• 2 months ago
धनबाद के हिलपॉट आउटसोर्सिंग मामले में अब एसएसपी की एंट्री हो गई है. उन्होंने घटनास्थल पर पहुंचकर मामले की जानकारी लेकर कार्रवाई की बात कही.


00:00As you know, on the 9th, the Dharmaband and Madhuban Borders were hit by a bomb and two people were killed.
00:22The Dharmaband and Madhuban Borders were hit by a bomb and two people were killed.
00:37There have been 7 F.A.R.s in our area and we have arrested 14 people.
00:44We have a team of 30 plus people who are involved in this case and we are working to track and arrest them.
00:54As the district police captain, I would like to tell you that we will not let go of the work that has been done.
01:04The police comes to do the work of the public. Sometimes one person comes, sometimes two, sometimes 10, sometimes 100.
01:11If a person tries to act against the police, he should not be acting against the police or anyone else.
01:18Especially if someone tries to act against the police or the administration or if they try to obstruct the work, we will not let them do that.
01:27Whoever is doing this work, we will make sure that they are punished and they will be sent for a speedy trial.
01:34As you all know, this is Asha Koti where people from Bihar's Jammu and other districts have come and settled on someone's land.
01:45And this area has become a place to create criminals.
01:51People from this area were organizing coal mining.
01:54And on the other side, people were threatening the coal mining company and trying to prove themselves.
02:05Now we have called the D.C. and the C.O. and we are getting the land measured.
02:10We have seized the coal and we have also prepared the coal.
02:13After the land is measured, we will find out whose land this is.
02:16If it is a private land, we will see how the rest of the people are living on that land.
02:22If it is a government land, then we will get it measured accordingly.
02:25We have not found any weapons of that type yet.
02:28Some bombs have been recovered after the incident.
02:30Some bullets have been recovered.
02:33People must have weapons.
02:34It must be hidden somewhere.
02:35We will try to find that out too.
02:37As you can see, there is a fight between two groups.
02:40There was a fight over work in the hilltop company.
02:43The D.S.P. has been injured.
02:45It was Karu Yadav's role to gather the group and create a mob.
02:50Along with Karu Yadav, we have identified the first problem there.
02:54We have identified the main cause of the second group and we are working on it.
02:58People already had a problem there.
03:01People had put their problems in front of the G.M., C.O., S.D.O. and the Parliament.
03:08The S.D.O. and the C.O. had sent a message to the people
03:11that they will not work there until the public problem is solved.
03:14Despite that, the G.M. informed the police and the C.O.
03:20and created an opportunity to create such a fight.
03:24He is definitely responsible for that.
03:26We are checking at this angle
03:28to see what is their selfishness.
03:33That is why they got the work done.
03:36CCTV footage is a part of the investigation.
03:39We will not show it to you now.
03:42When the investigation is complete, we will arrest all the criminals and send them to you.
03:47Some people say that the Parliament had come here one day.
03:51We have done all this on the basis of what people say.
03:54The people there were told that they will not work there until the money is collected.
03:59Some people have come to protest because of that.
04:02When the work was going on, they came with weapons.
04:05They tried to stop the work by using the bell.
04:09We have filed an FIR against the S.D.O. and the role of the S.D.O. is to investigate.
04:17We have filed an FIR against more than 120 people.
04:21Our team is out there to arrest them.
04:24We will arrest them daily.
04:26We will release those who are involved in this.
04:30What are the plots of this house?
04:36This is the plot.
04:39This is the plot.
04:42Which place is this?
04:44We are standing here.
04:46Plot number 56.
04:47Nathu Ravani, Vijay Ravani, Pulu Ravani, Jitu Ravani.
04:52What is the name of the place?
04:56What is the name of the place?
04:58Grami S.P.
05:00He asked us which plot this house is in.
05:05We told him the name of the place.
05:07He told us to come closer to the plot.
05:10We saw the plot from that side.
05:13This is the plot number 57.
