• il y a 2 mois
MEDI1TV Afrique : #Chronique_culture du 09/01/2025 - 09/01/2025


00:00Thank you so much for having me.
00:49I invite you to listen, dear viewers, to an excerpt from the song Ad,
00:52enemy of the Lebanese group Adonis,
00:54the occasion to draw the portrait of this group,
00:57which represents the new wave of the Lebanese song
01:004.30 in the wind,
01:02and which in 10 years have imposed themselves
01:04as one of the best formations of the Lebanese and regional pop-rock scene.
01:09The group Adonis, these four young people to music,
01:12like a breath of fresh air, pleasant and energizing,
01:16despite the melancholy that often emanates from their lyrics,
01:20therefore a storyteller of love stories,
01:22memories of youth, separation, departure, return, hope.
01:26I suggest you listen to Abu Jaouda,
01:29he is the guitarist of the group Adonis.
01:32I am the guitarist of the group Adonis.
01:34We started at the base, me and Anthony.
01:36We were architecture students at the UB,
01:39the American University of Beirut.
01:42We started experimenting with sounds,
01:44I really liked rock music, everything that was western,
01:47and he was more into everything that was oriental,
01:49so we started like that.
01:51We did a few originals in 2010,
01:53it was a bit experimental like the initials,
01:56and people got involved,
01:58and we brought our friends with us.
02:00We have Gio Ticani, who is at the base,
02:03and Nicolas Hakim on percussion and drums,
02:07and Anthony on piano and voice.
02:14I don't believe in love,
02:16I don't believe in love at all.
02:25Between pop, electro and melancholy,
02:28a unique path that the four musicians
02:31who form this boy band have always cultivated,
02:34and who seem to be at the base of their success,
02:36as much in Lebanon as in the countries of the region,
02:39as in Europe, Paris, London or Berlin.
02:42Let's listen to Joey Abu-Jawda,
02:44he is the guitarist of the band Adonis.
02:46Our music style has evolved a lot over time,
02:49during the last ten years.
02:51We were more into folk, acoustic instruments,
02:54a bit of Arab, oriental instruments.
02:56Then we changed a bit to electro, pop.
02:59There was more electric guitar, more electro sounds,
03:02so it naturally diverged towards that.
03:05The producers we worked with during all these years
03:09had a great impact on the sound
03:12and the artistic direction of the songs and the album.
03:15The songs are composed by Anthony,
03:18he writes the music, most of the songs,
03:21and the lyrics.
03:23It's always a basic idea,
03:25there's just piano and voice,
03:27we put the song together,
03:29everyone gives their ideas,
03:31there are several versions for the songs,
03:33sometimes we take chorus from other songs,
03:35we put them with verses from a second song,
03:38it's a collage work, if you like,
03:41but the songs are based on lyrics,
03:45much more than a song with lyrics.
03:49It's basically a poem,
03:51and we think about how this music
03:53will accompany these words and expressions.
04:08The Lebanese are at the heart
04:11of their music,
04:13and the Lebanese are at the heart
04:16of their music,
04:18and the Lebanese are at the heart
04:21of their music,
04:23and the Lebanese are at the heart
04:26of their music,
04:28and the Lebanese are at the heart
04:31of their music,
04:33and the Lebanese are at the heart
04:36Lebanon is at the heart of their creation,
04:39a country they had to leave
04:42due to the cataclysm of August 4, 2020,
04:45which completely devastated their studio in Beirut,
04:49but was not justified by their inspiration.
04:52Let's look at these other images.
04:54There have been several exodus,
04:56several waves of Lebanese immigration.
04:58We are the last wave now,
05:00after the explosion, after the economic crisis,
05:02and the political situation of the country.
05:06We are the last wave now,
05:08after the explosion, after the economic crisis,
05:11and the political situation of the country.
05:14This album, Ada, means enemy.
05:17Our songs are mostly love songs.
05:19The album is called Enemy,
05:21so there is this great contrast
05:23between love and enemies, always.
05:25And we see in love relationships,
05:27sometimes it turns into an enemy,
05:29and it can also have another connotation,
05:31which is the enemies, who are our enemies?
05:33Maybe the Lebanese state is our enemy,
05:35maybe the people who prevent us from progressing
05:39are also enemies.
05:41People who have a conservative mentality,
05:44who pull us back, are enemies.
05:46So it's open to all interpretations.
06:06The story is not beautiful, Zani,
06:10if you want it to be.
06:13Thank you, dear viewers, for your loyalty.
06:39The information continues on our different channels,
06:41Aramic Media TV, African Media TV, Maghreb Media TV,
06:44and of course on our digital media, medialews.com.
07:11Aramic Media TV
