• 2 months ago
¿Sabes qué hacer si una persona tiene un paro cardiaco? Conoce cómo salvar una vida.


00:00Doctor, what happens is that today I really woke up super anxious, but it is also important what you are going to tell us because there is still a situation that can be aggravated due to fear, fright, stress, and a person may need, for example, if he is trapped in a taco because a crime has been registered, a criminal situation, how can we help?
00:21And it is completely understandable, that is, we are talking about something that affects us all, that is, it is totally understandable to speak and get excited and get involved, of course, it is totally understandable.
00:32We are not robots.
00:34And of course, indeed, for example, when there is news like this or when there is news like an earthquake, people also die not only because of the same fact of this news, not only because of the earthquake, but also because of circumstances related to, for example, that patient who had different comorbidities that are called and who has a heart attack in the earthquake.
00:52Is it because of fear?
00:54Of course, it is a situation of stress where, as I was saying, many response mechanisms were released and activated in the body and that in those patients who have more diseases or comorbidities can trigger, for example, an accident, a heart attack.
01:07And what can we do? Are you going to explain it to us?
01:09Yes, let's go. And in fact, I came a little prepared. We brought a phantom.
01:14Where do you have it?
01:15We have something.
01:16It's called a real doll.
01:17Although he did not come prepared.
01:18We have this phantom.
01:19Doctor, where do we make space for it?
01:22No, here in the middle.
01:24On the floor?
01:25Yes, on the floor.
01:26Very good.
01:27Does an adult have to do this or can the child do it? Because, for example, if we have Vicente, we can also teach him.
01:32Yes, the idea is that everyone can help and involve people when there is an extreme situation of risk.
01:41We have to be prepared. It's true, we don't know how we're going to react, but having a preparation, we're always going to react much better and maybe we can save a life.
01:51This is an opportunity because it can happen in any situation, beyond the criminal.
01:56In any situation. And a while ago, a law came into effect where these devices, which are automatic defibrillators, are now available in different public places.
02:09And why do you put it on if you don't teach people how to use it?
02:12It's like when I said you have to have a fire extinguisher in the car.
02:15Sorry, Luis Salamanca, thanks to you I learned to use it after 25 years of driving.
02:19It's true.
02:20Because they demand a fire extinguisher, but we don't know how to use it.
02:23Since when is it a norm?
02:25Yes, the same thing.
02:26A little less than two years ago, if I'm not mistaken, the law was published and we can already see the different public spaces that have to be visible, have to be easily accessible, defibrillators.
02:37Why? Because in a heart attack, for example, in a heart attack, the heart stops beating, but it can also have a rhythm, that is, instead of pumping blood as it normally does, it can be disorganized, it can be moving like this.
02:51Rhythmically, of course, or it will have a rhythm that will not be adequate to meet the demands, that is, to send blood to the brain, to the different organs.
02:59And what does this device do? It can restore, restart this, reset this.
03:03But if I don't have this device, do we leave this device for later so that you can explain it to us?
03:06It's all together, but we're going to do it.
03:08But if I need to give a heart massage to a person, does it have to be with or without clothes?
03:13Look, I always hope to discover, discover to see if there is no problem.
03:16And if I can't, if he has a shirt without a zipper?
03:19You can cut, and in fact, when the resuscitation services arrive, the first thing they do is cut the clothes.
03:24In that sense, there is no problem.
03:26Already, but if not, Luis.
03:28First of all, you have to understand that there is a person who has a cardiorespiratory arrest, therefore he is not breathing.
03:34What is the main symptom? If he starts to choke, does he explain something?
03:38Yes, and good question. Why?
03:40Because you may hear a type of breathing, but an agonizing breathing, and that also tells you that you have to resuscitate him.
03:45Of course, and that is not necessarily a person who is not breathing at all, but it is not a breathing that is effective.
03:51An agonizing breathing is not normal.
03:54Then you have to resuscitate anyway.
03:56Resuscitation consists, first of all, as the doctor said, and we also saw it in the chapter of Hemblich in the past, right?
04:03To discover or locate.
04:04How to forget it.
04:05How to forget it.
04:06To locate, right, what is the end of the sternum.
04:09Already, in the middle of the rib, I would say.
04:12Where it goes from the soft to the hard.
04:14Already, then where is the soft?
04:16Locate it, first of all.
04:17Second, put more or less four fingers up, right?
04:21On that.
04:22On that, and locate the palm of the hand.
04:24This is very important.
04:26The palm of the hand held on the other palm of the hand and with the elbows completely stretched.
04:32And see it once.
04:33And how important it is for what you said, just the four fingers, and the intermammal region coincides with you, which would be like the central region, which is where we are going to locate the hand.
04:40So, super.
04:42Because many people say, I have the heart here.
04:44No, unfortunately or fortunately, we have the heart more in the middle.
