• 2 months ago
रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध से उत्तराखंड भी बुरी तरह प्रभावित हुआ है, लेकिन अब कई साल बाद उत्तराखंड ऊर्जा संकट से उभर रहा है.


00:00Thanks to God and thanks to the Government of India, we are now in a comfortable winter.
00:15I have been observing the winter for the past three years and compared to the last two years,
00:22this time we have no problem in providing electricity.
00:27We are getting electricity comfortably and we are able to provide it to everyone.
00:31Sir, is the current generation being repaired or are we looking at the solar?
00:35No, there is only one reason for this.
00:37In the last two years, our gas-based power plants were shut down.
00:42Our state's own gas-based power plants were also shut down.
00:47We used to procure some thermal power through an exchange.
00:51The generation of thermal power went down.
00:54Since the Russian-Ukrainian war, the gas supply chain has been badly affected.
01:00Because of this, this problem has arisen.
01:03Now, the Government of India, ONGC and Oil India Ltd. have rectified this problem.
01:13Because of this, we are in a comfortable winter.
