Sonam Kapoor was recently spotted at Mumbai Airport, turning heads with her impeccable style. The actress opted for a beautiful white printed dress that perfectly accentuated her features. She paired the dress with a sleek black handbag, trendy sunglasses, and black footwear, exuding an air of sophistication and glamour.
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00:00Sonam Kapoor was recently spotted at Mumbai airport tying hats with her impeccable style.
00:05The actress opted for a beautiful white printed dress that perfectly accentuated her features.
00:12She paired the dress with a sleek black handbag, trendy sunglasses and black footwear exuding
00:17an air of sophistication and glamour.
00:20As she walked through the airport, Sonam's stunning look caught the attention of onlookers.
00:25Her hair was left open, cascading down her back in soft waves, adding to her effortless
00:32With each step, she emboided the confidence and poise of a true fashionista, making a
00:37stylish statement that was hard to ignore.
00:40Sonam's airport look was a testament to her neat sense of style and her ability to
00:46make even the simplest outfit look extraordinary.
00:49The way she carried herself with grace and elegance, effortlessly navigating the bustling
00:54airport was truly impressive.
00:57As one of Bollywood's most fashionable stars, Sonam Kapoor consistently raises the bar with
01:02her stylish choices.