04:47Therefore, there is where the compression has to be.
04:50So, permission, I'm going to take the patient a little here.
04:52Locate, right, where the hard part is, right?
04:55Four fingers, I put my palm, I put my other palm, my elbows.
04:59Stay there, stay in pause, stay in pause.
05:02Let's take a break and come back.
05:04And do I have to stay like this?
05:05Yes, for seven minutes.
05:06No, the commercials are short.
05:10Because he is teaching us the RCP technique along with Dr. Marino.
05:13I no longer feel my arms.
05:15We can continue.
05:16Vicente helps us later.
05:18This is cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
05:21That's RCP.
05:23To recapitulate.
05:24That's it.
05:26We have, right, the patient who is not breathing.
05:28And I presume he has a cardiopulmonary arrest.
05:31Second, I locate it, right, where it changes.
05:33The soft to the hard, which is the end of the sternum.
05:35No, no.
05:36I locate it and put four fingers on it towards the chest.
05:39As the doctor said, towards the area, what is it called?
05:43That is, we have here in the region of the pesones, the mammary region.
05:46And right in the middle part.
05:47Ah, but this is super easy.
05:49We place the pesones in a man in the middle.
05:52But four fingers, there it is.
05:54The base of the palm on the chest.
05:56The elbows completely stretched.
05:59I complement this position with my other arm.
06:01And I put myself directly above him.
06:03The idea is to make a compression in the most straight way possible.
06:07And I'm going to compress.
06:08And Luis, remember that before this, ask for help.
06:10Let us know if we are with someone, that this person is running, ask for help.
06:13Or call me by cell phone.
06:14While the person is calling by phone.
06:16It is vital to have an emergency phone.
06:18Not only on the cell phone, but also written somewhere to know how to call.
06:21Tell him to go look for a date.
06:24Nobody stays looking without doing anything.
06:25So the compression is going to be this way.
06:28Thing that the elbows do not bend.
06:30As you can see, Luis has a straight back.
06:32And also the arms extended.
06:33Therefore, all the force is being distributed towards this expansion of the thorax.
06:37Which has to be a third or five centimeters more or less of expansion.
06:41And then allow it to return to its original position.
06:45That it re-expands.
06:46Doctor, and in each ...
06:47Can I try it?
06:48In the case, please.
06:50In the case of mouth-to-mouth breathing.
06:52Mouth-to-mouth breathing.
06:53We could also talk about that.
06:55Four fingers.
06:56Again, please.
06:57There it is.
06:58Four fingers.
06:59Four fingers.
07:00The base of your palm.
07:02Stretch your elbows well.
07:03Without bending the elbows.
07:04Without bending the elbows.
07:05As high as possible.
07:06And let's go to the compression.
07:08And what rhythm?
07:09Mr. Director.
07:10Do I bother you with the song?
07:11Look, there are at least 100 ...
07:13From 100 to 120 compressions.
07:15But there Luis is going to explain to you.
07:16The Stayin' Alive of the Biggie.
07:18That's how it goes.
07:21There it is.
07:22And let's go to the rhythm.
07:23Let's go.
07:24But how the rhythm?
07:25Listen to the music.
07:26And boom.
07:27Like this?
07:28That's the rhythm.
07:29I can not believe it.
07:31The song is called Stayin' Alive, which means surviving.
07:32That is the frequency of compression.
07:33And this, apart from being the joke, you have to memorize that that is the frequency.
07:34I will never forget.
07:35That's the idea.
07:36What a good example.
07:38Let's go with the hand.
07:39And ...
07:40With premium.
07:41And let's go.
07:51Now, how do you ...
07:52It's 120!
07:53Look, it's super tiring and in fact one the next day may have muscle pain because of
07:57this reanimation.
07:59And in what minute of ventilation?
08:00As is in your mouth?
08:01It depends.
08:02If you're alone.
08:03If you are accompanied.
08:04And there we will discuss it in detail.
08:05But is it necessary?
08:06Look, now with Covid, like everything else in life, has changed because of the Covid.
08:08If you do not know the person, if you've seen a sudden stop and do not want to do
08:12reanimation, just do it with compressions.
08:15Now obviously ...
08:16But it is not good ...
08:17Now, obviously, if you have a family member, for example, and you want to do it in the correct way,
08:21and you're alone, there are 30 compressions and 2 insufflations,
08:26and you're going to transmit the air and you're going to see that it expands at the thoracic level.
08:30This can also be done by a child?
08:32Yes, of course.
08:33Now, Vicente, how is it there? Did you pay attention?
08:36Now, where do you place it first?
08:38Between the soft and the hard.
08:39Now, there. There is the point.
08:41How many fingers up, Vicente?
08:42Doctor, to do the reanimation in the RCP, do you have to take out the rings, all the accessories?
08:48Look, it's not necessarily the pressure, you're going to do it with this region of the hand.
