• 2 months ago
HMPV वायरस को लेकर हरियाणा स्वास्थ्य विभाग अलर्ट मोड पर है. बैठकों का दौर लगातार जारी है.


00:00The team of health services is continuously running in senior offices and in nearby districts.
00:07How many people are there in the team? Which officials are involved?
00:10And the details of health services are being taken care of.
00:14What special recommendations are being given to the health services?
00:17I am Dr. Sarjeet C Munu.
00:20You are asking that the team that has come,
00:23according to the analysis of our DGHS,
00:27the team goes from there.
00:29From there, they did the analysis of the first three districts.
00:32In that, they did the analysis of Hisar, Fatehabad and Sirsa.
00:36In that, a team goes and checks them at the basic level.
00:40Checking means, it is a kind of supportive supervision.
00:45So that the people at the director level, the directors who are running our programs,
00:51they come and see the work that is being done in our area.
00:56If there is any problem in our area, they support us.
01:00How can we improve it?
01:03Or by adding to it, can we give better suggestions to the health services?
01:09How can we add people to our society?
01:12Whatever will be seen, according to the program,
01:16our directors will come here and see it.
01:19It will be in the whole of Haryana.
01:20As I told you, they just saw Hisar, Fatehabad and Sirsa.
01:25Now, we have a team of 20 people,
01:28which is divided into two groups, Palwal and NOO.
01:32In NOO, our team has gone to CSC and PSC.
01:35Randomly, they will check one or two.
01:37They will see the DGHS.
01:39Whatever will be their interest, whatever will work according to their program,
01:42according to that, they will call a meeting.
01:46In that, there will be four districts.
01:48Gurugram, Faridabad, Palwal and NOO.
01:51The senior officials of the four districts, CMOs, Deputy CMOs, SMOs,
01:56all of them will sit there.
01:58We will discuss with each other,
02:00how we can improve it.
02:02Their observation is that,
02:04what we are doing is good,
02:08or what the people of Palwal are doing is good.
02:10If they are doing well, how can we improve it?
02:14We should also do our work well.
02:15Similarly, what we have done well,
02:17the rest of the districts will do it.
02:18The people of Gurugram and Faridabad will sit there.
02:20The CMOs and Deputy CMOs will also sit there.
02:22We will discuss this with each other in tomorrow's team.
02:25From tomorrow morning, we will sit there and give our observations.
02:29We will sit there and discuss this with each other.
02:33DORA is doing a supportive supervision.
02:36They will come and tell us about this.
02:39This will happen in the whole of Haryana.
02:40The second phase of this is ours.
02:43I have a question.
02:44For the past few days,
02:45on social media,
02:46hospitals, doctors,
02:48people are talking about this.
02:51Complaints have also been made against you.
02:55What do you have to say about that?
02:57What is going on on social media,
02:59I was watching it earlier,
03:00someone had put it up.
03:02As a civil servant,
03:03I tried to get some information from them.
03:05What do you think?
03:06It was a video from a year or two ago.
03:09It was there before too.
03:11I don't know where it was from.
03:12But that video is being produced now.
03:15Based on that,
03:16the complaint that you are telling me,
03:18I received it yesterday.
03:19It is old.
03:20It is going on since 2023.
03:22I don't know why it is being made now.
03:24If it was then,
03:25we would have made it then.
03:26We would have taken it at that time.
03:28To make it today,
03:29or to produce it today,
03:30or to show it on social media,
03:33that can be a personal interest.
03:35I don't know.
03:37if something like this comes from us,
03:38if someone has come,
03:39according to that,
03:40we will inquire about it.
03:41We will get the instructions.
03:42We will do whatever is required.
03:44If it is okay,
03:45then it is okay.
03:46We will get the instructions.
03:48is there any facility of ICO in the hospital?
03:50Are there any machines in the hospital
03:51that have not been used yet?
03:53We have asked for a report on that too.
03:55Maybe you have seen it.
03:56Many duties have been asked to be done 24 hours,
03:58or 24 into 7.
04:01X-ray and
04:02if I say,
04:03lab tests,
04:04they have been asked to be done 24 into 7.
04:078 to 8 facilities should be available.
04:10other machines
04:11and other equipment
04:12will also be examined in the same way.
04:14I have told you once again,
04:15I am telling you.
04:16This is a hand-hold exercise.
04:17From both sides,
04:18wherever there is an issue,
04:19where we need to support them,
04:20there is a need for training,
04:21that will be provided.
04:23in the coming days,
04:24you will see that the facilities will increase
04:25and will run more efficiently.
04:27in the hospital,
04:28patients are treated less
04:30referral is done more.
04:31Above this too,
04:32this has happened before too.
04:34I have asked for a bed occupancy rate.
04:35We will work on this too.
04:36I have asked for a bed occupancy rate.
04:37We will work on this too.
