• 2 months ago
यूपी के कई शहरों का एयर क्वालिटी इंडेक्स खतरनाक हो चुका है. पर्यावरण में घुले रसायन स्वास्थ्य पर गंभीर असर डाल रहे हैं.


00:00If we talk about pollution, then there are three types of pollution, air pollution, noise pollution and water pollution.
00:06But if we talk about winter, then air pollution is very high in winter.
00:13Let's talk to the experts about these three types of pollution and find out how we can stop water pollution.
00:22Along with this, there are many institutions where scientists write points to the government
00:30and tell them that pollution is spreading because of these reasons.
00:34Along with this, they also suggest how air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution can be reduced.
00:42I just want to say that we keep our suggestions limited to Lucknow,
00:48but we also inform the government that pollution is increasing.
00:55In this regard, the policy that the government is taking is all right.
01:03However, as you know, electric vehicles, carpooling, or as little as possible,
01:12you should use less vehicles, and as far as your water resources are concerned,
01:20do not allow your domestic sewage to merge there.
01:26This is a big thing.
01:28Secondly, whatever the government is doing, it can do it in its place.
01:34But as a common citizen, it is also our duty to help in this campaign.
01:43How can we help?
01:45For example, if pollution is increasing, you can do one thing.
01:49If you have a problem with your lungs or if you know that you have small children,
01:57then you can just close their noses and take them away.
02:03Whenever they are breathing, they are filtering a little and going inside.
02:09This is one thing that you are reducing the damage that you are causing.
02:14The second thing is that you have to go out for entertainment.
02:19That is all right, but if it is not necessary,
02:23you should not go out so that you can reduce the pollution that is increasing from your vehicle.
02:32The second thing is that it is the winter season.
02:34You should take care of yourself and your family.
02:40For this, always wear warm cloths, keep your body warm, try to breathe clean air.
02:48If you can ask, how can we breathe if there is no clean air?
02:51As I said, if you wear a mask on your nose or cover your nose with any cloth,
03:04what will happen is that the air that you are breathing inside will be filtered a little and will go away.
03:10You can save yourself from this.
03:12And the second thing is that you should use less fossil fuels, petrol or diesel vehicles.
03:19Every year, limited to Lucknow city, we do an assessment, air quality monitoring.
03:29Before monsoon, after monsoon, in summer and winter, and during Diwali, we suggest that,
03:36however, as an example, I would like to say that during Diwali, we said that
03:43use green crackers and do community burning as much as possible.
03:48So we give this suggestion.
03:50Often the government accepts our suggestions and also runs the campaign during that time.
03:56So we cannot say that only because of us, the government will change its policy or run this campaign.
04:03There are many organizations like us, whether it is a health organization or a food and drink organization,
04:10all of them give their opinions.
04:12All together, the government makes its policies.
04:15And whenever the government runs any campaign, it runs it for a purpose that it is very good for the common man.
04:21In this regard, whenever we do air quality monitoring,
04:26we take out water pollution or air pollution.
04:30We send that report to the government saying that this is the figure.
04:37I would like to say one thing positively.
04:41If our pollution level is not increasing, it means that the government's policy is working.
04:47But our intention should be that how much more pollution can we take down.
04:53In this regard, I was saying that there should be electric mobility.
04:56There can be mobility solutions.
04:58The second thing is to avoid unwanted travel, unwanted movement.
05:05We make the government do all these things and the government accepts it.
05:10Due to the limitation of our natural resources, there are some problems.
05:17The water level is going down.
05:19And the problem is that if we see in the future that our population is increasing,
05:25similarly, our demand will increase.
05:28If the demand for food will increase, then the demand for water will increase.
05:32Where will that water come from?
05:33The water is limited.
05:34If we look at the 20-year record, the new report of the Kendi Bhoomi Jal report,
05:40it is clear that the recharge, the rainwater that goes into our reservoirs,
05:46which we use every year, its pattern is almost the same.
05:50It is around 390 to 420 billion cubic meters.
05:56We are not able to make any additional growth.
05:59We will not be able to do it because we are dependent on rainfall.
06:04Rainwater goes into our land.
06:07So, we have to change our needs, the ways of water supply, we will have to change it.
06:14As in all big cities, there is a problem of air pollution, water pollution.
06:22It becomes a balloon.
06:24And when there is no wind, because it cannot be dispersed, it condenses there.
06:30This is a problem.
06:32There are small things that Nagar Nagar tries to implement many times,
06:36that in small places, like some people burn fire, they burn garbage,
06:40as much as possible, without everyone's permission.
06:44Even in cars, if we talk about vehicles, motorcycles or cars,
06:49as much as the government can promote hybrid vehicles,
06:53as much as we can control traffic jams so that there are no jams and people's movement is smooth,
07:01in this way, we can control air pollution at many levels.
07:06As far as water pollution is concerned,
07:08it is also very high because there is a lot of usage,
07:10density has increased in some areas, in big cities.
07:14So, because of this, if the water level is going down,
07:17then rainwater harvesting is the only solution
07:21because of which we can improve the water level.
07:24But then the same thing, as we talk about Lucknow,
07:28we always talk about Gomti River.
07:30Sometimes such efforts are made, sometimes the water quality gets better.
07:34But after that, if there is no proper maintenance,
07:36if there is no proper cleaning continuation,
07:39then again, all its problems are solved.
07:43So, it is a matter of regular maintenance.
07:46It can be improved, if a little effort is made,
07:48the general public should be a little aware,
07:51they should feel a little ownership.
07:53I say, I am born and brought up in Lucknow.
07:56So, this feeling that how can I keep my city clean,
08:00this feeling, how can I keep it good,
08:02if this feeling comes to us,
08:05then we will consider it as our own and when we work,
08:09then maybe everyone will contribute a little,
08:12then everything will improve.
08:15This is what I believe.
