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👉 Según la líder de la Coalición Cívica se refirió a la sustracción del menor en la localidad de 9 de Julio, Corrientes, la falta de control en las fronteras de Corrientes es un factor clave en el tráfico de drogas. Relata Carrió que la responsabilidad recae tanto en autoridades federales como provinciales, con ejemplos de corrupción dentro del sistema judicial. Menciona a Martínez Llanos, un político que dice manejar la zona de fronteriza de Pasos de los Libres, como figura central en esta red. Además, cuestiona el papel del gobernador y la justicia federal en este contexto.

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00:00borders are not managed. Because the borders belong to federal authorities and there are
00:07provincial complicities. But the main responsibility, you have to go there and cross the boy, you
00:14have the passage of the port in Irigoyen and you pass the passage, you pass in a minute
00:20and no one controls you. I'm going to give two examples. This judge came to see me.
00:27And what did he say? Why? Because it turns out that the secretary of the court was part
00:32of the drug trafficking network with the customs. And she had no backing, she was interim
00:38in the passage of the free, which is the worst place. You have to look for the foundations
00:42of children, the fields, etc. And there is a political character, with the last name
00:48Martínez Llanos, a sinister character who handles all those things, everyone knows.
00:55He handles all those things. So this woman, I sent her a note to the Federal Oral Chamber
01:03of Corrientes and I told her, look at the situation of the secretary of the court,
01:08who was the drug trafficker. Do you remember that in Corrientes the same thing happened?
01:11Conclusion, they put it aside and she was able to process. And while she was studying
01:16drug trafficking, where the secretary of the federal court was involved, so that you
01:21understand the complexity, she appeared in the trial and this woman was judged.
01:26Then Goya passed because it was his natural judgment, but there were no employees.
01:31But Goya was judged once. There were no employees. But no, and they don't know.
01:34And they don't know that he had no backing and it was the government of Juntos
01:38for the Change. That's why I tell you, I was at home because Colonel Esquetino,
01:43who worked from the political group, that we worked all the way to Paraguay,
01:49which is called La Hidrodía, and who traveled, had the function of traveling
01:54the corruption of the Argentine customs, of SENASA, of the AFI, of everything.
02:00The judge ended up desperate because she was cornered by whom?
02:05By the Argentine authorities. So the judge also has her reparations.
02:10Because the change is abolished, but she doesn't have to go talk to the judge.
02:13Second, you are putting many sectors of the force, which if they are local
02:18and they are federal forces, they were part of them and they are complicated
02:21with the deal with the narco. Who are you giving the power to?
02:24Because it seems that now the federal forces are clean and the provincial forces are dirty.
02:30No sir, it is a framework. In the middle of this, I think what happens is that
02:37Odelina had to break someone. I think the procedure was totally irregular,
02:44but the governor is not there. In fact, I'm going to say something that can be a title.
02:49When I read the following morning, I followed the case almost as a judge,
02:54in the file. When I read the statement of the governor of Corrientes,
02:58I am not talking to the governor of Corrientes.
03:01I am responsible because I do not believe that theory.
03:04I went to his teacher, also the former governor of Colombia,
03:08I am a teacher of everything, I was a member of the superior council with this boy,
03:11but I saw it differently the last few times and I did not want to interfere.
03:15But I talk to a journalist and I tell him that what he is doing is a serious mistake.
03:19And where is justice here? Federal justice.
03:24So, at the time the governor called me, which means that this journalistic source
03:29was talking to the governor. And I'm going to say something because this is history.
03:33I told him, this is totally incorrect.
03:35Yes, but someone had to break.
03:38That is, someone had to be able to speak, because in reality,
03:41if Odelina had not spoken, because she says about the accident,
03:45but in the end she says the truth, they loaded him into the truck.
03:48Is that clear?
03:49Yes, yes.
03:50The only evidence that you see today that you are sure of is that of Odelina.
03:55He breaks for money, yes, because he can't go back to July 9, surely.
04:00Let's go.
04:35Of course.
04:42Now, if in the cause there are politicians also involved, right?
05:10Good summary.
05:31No, no.
05:47Pasa 60 minutos.
05:55Ah, debe ser eso.
06:01No, olvídate.
06:07Ah, no.
06:14No, no, maestro.
06:21Y si te digo...
06:27Fijate como...
06:29Fijate como saluda la nena.
06:31Viste como saluda la nena?
06:33Está jugando.
06:38Porque ella no se da cuenta del peligro.
06:54No, amigo.
06:55No, no, no.
07:05Vas ahí, ¿no?
07:06A ver, maestro.
07:10No, no, para.
07:11Al de atrás.
07:12Al de atrás, este de gafas, le dijeron, para, maestro.
