• 2 months ago


00:00I have seen in the general world that the mothers and their children are doing well.
00:10The NS and RL drip that is going on is being bought from outside.
00:16I think today or tomorrow our Honourable Prime Minister will definitely hold a press conference and address all of you.
00:26Yesterday a team was sent to Purnambu for a press conference.
00:32You all know about it. You all covered it.
00:35The Honourable Prime Minister has said that as soon as the committee has arrived,
00:41whenever they give a report, they will take the strictest action.
00:45Do you think this incident will affect the government's financial situation?
00:49No, I don't think so.
00:52As an individual, I think it would have been better if it didn't happen.
00:59But an accident is an accident.
01:03We can't rewind and undo an incident that has already happened.
01:10But I will request the Honourable CM to ensure that such incidents don't happen again.
01:20I am very sure that she will take necessary action.
01:27She has repeatedly said that she is just waiting for the report to arrive.
01:32I am sure she will take necessary action.
01:36There is a tendency in human nature.
01:42But I would say, let's move forward so that the system can get better.
01:51What is the biggest problem in Nepal?
01:56I think the report will reach her.
02:01I told you that I am also an elected representative.
02:08I will give them proper information.
02:11I will send them my observations on how the medical facility system can get better.
02:19Not just in the city, but throughout the region.
02:23I will send them my observations on the places where I think need improvement.
