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#poems #outbursts #literature #poem

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This video also contains subtitles in English, for a better understanding of what is presented here.

Buy a book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/William-Louren%C3%A7o/author/B09BTLWNND?language=pt&ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true&ccs_id=a8670415-ed3d-40e5-89b1-ad5cb629c445

"I Lost Myself"
Text and background song written by William Lourenço
Narration: produced using Artificial Intelligence with https://elevenlabs.io (for entertainment purposes)
Images: Courtesy of Pexels

DISCLAIMER: The narrations of the videos were produced using Artificial Intelligence with elevenlabs.io for entertainment purposes.
The texts, however, are the property of William Lourenço and protected by copyright laws in Brazil and other signatory countries of the Berne Convention. The use of any content from this channel by third parties is prohibited without express authorization from the holder of these rights (whether it is the full or partial republication of any element present in the videos on this channel), and the person responsible may be prosecuted for violation of content protected by copyright, regardless of the country in which they operate.