07:15O sea, acá tenés un cristal con un número que no se lee.
07:20Este auto seguramente es robado.
07:25Seguramente el auto es robado.
07:27¿Pasa? Yo estoy hablando boludece.
07:29No, nos pasa todo el tiempo a todos.
07:31Ah, listo. No, no, está bien.
07:32Ahora, ¿están mal las dos cosas?
07:35Las dos cosas.
07:36Ah, listo. Porque parece que está mal solo la del seguro.
07:39Ahora, pasa por el retén policial.
07:43¿Qué estaban haciendo los del retén policial?
07:44¡Mirá el policía!
07:46¡Mirá el policía mirando a la nena!
07:47No sé si no saluda al policía la nena.
07:50¡Vamos de nuevo!
07:51Sí, porque alguien saluda.
07:52Yo sé a lo que está filmando.
07:53La nena es la que...
07:54El que no entendió recién se engancha.
07:58Les comento que un juez de Catamarca llevó a su hija en el baúl del auto
08:04porque decía que tenía el auto lleno de materiales.
08:07Ah, era por eso.
08:08No tenía lugar en el auto, ¿entendés?
08:11Entonces, en vez de...
08:12Puso con cinturón de seguridad y cómoda la bolsa de cemento del asiento delante
08:19y la piba en el baúl.
08:20Olvidate, vos andá en el baúl.
08:22Ahora, lo paran en el retén...
08:26Vení, vení.
08:27Vení, Lautaro, vení.
08:28Es la imagen de la ingeniería toda.
08:30Vení, vení.
08:31¿Cómo le va? Vení.
08:32Vení, Lautaro.
08:33¿Lautaro es el oficial?
08:35¿Lautaro es el oficial?
08:36Yo soy el juez.
08:37Como siempre.
08:38Vengo manejando en el auto.
08:39Vení, Lautaro, vení.
08:40Vengo manejando en el auto.
08:43¿Cómo le va, juez de Catamarca?
08:44Ah, pase, pase.
08:45Llevo la hija en el baúl.
08:46Pasá, pasá, pasá.
08:47Otra situación.
08:49Vengo yo.
08:50Vecino común.
08:51Vecino común.
08:52¿Vos sos el oficial?
08:54Por favor.
08:58Necesito DNI, cédula, azul cédula, verde, seguro al día...
08:59No, olvidé el documento en casa.
09:00Bueno, estacioná el auto, te lo vamos a llevar.
09:01No, pero si está la nena.
09:02Pasó recién la nena allá.
09:03Sí, no, no, pero...
09:04Pero si recién vio la nena pasar.
09:05¿Cómo me va?
09:06Me olvidé el documento.
09:07¿Le digo que lo tengo en mi casa, el documento?
09:08Maestro, hay que cumplir la ley, maestro.
09:09Pero el documento.
09:10Tengo todo lo demás.
09:12Maestro, no me comprometas.
09:13Por favor, tengo todo lo demás.
09:14Me olvidé.
09:15Pero mira la nena que está llevándolo a Google.
09:16¿Por qué?
09:17Muchachos lo pueden agarrar.
09:18Esto es.
09:19¿Cómo podemos arreglarlo, maestro?
09:20Ponelo ahí abajo.
09:22Que lo pongas ahí abajo y dámelo.
09:23Seguí, dale.
09:25Nunca, eso nunca ocurrió.
09:26Nunca supe que haya ocurrido eso.
09:27Porque después nadie lo cuenta o no.
09:29Ah, listo, listo, listo.
09:30Nadie lo cuenta.
09:31Eso nunca ocurrió.
09:32Eso nunca.
09:33El día nunca ocurrió.
09:34Eso nunca.
09:35Eso nunca ocurrió.
09:36No ocurrió.
09:37No ocurrió.
09:38No ocurrió.
09:39Esto es una representación de actuación.
09:40¿Está bien?
09:41¿Es una actuación?
09:42Es una actuación.
09:43Es ficción.
09:44Es ficción.
09:45Y si no te molesta me voy porque estoy de feria.
09:46La nena saludó actuando también, ¿no?
09:48Es ficción.
09:49Es ficción.
09:50De verdad se les pregunto.
09:51De verdad se les pregunto.
09:52¿Sabés qué es lo más grave de esto?
09:53Que a esta gente le da la cara.
09:55Ahora están de vacaciones en otro país.
09:57La jueza...
09:58A ver si me llevaron la foto.
10:08¿Qué es lo más grave?
10:09No la voy a mostrar porque está con toda...
10:13Mira, voy a hacer algo.
10:14Lo voy a pasar al grupo donde estamos, chicos.
10:17Para que vean que no mienten, los chicos pueden aceberar.
