• 2 months ago
Un hombre fue confrontado por la policía y el Ministerio Público Fiscal tras ser acusado de maltratar a su perro. El operativo incluyó alrededor de 10 oficiales y una veterinaria, quienes se llevaron al animal para su cuidado y protección. Una vecina que había denunciado el caso también participó en el rescate. Se espera que se realicen seguimientos por parte de la Defensoría de los Derechos de los Animales.


00:00And the Public Prosecutor's Office arrived with the police, Rolo here to kidnap, to be taken to the dog abused by this man, this man is lying on the floor, I think upside down, kicking and screaming, because well, he precisely does not want to be taken to the dog, but here he entered, I would tell you about 10 policemen, and a doctor from the veterinary team also entered, and they are going to take the pet that we saw, right?
00:30Of course, which speaks that this man from here is not in good condition, it seems to me that both yesterday's peak of aggression and today's peak of despair speak of a man who is not in good condition.
00:44Yes, no, as it is, as it is, we from here at the door, Rolo, we can see that he is still lying on the floor, I don't know if you can see it directly with Valentí's image, but yes.
00:56What are all these people?
00:57All these people you see where? Inside?
00:59No, no, of course, they are policemen, who are all those who are seen?
01:02Yes, they are policemen, they are in a light blue vest, about 10 policemen entered, 10 policemen entered, it is not a large operation, more or less with a transporter, the guys from the animal defense organizations tell me, which is called a cage where they are going to put the puppy.
01:22Yes, yes, yes, of course.
01:24And the dog is seen there?
01:26Yes, here it is, look, here it is, and the dog could not detect if they already entered the transporter or not, but there it is, the device to take it, they are going to take it, a very large operation came here, 10 policemen, more or less, and a doctor, at least a doctor, came to enter, who said that the veterinary team had a vest, a vest that said ...
01:51The paradox occurs, the veterinary team is faster to rescue the dog than to take care of the neighbors.
01:57I told you.
01:58Yes, yes, that too, yesterday we heard it in the afternoon at 24, right?
02:03Dr. Baquet, who said exactly that, right?
02:06That they enter, when there is an animal in the way, justice moves very fast, faster than when there is a human in the way, well ...
02:15He hit the human worse than the dog.
02:20No, there were cases of gender violence, also with neighbors who could not leave the apartment because this man was harassing them and nobody does anything.
02:27What I think is that both situations deserve an intervention, what draws attention is that one is prior to the other, but it was also given by the movement on social networks, because you saw on social networks that it is a cut, it is not life, but it had many more impressions, here is not Corolei to explain it, but retweets, views and others,
02:46which had to do with the video of the dog with which the neighbor was drinking.
02:51Yes, yes, obviously, yes, well, will this have to do with that, this quick action of the police in this case?
03:00Well, probably yes, and I tell you, it is rare to see so many police, because we cover police events, right?
03:07We never see 10 policemen arrive like this, at least, they entered there with a light blue vest, then there were street policemen too, well, there was already one inside, right?
03:17I told them that a neighbor had told us, and obviously he was preparing the rescue operation of the puppy, let's hope it's okay, there it is.
03:27I don't manage to detect if they have already entered it, it seems to me that no, I don't see the man anymore, it seems to me that he stopped, right? Is he there? Let's see, Valen, what do you have?
03:37I think so, I think so.
03:38Better vision there?
03:39Just covers, just covers, one of the officers.
03:41There is the box with the dog, obviously.
03:43I think the puppy is inside, I think.
03:44A query, what there is of the dog, you know, are those two videos, right? One that drags him along the stairs.
03:49And the other that kicks him again.
03:50Those are the two videos.
03:51No, but that dog, that's another dog.
03:53Those are ours, those are ours.
03:55They are from the neighbors, of course.
03:58No, those are going to walk around now, let's imagine, let's see what they tell us.
04:01Now, just, he dares to take the dog for a walk.
04:03No, well, because you know that here there must be witnesses, right? Neighbors, neighbors, witnesses too, right? Because you have to keep records, you have to ...
04:12It was key, Marcelo, yesterday, the intervention of a neighbor who came directly to eradicate a complaint on this issue, on the puppy.
04:22That is, from that complaint already formalized ...
04:24The lady who is a model, the neighbor?
04:26It's a ...
04:27It's her? It's here, huh?
04:29It is likely to be there, yes, it is likely.
04:31It's inside, I say, it's participating in the operation.
04:35Yes, yes, yes, it's inside, it's inside, it's participating in the operation.
04:38Here comes the man with two dogs, who is not a neighbor, nothing to do.
04:43Let's see if he can tell us something, let's see if ...
04:45And if he came to see, right?
04:46Because we had thrown him to the man.
04:48Yes, yes, yes, we had thrown him.
04:50Inside the carrier.
04:52Ah, that, of course, now we are going to consult it.
04:56Well, here, of course, it was full of curious people, right? As usually happens in these cases.
05:05There is the lady, look at her ...
