• 2 months ago
पटपड़गंज, दिल्ली: दिल्ली बीजेपी अध्यक्ष वीरेंद्र सचदेवा ने अपने चुनाव अभियान के तहत पटपड़गंज की एक 'झुग्गी' का दौरा किया। इस दौरान उन्होंने कहा, "मैं पहले भी पटपड़गंज की इस झुग्गी में रात बिता चुका हूं। हम यहां के जीवन स्तर को बेहतर बनाने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध हैं। नए साल के मौके पर जब प्रधानमंत्री ने स्वाभिमान अपार्टमेंट में झुग्गी वालों को घर दिए, तो इससे सभी दिल्लीवासियों और झुग्गी वालों को यह स्पष्ट संदेश गया कि हर गरीब को पक्का घर मिलेगा। आज हम यह बताने आए है कि अरविंद केजरीवाल का काम लोगों को डराना भडकान है की बीजेपी आएगी तो मकान तोड़ देगी।"

#Delhi #BJP #VirendraSachdeva #Jhuggi #Patparganj #electioncampaign #SwabhimaanApartments #PMModi


00:00Long live BJP!
00:02Long live BJP!
00:04Long live BJP!
00:06Long live BJP!
00:08Long live BJP!
00:10Long live BJP!
00:12Long live BJP!
00:14We have a demand from the BJP,
00:16from the Prime Minister,
00:18from the Adjutant Minister,
00:20that we will have to deposit
00:22one lakh, thirty six thousand,
00:24seventy six thousand rupees.
00:26This is my wish,
00:28this is my wish,
00:30and it is necessary
00:32that somehow people should
00:34start living here.
00:36Look, I have stayed here
00:38for the whole night,
00:40the Prime Minister is with me,
00:42Mr. Ashok,
00:44and we have this
00:46constant belief
00:48that we have to improve
00:50the standard of living here.
00:52On the occasion of Nav Varsh,
00:54when the Prime Minister gave
00:56the house to the people of Delhi,
00:58he gave a message to the people of Delhi
01:00that every poor person should
01:02get a house, every poor person
01:04should have a roof over their head.
01:06This is Modi's guarantee.
01:08And Modi's guarantee means
01:10that this work has to be done.
01:12And today, I have come here again
01:14to tell you that Arvind Kejriwal's
01:16job is to instigate people,
01:18to deceive people, to lie,
01:20to cheat people, to scare them,
01:22the people of Delhi.
01:24But the Prime Minister knows
01:26that we have been in contact with him
01:28for many years.
01:30And there is a simple belief in Delhi
01:32that every poor person should get
01:34a house, a roof over their head.
01:36This is Modi's guarantee.
01:38And yesterday, the Home Minister
01:40clearly told all the
01:42leaders of the poor people
01:44that we will do this,
01:46the double-engine government will do this,
01:48there will be a Chief Minister
01:50of the Bharatiya Nata Party in Delhi,
01:52the electricity bills will be over,
01:54all the cleanliness will be done,
01:56the overflow will be cleaned,
01:58toilets will be made,
02:00and they will be given a house.
02:02This is our guarantee.