08:52Now, if you actually notice that it hurts, because you also get tired,
08:56and after 2 minutes, the idea is that you change operator for another person,
08:59there you can, in the meantime, perhaps be in the best, most comfortable way possible.
09:04Now, let's see. Do it.
09:05Place it then.
09:06No, wait. First, place it in the soft part.
09:10Now, then the 4 fingers.
09:12One hand on top, up.
09:14Good. Now, do this.
09:17Put your palm of the hand in this part.
09:20Very good. The other one on top.
09:22Place yourself on top of the person.
09:24Like this, straight.
09:26Super straight.
09:27Stretch your elbows.
09:28And let's go down.
09:291, 2.
09:30At the rhythm of the song.
09:31This should be taught in physical education, in school.
09:33This should be taught in all kinds of physical education,
09:35even in universities, technical training centers,
09:38along with the Hemlich maneuver.
09:40In the case that we have a person who has suffered a car accident,
09:46I was just talking to Priscila in commercials.
09:49Come on, if you're going to die, you can't die. Come on, come on.
09:52It's 120.
09:54Come on.
09:55For example, Priscila, what happens if we see a person who has had an accident on a motorcycle?
10:00And has the helmet on.
10:01And has the helmet on.
10:02What do you think this should be?
10:04I instinctively wouldn't take the helmet off.
10:07Very good. Correct.
10:08Because I also know that a person who has had an accident like this,
10:11you don't have to move it.
10:12Come on, Vicente.
10:13And why?
10:14Because the helmet protects against a blow, right?
10:18Or some emergency situation.
10:20Therefore, if you don't know how to take off the helmet,
10:23a person who is conscious, don't do it.
10:26Always leave that maneuver extremely delicate for specialized firefighters
10:30or for emergency systems.
10:32Because there you have to first immobilize it.
10:34Of course, because you have to align it correctly and avoid doing damage in an accident.
10:38Therefore, at the cervical level, there could even be damage.
10:41Or at the lumbar level, there could also be damage in the spine.
10:44Therefore, until you are sure with some image, with some physical exam,
10:48you always have to immobilize it correctly and never take off the helmet.
10:52As I said.
10:53Vicente, look, before that, you got tired.
10:55You have to ask someone else to continue.
10:57Who do you want to ask?
10:59Jorge, do you want to do it?
11:00Come on.
11:01You don't know.
11:02No, here we are.
11:04Where was it?
11:05First you have to...
11:06You wouldn't be able to do that.
11:08First you have to locate that.
11:09Four fingers.
11:10Four fingers.
11:11And here.
11:13That's it.
11:17That's it.
11:20The pressure has to be straight down.
11:21So that it moves a little more forward.
11:22To the rhythm of the music, yes.
11:23That's it.
11:24Come on.
11:27That's it.
11:28Don't die.
11:29Don't die.
11:30Come on.
11:32I don't think we're ever going to forget the rhythm.
11:34Staying alive.
11:37And he's tired.
11:38Come on, Jairo.
11:39Jairo, come on.
11:40Jairo, we had to resurrect him.
11:41Jairo, come on.
11:42Come on, Jairo, come on.
11:43Jairo, like the person you would say, instead of dancing, you would be taking him to the
11:45And in fact...
11:46No, no.
11:47As they said, he's tired.
11:48And in fact, the compressions are no longer effective.
11:49Therefore, it is important to change the operator so that they are effective and that he
11:50sinks again.
11:51You have to sink the thorax.
11:52That's it.
11:53That's it.
11:54That's it.
11:55That's it.
11:56That's it.
11:57That's it.
11:58That's it.
11:59That's it.
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18:38That's it.
18:39That's it.
18:40That's it.
18:41That's it.
18:42That's it.
18:43That's it.
18:44That's it.
18:45That's it.
18:46That's it.
18:47That's it.
18:48That's it.
18:49That's it.
18:50That's it.
18:51That's it.
18:52That's it.
18:53That's it.
18:54That's it.
18:55That's it.
18:56That's it.
18:57That's it.
18:58That's it.
18:59That's it.
19:00That's it.
19:01That's it.
19:02That's it.
19:03That's it.
19:04That's it.
19:05That's it.
19:06That's it.
19:07That's it.
19:08That's it.
19:09That's it.
19:10That's it.
19:11That's it.
19:12That's it.
19:13That's it.
19:14That's it.
19:15That's it.
19:16That's it.
19:17That's it.
19:18That's it.
19:19That's it.
19:20That's it.
19:21That's it.
19:22That's it.
19:23That's it.
19:24That's it.
19:25That's it.
19:26That's it.
19:27That's it.
19:28That's it.
19:29That's it.
19:30That's it.
19:31That's it.
19:32That's it.
19:33That's it.
19:34That's it.
19:35That's it.
19:36That's it.
19:37That's it.
19:38That's it.