05:11He is standing now, Valentin tells me, who has a better vision than me from here, but the man is already standing.
05:17There is a reaction when they leave, right?
05:19Well, that's another thing to take into account.
05:21Let's hope everything is quiet, that it is peaceful, beyond this situation.
05:26The presence of a policeman in the corridors calmed him down.
05:30Don José, who yesterday pretended to be handsome, the presence of a policeman all night in the corridor calmed him down.
05:36And now he is desperate because they are going to take the dog.
05:42Let's see, you have to measure the consequences of your actions.
05:48This man who pretended to be the alpha wolf of the building, look, now he is desperate, crying for the dog.
05:55There should also be, as Bobby said, some interdisciplinary approach, right?
05:59Someone with mental health, because many times in people who have mental health problems,
06:03pets are an important element.
06:05Of course.
06:06It is not good, it is not good, and what is done is correct.
06:08From now on I think it will be worse.
06:10Of course.
06:11The puppy that he mistreated, that this situation could not be validated, but now without the puppy I even think it will be worse.
06:16Of course.
06:17Yes, yes, and I would tell you that it is even more dangerous.
06:20Now there should be some kind of institutional intervention, more important, because this man is going to be furious.
06:27He is going to resent these situations.
06:29Well, I tell you, I did not see medical attention, I did not detect, maybe there is, but I did not see a doctor entering,
06:38for humans, let's say, a non-veterinary doctor.
06:41Yes, we saw a veterinary doctor enter, because it said medical team, the vest.
06:47There is the lady that I tell you, this one who has a brown wallet on her back,
06:53which is the one who is participating in the operation.
06:55And I told them, I anticipated that people from animal rights defenders were going to come.
07:01There are already some people here, because of course, they are going to follow the trail, right?
07:04To see what is going to happen with the puppy, what is going to happen in these cases.
07:08Here is the lady, look.
07:10Here it is.
07:11Let's see.
07:16Let's see if the lady comes to talk to us.
07:21Let's see.
07:22Now it comes out, now it comes out.
07:23Ah, the lady takes it, eh.
07:25The lady takes it.
07:26Ah, the lady takes it.
07:27Nora is her name.
07:29Yes, she takes it.
07:31Ah, well, she takes it in the cage.
07:35Well, I say, the cage is a carrier.
07:37Technically, they told me here.
07:39Well, but the puppy already has a new destination.
07:42Let's hope it is well treated.
07:44Yes, obviously yes.
07:45Is it a neighbor of the building?
07:47No, no, no.
07:48It is a woman who saw him on the street, how he mistreated him.
07:52She argued with him, but she is not a neighbor of the building.
07:56I don't know if it's from the area or what.
07:57She argued with him because she saw how he mistreated the dog on the street.
08:00And then she filed a complaint with the police station.
08:02And now they give the dog to her.
08:03Provisional maintenance, for sure.
08:06Yes, she is going to take it.
08:07Yes, yes, yes, yes.
08:08Yes, she just confirmed it, eh.
08:10Here she is talking to a neighbor who has two other puppies.
08:15The operation is very big, eh.
08:17Let's see, I'm looking at the vehicles.
08:19Let's see, a truck came from the ...
08:21Here comes more police, eh.
08:22Here comes more police.
08:23More police?
08:24Look, Vale, show me.
08:25Let's see.
08:26I don't want to lose the shot.
08:27Yes, I don't want to ...
08:28Yes, here comes ...
08:29Ah, of course.
08:30The judicial police.
08:31Look, here it is.
08:32Here is the man from the judicial police.
08:35Who has the number ...
08:36Back, what does it say?
08:37Ten, six, four.
08:38It must be the number of the agent, but ...
08:40I don't think this is still for the puppy.
08:42It seems to me that there is something else here, eh.
08:44Don't be surprised if they end up taking it from him too.
08:49Is it for the dog?
08:51Yes, they tell me it is, eh.
08:52Yes, for the dog.
08:54Yes, yes, yes.
08:55How many are there?
08:56More than ten police for the dog?
08:58At the door.
08:59There it is.
09:00I think there was at least one dog.
09:01If there was a dog, what would we do?
09:02Right there.
09:09Let's see.
09:10Here comes the police.
09:12One, two.
09:14I'm counting, eh.
09:15Because here you are going to see some police, but the others are inside.
09:19That's what we just saw at the police door.
09:21What is not understood is the intervention, because now they take the puppy.
09:24And the man?
09:26The man?
09:27No, the man ...
09:28No, no, that's what we're seeing.
09:29No, he's so discompensated, surely.
09:31In any moment the police will come.
09:32Of course.
09:33No, and the neighbors, because now without the puppy, the consequences will be paid by the neighbors.
09:37Because this man is going to be more angry than he was before.
09:39Yes, now he is depressed, he is crying.
09:42At any time, he jumps into the toilet as usual.
09:47Yes, I think the police will have to come at any time,
09:50because the man, at least apparently and in the eyes of the people of the operation, is discompensated.
09:56He was just crying on the floor.
09:57His name is Nora, the lady.
