.
00:03Breaking news.
00:05Today, Friday, January 17, 2025, the high command of the political police
00:12arrived at the cell of the opposition leader Loreto Hernández García
00:16with the following message.
00:18Loreto, we have plans to imprison you as well as your wife.
00:23We can release you tomorrow, the day after,
00:25and even, if you wish, take you to the airport with your family.
00:29But on one condition.
00:31That your wife stops giving the statements she is giving.
00:34That your wife, Donaida Pérez Paceiros,
00:36lowers her tone and stops giving statements and reporting in front of the press.
00:40Loreto Hernández García's response was not expected.
00:44You know what my position is.
00:46We do not force ourselves in the protests,
00:48nor before the protests, nor in prison.
00:50And we never abandon our condition of political prisoners.
00:54My wife told them that we are protesters at any time of the night of July.
00:58We, on July 11, have been fighting for freedom for years.
01:02Yes, so that they imprison me.
01:04Yes, so that they imprison me.
01:06And to recover my health and my freedom.
01:08My wife has to give up.
01:11My wife has to shut up.
01:13And we have to stop being who we are.
01:16I prefer to die in prison a thousand times.
01:19Those were the words of the opposition leader, of my maternal brother,
01:23Loreto Hernández García,
01:25for whom I demand, for whom I demand,
01:28his immediate freedom.
01:30And I reiterate that now I have more reasons
01:33to reserve the right to declare me on hunger strike
01:37if I am not imprisoned.
01:39Thank you very much.
