• 2 months ago
In Venezuela, the World Anti-Fascist Festival continues on its final day, a day after the inauguration of President Nicolás Maduro for the 2025-2031 term. teleSUR


00:00In parallel to the ceremony of President Nicolás Maduro on Friday, June 10th, the city is also
00:06hosting the International Anti-Fascist Festival.
00:11We are going live with Yunus Soner in Caracas for more details on this festival which ends
00:16Hello Yunus, what can you tell us?
00:22Hello good morning from here, from Caracas, the Carlota Convention Center where the World
00:29Festival of the Anti-Fascist International has gathered for its third day.
00:36More than 2,000 delegates from all over the five continents of the world have come together
00:43here to present, to prepare a joint struggle against global fascism and they will have
00:49a tight working day here in the Carlota Convention Center.
00:55It will start with three different simultaneously place taking reunions.
01:01The first will be a congress, an international congress of intellectuals, artists and social
01:07movements that will discuss how to move forward in this struggle against global fascism.
01:12The second reunion will be that of the social movements within ALBA, they will gather separately
01:19and the third will be also a meeting in the context of ALBA.
01:24The ALBA cultural working group will convene here in the Carlota Convention Center.
01:29The day then continues with a speech expected to be held by Diosdado Cabella who is the
01:35Venezuelan Minister of Interior, Justice and Peace and his speech has a much telling title.
01:43Its title is The People's Bolivarian Diplomacy, a Sword Against Global Fascism.
01:50After that there will be a lunch break and then the day continues with the closing plenary
01:55session of this World Festival of the Anti-Fascist International with concrete steps to be taken
02:05A plan of action for the year 2025 will be presented at this plenary session, the closing
02:12session and approved probably by the delegates, by the more than 2,000 delegates that are
02:18taking part here at this day.
02:20So we are facing a huge, a tight schedule, a lot of work lies ahead but we are also expecting
02:27at the end of the day to have some concrete results and decisions taken by this World
02:35Festival of the Anti-Fascist International taking place here in Carlota Convention Center
02:41in Caracas, Venezuela.
02:42Juniors, I have a quick question, you have been there for this past couple of days, what
02:48is the take of the people, of all these over 2,000 delegates taking part in this festival,
02:53what is their take on how this kind of festival can improve the struggle against fascism as
02:58many have said that Venezuela has become the capital we could say of the struggle against
03:02fascism around the world?
03:10Well that is something first we have to emphasize, all the delegates that we spoke to yesterday
03:16and the day before and these were like approximately 20 different delegates from 20 different countries,
03:23European countries, Asian countries, also some African countries, they emphasized that
03:28Venezuela has taken a lead in this global struggle against fascism which is also reflected
03:35in the fact that an executive secretary has already been established inside this Anti-Fascist
03:42International here in Caracas and this secretary, this executive secretary will organize, coordinate
03:49further the joint global struggle against fascism, excuse me, it is an anti-fascist
03:57gathering so it fights against fascism obviously and there were also some concrete decisions
04:02taken the day before yesterday, yesterday was more overshadowed by the inauguration
04:08of President Maduro's third term but the day before they have already decided to establish
04:15new communicational networks for instance, better coordination between intellectuals
04:20fighting against fascism globally from different countries, better coordination of joint work
04:29also specifically in what is called the social networks like those we can say hegemonic networks
04:40that actually belong to some certain rich people, I don't need to name them in the United States
04:45so there will be also a joint action in these networks which are still being followed by
04:51millions of people all over the world so there is two things going on here basically, one
04:58the ideological clarification of positions, the better coordination politically and the
05:06second thing is a better coordination towards more joint action with all these movements,
05:13with all these political parties, social movements and delegates coming from all over the world
05:19here to Caracas, Venezuela to pursue joint action concretely and we expect this to be
05:27reflected as I mentioned before in the 2025 plan of action that will be presented today
05:33to the delegates at the end of the day.
05:36Thank you Junius, we'll stay in contact for an upcoming news brief to have the latest
05:40in what is happening this last day of the International Anti-Fascist Festival.