10:19Acabo de pasar la foto de esta señora de vacaciones.
10:22No mostremos porque está con toda su familia.
10:25Lamentablemente, ¿viste?
10:26Si el virus se propagó, se propagó.
10:28Pero es culpa de la señora.
10:30Ah, pero ¿se la ve feliz?
10:33¡Está de vacación!
10:34Ah, selfie con toda su familia.
10:37She's not on vacation in Punta Lara.
10:42No, no.
10:44She's not here in San Vicente?
10:46San Clemente, I think.
10:48No, no, not here.
10:50Marcelo was here.
10:51Ah, Vicente López.
10:53No, no, she's not here.
10:54She's not in Vicente López.
10:55She's not in San Clemente del Tuyú, right?
10:59Ah, got it.
11:01She's on the other side.
11:03I've seen other cases of the judge.
11:09I can't...
11:12We can't show you the picture of the lady.
11:15But she's on a very nice vacation in a place where...
11:17Here we go, girls.
11:18She's on a very nice vacation in a place where they don't speak Spanish.
11:21Ah, got it.
11:22Yes, because she speaks English.
11:24She speaks English.
11:26A place that Ricardo Ford liked a lot.
11:29God bless him.
11:32I got it.
11:34A nice place.
11:35Very nice.
11:36Well, that woman authorized that that grandfather and that grandmother...
11:41That woman said that this is legal.
11:44And the lady saw the video.
11:47She saw it because the interdisciplinary group of the...
11:50Look, I'm going to say a bad word.
11:52She allowed it and said that everything is fine.
11:54Of the civil forum.
11:55The interdisciplinary group of the...
11:58She said that everything is fine.
11:59So she left in peace.
12:01No, everything is fine, Gaby.
12:04Everything is fine.
12:05Give me a message from the people.
12:07This is the people, really.
12:09This is the people.
12:10The people, this is the people.
12:12Not a few powerful people who do what they want.
12:15Not a few powerful people who do what they want.
12:20Hello, sinister everything.
12:21One of the messages.
12:22There is no justice.
12:24Let's not forget Loan.
12:25What happened?
12:26Always speak the truth, Adriana.
12:28Give me another one.
12:29No, because this...
12:30The people.
12:32Good morning.
12:33Here in Paraná, Entre Ríos, the ex-governor
12:35stole everything and is in prison.
12:37But on Friday, he was released with his brother-in-law
12:39and we are in court.
12:42Oh, look at you.
12:45This is the justice we have.
12:49Let's go.
12:51It's an...
12:52What does it say?
12:53It's amazing that today we don't know anything about Loan.
12:56As it is.
12:57All accomplices.
12:58Justice asks.
12:59This is being sent by the people.
13:01Then you can check the message
13:02if any judge wants to waste time with this
13:04and not with the criminals, too.
13:06You can send the letter of document
13:07and you can check that this is true.
13:09It seems that only divine justice
13:11will be able to reach them.
13:13Hopefully, at some point.
13:15Oscar from Temper.
13:16Give me another one.
13:17Look, one more.
13:18See how they snatch from the hands
13:20of the mother to the girl, heaven.
13:22To the girl, heaven.
13:23It stirs my stomach.
13:25What does that judge think?
13:28Let's ask everyone, right?
13:29What does the judge think?
13:31Let's ask him.
13:32I'm Marta.
13:33Give me one more.
13:34Give me one more and I'll continue with the subject.
13:36That judge can take the daughter in the trunk.
13:39That judge can take the daughter in the trunk.
13:41But if you have the matafuego defeated in Cordoba,
13:44they take your car.
13:46Greetings, Raul.
13:48Look, we forgot the matafuego defeated.
13:50The matafuego defeated.
13:52The girl takes her.
13:53Don't come with a matafuego defeated.
13:56You're going to burn your whole family.
14:00The girl takes her.
14:01This image kills me, the man in control.
14:04No, no, it's terrible.
14:05It's terrible.
14:06How he looks at her in the foreground.
14:07Now, I'm against the one who did the control.
14:09And the impunity, yes, the impunity of the police.
14:12I'm against the police there, no.
14:14It's a whole.
14:15I am.
14:16But the boy, the police loses everything.
14:18The police.
14:21No, judge, everything is going to happen to us.
14:24I bet the police will kick him out.
14:26What do I bet you?
14:27What do I bet you?
14:28Let's bet, let's bet.
14:29But it's well done.
14:31Ah, if you're going to feed the family later.
14:34But it's well done, because he should have stopped that judge.
14:37No, if he stops the judge, if he stops the judge,
14:39he stops him and takes the daughter out of the trunk and everything,
14:41the police will kick him out.
14:42And yes, yes.
