• last month
रायपुर पुलिस ने सड़क दुर्घटना में घायलों को अस्पताल पहुंचाने और किसी अन्य तरह की मदद करने वाले लोगों को सम्मानित किया है.


00:00We select people who have been helped during the Wahindoor Incident
00:27We select people who have been helped during the Wahindoor Incident
00:34We select people who have been helped during the Wahindoor Incident
00:43On this occasion, 6 people were selected, 5 of them were available and the other 5 were not able to come
00:55On this occasion, 6 people were selected, 5 of them were available and the other 5 were not able to come
01:00They were encouraged to continue their work
01:06We encourage other youths to also participate in this initiative
01:16We do this every month, if anyone has done a good deed, we will do it
01:26We do this every month, if anyone has done a good deed, we will do it
