• 2 months ago
The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, leads the closing act of the International Anti-Fascist World Festival in Caracas, Venezuela. teleSUR


00:00Now, we go live and listen to the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, who is at the
00:14International Antifascist Festival in Caracas.
00:18This festival has been taking place since two days ago, and the point of this is to
00:28focus on the people who are against fascism, the people who are willing to confront them,
00:37the people who are willing to fight for sovereignty, fight for democracy, and fight for the respect
00:47of a homeland, of a territory, of a country.
00:52In this regard, let's remember that yesterday, January the 10th, the Venezuelan President
00:58Nicolás Maduro was sworn in as President of Venezuela, the Constitutional President
01:04of Venezuela for his third term, for 2025 to 2031.
01:14We will wait for him to start with his speech at this festival, Antifascist Festival, which
01:21is being held in Caracas, Venezuela.
01:26This festival, as we know, is being enjoyed by many people around the world, people who
01:36are against the fascism, the fascism that they face in their own countries, but the
01:41festival is taking place here in Caracas.
01:44There are people from Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba, people from Russia, too, people from
01:54Africa, people from every country in the world that is against the fascism and is joined
02:00together in this festival in Caracas, Venezuela.
02:08People are happy to be part of this festival with the Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro,
02:17something that is well known, that the President not only inaugurated himself at the National
02:24Assembly yesterday, January the 10th, but he also, at his celebration, inaugurated and
02:31sworn in with the Venezuelan people together with him to protect, defend, and of course
02:40respect their sovereignty, their freedom, and the democracy that we live in Venezuela.
02:51Of course, he was greeting the people there, he was greeting the people who support him,
02:57the people that were with him, but now let's listen to the music that is being played there.
03:10Yo voy a mi gallo pinto, voy cantando Venezuela.
03:15A la nena me lo baila, a la nena le lo llele.
03:21Yo voy a mi gallo nico.
03:24Yo voy con mi Presidente, yo voy a mi gallo nico, cantando con mis escuelas.
03:33A la nena me lo baila, a la nena le lo llele.
03:38Yo voy a mi gallo pinto.
03:41Yo pongo a pelear mi gallo, yo pongo a pelear mi gallo cada vez que me de gana.
03:50A la nena me lo baila, a la nena le lo llele.
03:55Yo voy a mi gallo pinto.
03:59Porque es el gallo más fuerte, porque es el gallo más fuerte de tierras venezolanas.
04:07A la nena me lo baila, a la nena le lo llele.
04:12Yo voy a mi gallo pinto.
04:15Ay, con permiso compañero, yo voy a mi gallo pinto, voy a yo meter mi gallo.
04:24A la nena me lo baila, a la nena le lo llele.
04:29Yo voy a mi gallo pinto.
04:32Ay, hijo de rayo y centella, yo voy a mi gallo nico, hijo de centella y rayo.
04:42A la nena me lo baila, a la nena le lo llele.
04:47Yo voy a mi gallo pinto.
04:50Ay, el gallo pinto tan bueno, yo voy a mi gallo pinto, miles batallas triunfante.
05:00A la nena me lo baila, a la nena le lo llele.
05:05Yo voy a mi gallo pinto.
05:08Ese gallo es comandante, yo voy a mi gallo pinto, un luchador sin frontera.
05:17A la nena me lo baila, a la nena le lo llele.
05:22Yo voy a mi gallo pinto.
05:25Bolívar rasió la huella, yo voy a mi gallo pinto, Miranda sabiduría.
05:33A la nena me lo baila, a la nena le lo llele.
05:36This International Antifascist Festival continues this Saturday, as we said, under the motto
05:42For a New World in the Capital City.
05:44Together with more than 2,000 national and international guests,
05:50we can see flags from Brazil, Cuba, Chile, of course, also from Palestine, Nicaragua,
05:58and they are including also leaders, youth workers and farmers,
06:04with delegates from more than 100 countries around the world,
06:09and are taking part in this activity as part of a massive call made by the government
06:14to parties and movements in the country and to different nations around the world
06:21with the aim of building a network of concrete actions to confront fascism in the world.
06:28It was also announced that this Sunday, January 12th,
06:34the Working Table of the World Communication Congress will begin
06:38within the framework of this festival.
06:41During this day, it is suspected that the presenters will be able to find themselves
06:47in the debate on the current world scenario.
06:52And now, let's listen to the statements and the speech of the Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro.
06:58For a New World Order.
07:11From the citizen, Rander Peña.
07:19Long live the Anti-Fascist International.
07:24Long live the festival.
07:27President, today in Caracas, on January 11th,
07:31at the closure of the International Anti-Fascist Festival,
07:34over 2,000 delegates from 125 countries are here.
07:39They have come since January 5th or 6th to different activities
07:45in every community, in the streets,
07:49joining also the great moment with the Venezuelan people
07:53of the swearing-in ceremony for President Nicolás Maduro Moros
07:58for the next mandate.
08:01It's been a moment of great debate with the President last year.
