Nia Sharma was recently spotted in Andheri West, and she made a bold fashion statement with her outfit. The actress opted for a bright pink Barbie bodysuit that was both playful and chic. She paired it with denim shorts, which added a casual touch to her overall look. Nia's accessories were also on point, as she added a pop of color with a pink cool-colour cap. Her white and pink sneakers were the perfect choice to complete her outfit, and they added a sporty touch to her overall appearance. The actress also carried a black bag pack, which was both practical and stylish.
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00:00Nia Sharma was recently spotted in Andheri West and she opted for a bold fashion statement
00:05with her outfit.
00:07The actress opted for a bright pink Barbie bodysuit that was both playful and chic.
00:12She paired it with a denim shirt which added a casual touch to her overall look.
00:16Nia's accessories were also on point as she added a pop of colour with a pink cool
00:21colour cap.
00:22Her white and pink sneakers were the perfect choice to complete her outfit and they added
00:27a sporty touch to her overall appearance.
00:29The actress also carried a black backpack which was both practical and stylish.
00:34Nia's beauty look was also noteworthy as she opted for minimal makeup that highlighted
00:41her natural features.
00:42She left her hair open which added to her effortless and chic vibe.
00:47Overall Nia's outfit was a perfect blend of style, comfort, and playfulness making
00:52her a true fashion icon.