• 2 months ago
नई दिल्ली: बीजेपी उम्मीदवार प्रवेश वर्मा ने प्रेसवार्ता में अरविंद केजरीवाल पर निशाना साधते हुए कहा, पिछले दो सालों में दिल्ली सरकार ने 60 झुग्गियां तोड़ीं। केजरीवाल ने झुग्गीवासियों के लिए 11 सालों में कुछ नहीं किया। प्रेसवार्ता के बाद झुग्गीवासी बोले हमने 2013 में ₹70,000 जमा किए। 13 साल से धक्के खा रहे हैं। केजरीवाल से बस झूठे वादे मिले। अब मोदी सरकार को वोट देंगे। पैसे जमा करने के 3 महीने में मकान मिलने की बात थी। अब 2025 आ गया लेकिन मकान नहीं मिला। सिर्फ झूठे वादे हुए। 2013 से आज तक मकान की चाबी नहीं मिली। हर बार नया बहाना बनाया गया। झुग्गीवासियों ने कहा कि अब वे केजरीवाल को वोट नहीं देंगे और बीजेपी पर भरोसा करेंगे।

#DelhiElections2025 #JhuggiResidents #BJPvsAAP #PraveshVerma #DelhiPolitics


00:00I used to go to Kejriwal's office and he used to say, wait, you'll get it in 2-3 months.
00:04Now he says, I'll give it to you, but I'm not going to give it to you.
00:10I'll give it to the Modi government.
00:12I got 1100 rupees, next month I'll get 2500 and I'll get ration in my room.
00:18No, we didn't get a house.
00:20We filled it up in 2013, on 13th July.
00:23And since then, we've been struggling.
00:25We went to Kejriwal's house at least 20 times.
00:29We went to his meeting as well.
00:32We went to him as well.
00:34He kept saying, wait for a month, he's not signing this, he's not signing that.
00:39He kept pushing us.
00:41We came to Mr. Parvez for the first time.
00:44He was very nice to us.
00:46He listened to us.
00:48And he kept talking in front of you as well.
00:50He told us about the rooms as well.
00:52We were very confident that our work would be done.
00:55We filled it up in 2013.
00:57We had deposited the money on 13th July.
00:59We thought we'd get it in 3 months.
01:01We had to deposit the money in 15 days.
01:03We thought we'd get the house in 3 months.
01:05We were doubted.
01:07From 2013 till now, we've been standing at 2025.
01:10We haven't received a single key yet.
01:12We've been told that we'll get it in 2 months or 3 months.