08:07After the victory, your victory, on July 28th,
08:12where Venezuelan people ratified you as the President of Venezuela,
08:18the extremist opposition, fascist opposition frustrated for their defeat.
08:24They have taken the fascist action after their defeat.
08:30The Venezuelan people has witnessed how that hate from the far right,
08:36in a good portion of the country, was lived.
08:39And after that, you have oriented it,
08:42because that expression is not only in Venezuela,
08:45but in all the parts of the world.
08:47You ordered that Venezuela was to be the site for a great gathering
08:55that will define the route of a way to face fascism.
08:59That's why the 10th and 11th of January in Venezuela
09:03was the site for the International Congress Against Fascism
09:08and similar expressions.
09:10In that moment, at a plenary just like this one,
09:14the countries proposed the creation of the Anti-Fascist International,
09:20a space of political articulation not only for resistance,
09:25but also a way to go to the offensive in favor of humanity, life and peace.
09:33And that Anti-Fascist International has had different chapters
09:38in November 4th and 5th of that month.
09:41More than 300 delegates from all over the country and world concentrated in Caracas.
09:50And in that way, they decided to found the parliamentary chapter
09:57of that Anti-Fascist.
09:59The youth did the same and summoned the Youth Anti-Fascist Festival.
10:05And the first result of that was the beginning of the school,
10:13the Anti-Fascist School, where we will be able to bring leaderships
10:18from around the world with particular voices and strong voices today,
10:25but with special leaderships for tomorrow.
10:28We will have a strong leadership school,
10:31and each one of those have had strong mandates from this school.
10:37Then in labor work meetings commanded by you,
10:43the teams promoted by the Anti-Fascist International gathered here.
10:53It has presence in over 77 countries around the world
10:58with promotions of this International Anti-Fascist Organization
11:03with a concrete agenda.
11:05And its mission is not only the resistance,
11:08and not only going with the offensive,
11:12but to desarticulate all the fascist expressions across the world.
11:21After all those work meetings, just to finalize, President,
11:25they've all indicated that they wanted to be here
11:28at this special moment for Venezuela.
11:30That is why thousands of delegates from 125 countries
11:36said they wanted to be here with Nicolás Maduro,
11:39with the Venezuelan people, on January 10th.
11:41That is why this festival, this International Anti-Fascist Festival,
11:46has this expression, because they have expressed,
11:49they have sworn with the Venezuelan people
11:52to defend the Bolivarian Revolution,
11:54understanding that what is debated here today
11:56is not only for Venezuelans, but it's from Venezuela to the world.
12:00It's a battle for the world, for justice and peace,
12:04and we tell the fascists that we do not ask for truce,
12:09but we will not give it either.
12:11Long live the Anti-Fascist International
12:14and the Bolivarian Revolution.
12:16And now, the reading of the resolution of support
12:22to the leader of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros,
12:26on behalf of Joao Pedro Estédile,
12:31representative of the MST from Brazil.
12:34Comrade, Mr. President Maduro,
12:37and everyone who is present here,
12:40you gave me the privilege of reading the resolution
12:46that sums up the debates.
12:50I consider that it is a privilege
12:53to be able to read the resolution
12:56that sums up the debates.
13:00I consider that this is a privilege
13:03that the revolution is giving us
13:08not only to the militants of the MST,
13:12of which I integrate,
13:15but also for the ALBA movement
13:18that we founded when you were a foreign minister,
13:21and also the assembly of the people
13:26and everyone present here.
13:29I want to say, as an introduction,
13:33that we are very pleased to be welcomed
13:37with the generosity of the Venezuelan people.
13:41We know that at this moment,
13:45the Venezuelan people are the ones
13:49We know that at this moment
13:56of the world-class struggle,
13:59there are different ways and places
14:05to fight U.S. imperialism in Europe.
14:09We have the war in Ukraine,
14:12in the Middle East.
14:15We have the comrades of Palestine,
14:18important struggle.
14:21And here, in Latin America,
14:25we know, we all know,
14:28that the two key places
14:31are the comrades in Cuba
14:33and the comrades in Venezuela.
14:39And we are happy that you have understood,
14:44you are the vanguard for the revolutionary movement,
14:48so that from here you can help us
14:52to make all those struggles
14:56come together from our countries.
14:59It's not enough to have solidarity
15:03with Venezuela, Cuba and Palestine.
15:06It's important to fight the fight in our countries,
15:10and so that we can say,
15:13as we have learned the passionaria,
15:19and we will all repeat,
15:22they will not come through.
15:25They will not come through.
15:28They will not come through.
15:43And now I will go to the reading
15:48of what has just been approved by our assembly,
15:52and we will read each one of us a paragraph,
15:56and I'll ask my comrade to begin.
16:01Thank you for the opportunity.
16:04A resolution, an international resolution,
16:07of support to the Venezuelan president,
16:10Nicolás Maduro Moros,
16:12in the framework of the International Anti-Fascist Festival
16:17that was celebrated in the city of Caracas
16:20the days 9th and 11th of January, 2025.
