Shilpa Shetty and her husband Raj Kundra were spotted in Bandra, making a stylish statement together. The couple opted for an all-black look, with Shilpa wearing a black bodycon dress paired with golden accessories and a cute green handbag. . Raj Kundra complemented his wife's look perfectly, wearing a black shirt and pant paired with cool sunglasses. He looked smart and stylish, and the couple together made a chic and elegant pair. Their all-black ensemble was a great choice, and they certainly made a fashion statement with their outing in Bandra.
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00:00Shilpa Shetty and her husband Raj Kundra were spotted in Bandra, making a stylish statement
00:07The couple opted for an all-black look, with Shilpa wearing a black bodycon dress paired
00:12with golden accessories and a cute green handbag.
00:16She left her hair open and chose a minimal make-up look, which made her look super classy
00:21and adorable.
00:22Raj Kundra complimented his wife's look perfectly, wearing a black shirt and pant paired with
00:28cool sunglasses.
00:29He looked smart and stylish, and the couple together made a chic and elegant pair.
00:35Their all-black ensemble was a great choice, and they certainly made a fashion statement
00:40with their outing in Bandra.
00:42Shilpa Shetty Kundra is an Indian actress who primarily works in Hindi films and television.
00:49She made her screen debut in the thriller Baazigar, which gained her first nomination
00:53for the Filmfare Award for Best Supporting Actress.
00:57On the other hand, Raj Kundra is a British-Indian businessman and part-time actor, who was ranked
01:04as the 198th richest British Asian by Success.
01:08Kundra has made investments across a range of interests, including cricket and mixed
01:13martial arts.
01:14He has been married to Shilpa Shetty, an Indian actress, since 2009.