• 2 months ago
किसान नेता जगजीत सिंह डल्लेवाल की बगड़ती सेहत के बीच किसानों का केंद्र सरकार के खिलाफ आक्रोश बढ़ रहा है.


00:00The government of State is dead.
00:03The government of India is dead.
00:06The government of India is dead.
00:16Today, Modi's statue has been erected.
00:18The fight for MSP is not being reacted to.
00:24So I will say this again and again, listen to me, the government is going crazy and these
00:33farmers will continue to follow the MSP law.
00:36And this time I saw in the markets, Rs. 450 per quintal has been cut.
00:42Rest, you know, all these things will be expensive, tractors will be expensive, taking all the
00:46land, the landlord, raising children, the government is spoiling our crops.
00:51And this Dalewar sahib who is sitting here, he was the one who was killed in Samarthan
00:57and we will continue to do the same.
01:00And in Jalweda, Andani, Ambani, Modi, Amit Shah and the Minister of Agriculture were
01:07Both of these forms were said today.
01:11And the Dalewar sahib, who is sitting in Maranbharat today, he said that in every village,
01:20in every village, he said that his statue was blown, of the central government.
01:27And that statue of the central government has been blown in Jalweda today.
01:31And I would like to say to everyone that there is no time limit for this.
01:36These statues will be blown anywhere in our village till the end of the day.
01:42And I would like to say to the government that we will continue to do the same.
01:50And another call on January 26 is for the tractor march.
01:56In that too, we will request a large number of people through your channel that wherever
02:01we call, we will be together.
02:04And today, the statue of Modi, Andani, Ambani, the Minister of Agriculture and Amit Shah,
02:12these are the calls of both the forums.
02:15Whatever calls will come in the future, we will get together and work to get the government
02:22The government has been sitting in Delhi for 13 months in 2020 and 2021.
02:31And if we have to sit for 5 years from now, then we will sit for 5 years and fight this
02:38movement in the same way.
02:40I would like to say to the government, why don't you listen?
02:43Try to implement it.
02:44Try to implement the MSP guarantee law that we are asking for.
02:47Yes, if there is any problem, the government is the king.
02:51I would like to tell you that a letter came yesterday through your channel,
02:56I request all the farmers and laborers because the farmers are not in one community.
03:01The farmers are in the sixth community.
03:03I request the sixth community to issue one more statement that the market will be closed
03:10and grain will be bought from the village.
03:13I am telling everyone that if you collect the amount of grain from your house, then
03:19a merchant will come from you and buy it.
03:22We will not let this happen.
03:24We will request all the people that if you want to sell grain, then first bring it to
03:30the market, then sell it, then our grain will be sold.
03:33Similarly, if someone enters the village to buy grain, we will not tolerate it.
03:38The government should take this step carefully.