16:25Over 2,000 representatives from social movements,
16:30political movements and cultural organizations,
16:34intellectuals, people from the indigenous people,
16:38workers, parliamentary men and women,
16:43people from the communication,
16:46and coming from 125 countries.
16:50We express our firm,
16:54we recognize the Venezuelan constitutional president
17:00of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros,
17:04in the moment of his swearing-in
17:09for his constitutional mandate 2025-2031.
17:14We recognize that the government,
17:18the Bolivarian government,
17:21under the leadership of the president,
17:23Nicolás Maduro Moros,
17:25has maintained a firm stance
17:30in defense of the principles of self-determination,
17:35unity, sovereignty, justice, and social happiness.
17:42At the same time,
17:44Venezuela has been a beacon in the world's struggle
17:50against fascism, against imperialism,
17:54against colonialism and Zionism,
17:58and all the ways of exploitation
18:02and dominance in the human being,
18:06playing a key role in the consolidation
18:12and articulation of struggles
18:17oriented to a world that has the key
18:22with solidarity, peace,
18:24mutual respect between the nations and the peoples.
18:30The delegates, the international delegates,
18:34we affirm our support to President Nicolás Maduro
18:41with initiatives that were agreed upon
18:44on these days of debate in Caracas
18:49within the framework of the events
18:53of the Antifascist International.
18:56These activities have been oriented
19:00towards building an international action plan
19:05at the International Antifascist 2025
19:08with a common agenda to face the problems worldwide.
19:14In this context, President Nicolás Maduro,
19:19from this coordination of the Antifascist International,
19:24we propose for this year that has already begun
19:29to do the following concrete actions
19:34that we commit ourselves to.
19:37First, to continue moving forward
19:41in the organization and the consolidation
19:44of different chapters
19:46of the International Antifascist Organization
19:50in each one of our countries, regions,
19:53and continents to coordinate the struggles
19:57against fascism from our territories
20:03towards a world platform being joined
20:09by an executive joined
20:13by the Antifascist International.
20:16Two, creating the antifascist think tank
20:22from the Antifascist International
20:25called the Caracas Forum to coordinate
20:28strategic thinking and praxis in every country,
20:32region, and continent.
20:34We propose to summon in the first semester
20:38of 2025 a great world gathering of think tanks
20:43organized by the Secretary
20:47of the International Antifascist.
20:51Third, launching in the month of March
20:56the construction and formation camp
21:02Semilleros del Nuevo Mundo
21:07for the members and comrades of the youth
21:11that participate in that formation.
21:16That initiative has the objective
21:20of forming and building comrades from around the world
21:25who are committed in the building
21:27of a new world order for carrying out
21:31the antifascist gathering of religious organizations.
21:37Five, international organizations
21:40of schools of political formation.
21:44Six, carrying out development initiatives
21:49in the communities to build
21:54and strengthen the antifascist politics
21:59in its territory.
22:00Seven, to launch the Feminist Popular
22:06and Feminist International on March the 8th.
22:10Long live women.
22:16Commemorate the anniversary of the defeat of Nazism
22:23as an opportunity to reaffirm our struggle
22:27for justice and self-determination.
22:30Long live the Russian people
22:32that defeated the fascism in the world.
22:36Nine, to carry out a world congress,
22:42antifascist world congress
22:44for the indigenous people of our continent.
22:48Ten, summon for the year 2025
22:56the gathering, a world gathering
23:00for lawmakers against fascism
23:04that will be able to establish law strategies
23:09and legislative strategies to face fascism
23:12and similar expressions.
23:14Eleven, to summon the peoples around the world
23:19to strengthen the antifascist network
23:23as an instrument to collaborativism.
23:27Twelve, to name 2025 as the year
23:32in the struggle towards world peace and emancipation.
23:37Now, as we have agreed upon on our previous assembly,
23:45we want to make an oath, a collective oath,
23:49of our commitment with the peoples of Venezuela
23:55before their leader, Nicolás Maduro.
23:58And that is why I ask everyone to stand up
24:02and with the left hand raised high
24:07to repeat with us what we are going to say right now.
24:17From the city of Caracas,
24:24birthplace of the revolutionary unity,
24:29in an act of unity and commitment,
24:36the delegates of more than 125 countries
24:45at the festival of the international antifascist,
24:54we raise our left hand high
24:59and now with strength we swear firmly
25:08together with President Nicolás Maduro
25:13to move forward without rest
25:18in the struggle against fascism,
25:23against imperialism,
25:27against colonialism,
25:31against patriarchy,
25:34and all the expressions of oppression and dominance.
25:43We reaffirm our commitment of emancipation,
25:52of sovereignty,
25:55of the building of a new project
26:01founded in justice, unity, solidarity,
26:10and the self-determination of the peoples.
26:16Long live the people of Venezuela!
26:20Long live the peoples of the world!
26:24Thank you very much.
26:31Thank you very much.