14:43If the police do their job, they kick him out.
14:44And now they're going to kick him out.
14:46Now they're going to kick him out too, I imagine.
14:49Come on, Gaby, don't be silly.
14:52If they kick the police out, they kick the judge out.
14:55Look, they kick them out of the country, I would tell you.
14:58If they kick the police out, they kick the judge out.
15:00Well, let someone write to me, a relative,
15:02they come to us in the interior of the country,
15:03I don't care.
15:04But then why is the police there to cover this type of case?
15:06What do you want the police to do?
15:07No, no, no.
15:08The judge, forget it.
15:09Let's go again, Gaby, you have a boss.
15:12Well, the police too, justice, they are the judges.
15:13Of course.
15:15If your boss, you, it's the only job,
15:18the only support of your family, everything.
15:20Your boss is doing something wrong.
15:22Your boss is doing something wrong.
15:23I have to report him because I'm a police officer.
15:25You see your boss throwing the garbage,
15:27what does it have to be, in the red spot or in the green spot?
15:29I have to report him.
15:30Do you report him?
15:31Yes, I have to report him.
15:32No, I don't believe in this man's situation.
15:34Then I have to wear a turban.
15:37I can't be a police officer.
15:38You can wear it whenever you want.
15:40It's amazing what we're seeing.
15:42And besides, I don't know, the attitude of the police
15:44seems like something normal,
15:46as if it had already happened before, maybe.
15:48Naturalized delinquency.
15:49Naturalized delinquency.
15:50That's naturalized delinquency.
15:52On the subject of Alohan, I have a question.
15:56Because I know Maciel is going to talk to Baquet.
16:00Maciel is going to talk to Baquet.
16:02Yes, I knew.
16:03What did you ask Maciel?
16:05For example.
16:06That's the only thing I want to ask all of you.
16:08I, at some point,
16:09I'll probably interview some detainee.
16:11Now, when I ask them,
16:13where is Alohan?
16:14They tell me that
16:16they probably took him.
16:18The truth.
16:19I don't care to ask him.
16:21They already declared, I already read the statements,
16:24I already saw the videos declaring.
16:26When I'm going to ask him, where is Alohan?
16:28No, that's me.
16:30Surely, the answer of all is
16:32they probably took him.
16:34Someone took him.
16:36What else do you want me to ask you?
16:38The firefighter.
16:39But, really.
16:41Is he a good journalist?
16:43Well, yes.
16:44I already transcended the journalistic in this topic.
16:46The truth.
16:48I don't know.
16:49Because you ask them, what happened?
16:51And surely someone took him.
16:53You ask Mishapi, what happened?
16:54Surely someone took him.
16:56And surely someone took him.
16:57You ask Adulena.
16:58And surely they took him.
16:59You ask Macarena.
17:00And surely someone took him.
17:01You ask...
17:05I don't know.
17:08He says that someone took him.
17:09You ask Tello.
17:10He says that someone took him.
17:11You ask the police of 9 Julio.
17:13Surely someone took him.
17:15Who is someone?
17:16No, I don't know.
17:17I don't know.
17:18We have to see if we go to trial how this ends.
17:20I don't know.
17:21But someone took him.
17:23It would be good.
17:25It would be good.
17:29That when we put, if you google, justice in Argentina.
17:36They always have their eyes covered.
17:39They always have their eyes covered.
17:42I'm going to tell you something.
17:44And even if it costs me a lot.
17:46I swelled the quinoa.
17:48I swelled the quinoa.
17:50In my neighborhood you have to go to the shots.
17:52I see minors coming out every day.
17:54I see the video of Niña Cielo.
17:56I'm hot.
17:57And every time I grow up, I swell more quinoa.
18:00I swell more quinoa.
18:03And if I have to die telling this.
18:07Well, it will be a good bullet.
18:09It will be a good bullet.
18:11But I can't allow those around me to continue to grow up with this.
18:15Someday it will have to change.
18:17Someday it will have to change.
18:19Because you know what?
18:20And I always tell you.
18:21Someday it will happen to you.
18:23Someday it will happen to you.
18:25Someday it will happen to you.
18:28It's that small.
18:29I thought they never came to rob me.
18:30One day they robbed me.
18:33One day it will happen to you.
18:34I want to see them.
18:35When they call me.
18:36Make me a note.
18:38Let's see.
18:39I have to see.
18:40If they let me.
18:41Because this one has 10 causes.
18:43What happened to you?
18:44Ah, but the other judge let your friend go free.
18:47No, but they just killed a family.
18:51Poor guy.
18:52They're going to put him in jail.
18:53The one you let go can kill you later.
18:56Lautaro said it.
18:57Give me an emergency.
